
Boost Your Creativity With a Walk in the Woods

Clearing your mind of as much conscious thought as possible for short periods can dramatically improve your cognitive processes and problem-solving abilities. When you let go of the things that seem top of mind along with all of the external stimuli that floods your brain with noise, then your sub-conscious mind is free to get to work solving problems and clarifying your perspectives. Freeing your mind of the clutter also relaxes your body and helps to reduce stress.

Walking and exposing your mind to nature are effective techniques for easing stress and stimulating positive brain activity. If you have access to a forest, or a place where you can walk for an hour or more surrounded by trees and nature, then you can combine the idea of meditation with exercise and nature get the biggest boost to your mental performance. If you have difficulty meditating at home, then this process can help you. Of course, you'll also gain the health benefits of stress relief and exercise in general.

Before you start, write down the one problem or topic on which you'd like to find answers or greater clarity. Write this in big bold letters on a large piece of paper, and stare at it for a few minutes. Then, leave that piece of paper on your table, take your notebook and pen or pencil with you and start your hour-long walk. Keep the pace to a reasonable stroll, not a power-hike. If you exercise too heavily with this process, your mind will begin to think about other things, like the pain in your feet and lungs and the distance yet to cover. You want your mind to be free to relax and that will be easier if your body is relaxed and doing what it is designed to do, and that is walk.

Turn your cell phone off and leave your iPod music player at home. This process requires that you focus all of your attention on your natural surroundings. As you walk, scan the forest, trees, grass, shrubbery and water for anything that looks or sounds mildly interesting and write it down on your notepad. You are looking for items that would otherwise seem mundane, like interesting tree bark, extra tall grass, a yellow wild flower or an unusual shape in a tree that reminds you of something. Make sure you keep walking and don't simply stop and scan one area. Keep your eyes and ears tuned to everything around you, and make a brief note about what you observe.

Walking stimulates the neurons in the front of your brain and increases synaptic activity. It also balances stress hormones and helps you to manage and cope with stress. Focusing your eyes and ears on items in nature further stimulates the brain and pushes other thoughts into the background. This procedure simulates the practice of meditation by freeing your mind of conscious thoughts, with the added benefits of stimulating neurons and relieving stress.

Scanning the forest and taking notes serve only to focus the mind on things that provide positive stimulation and not on things that add stress to your life. You may choose to keep or toss your notes after each walk. Practice this walk-in-the-woods technique several times each month and soon you'll find you have greater clarity, improved problem-solving and reduced stress.

How to Use Meditation to Train Your Brain (By Sally Marks)

I recently trotted my two granddaughters off to the discount theater to see How to Train Your Dragon 2. It was a hot, Saturday afternoon and the place was packed. In order to sit together we were forced to take a front row seat. One thing about this vantage point is you feel like you're rubbing noses with the screen (which, if I had sneezed, I would've been.) But it was great fun.

Having grandchildren (or children) gives you the opportunity to repeat the fun stuff you enjoyed as a kid without having other people judge you for spending the afternoon playing with Play Doh or watching an animated picture.

I admit it, dragons intrigue me. I'm not sure why. I'm a big fan of Harry Potter movies and mystical stories. Dragons are generally portrayed as villains, but in How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2 we see humans and dragons working together. Of course there is a lot of prejudice to overcome, but it finally happens. I apologize if this was a spoiler for any of you, but most Hollywood plots are pretty predictable and secondary to the spectacle and popcorn.

I didn't think too much about the movie and any underlying messages at first, but then I received an assignment to write an article on meditation for Beauty Link magazine (I'll post a link when the article comes out.) I'm Buddhist and I chant the words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo every morning and evening. Occasionally I meditate as well, but I have to admit my knowledge on the effects of meditation (or chanting) and the brain is minimal.

Imagine my surprise to learn that meditation and other calming techniques can increase your happy serotonin supply, decrease the nasty cortisol levels, lower your blood pressure and even assist your healing power on a cellular level. Another thing I learned is when we get a jolt of anger, frustration, annoyance etc. a message is sent to the amygdale, a walnut-sized part of our brain that is responsible for our fear response. If left unchecked, our fear-response is activated.

Our reactions may vary a little depending on our personality, but it is rarely a good scenario. We might feel the urge to fight, take flight, yell, hold our breath, climb a tree, or any number of fear-based reactions. When the danger is real this could be a good thing for self preservation. But most of the time the anger or stress is more an annoyance (rush hour traffic, an approaching deadline, a demanding boss) than a real, life-threatening event.

The good news is there is a 30-second delay from the time the response is noticed before the amygdala yells, "suppress the serotonin and release the cortisol!" It's like turning off all the water faucets and then igniting an internal fire. Fortunately during this 30 seconds you can take deep breaths and practice a mini-meditation, chant, or practice another relaxation technique to help restore order to your system.

Of course this little scenario made me think each dramatic event in our lives gives us the opportunity to be a hero. In most cases we can be kind to our system and psyche and cool our internal flames before it becomes a massive wild fire that torments our bodies and any innocent bystanders. In the rare cases where we need our fear to protect ourselves and the world, we can let it kick in, jump on our dragon (and I think Amygdala is a good name for a dragon) and we can take up the good fight.

Both scenarios have a place in our lives. But I think it's safe to say that our "call to arms" is not as necessary as our amygdala would have us believe.

During my post-movie discussion with my granddaughters I asked six-year-old Rosannah what her favorite part of the movie was. She liked the part when the kids and dragons fought the bad guys and won. Briannah, age 5, preferred the beginning of the movie when everything was calm and pleasant. My favorite part was when the heroes had to ride the only available dragons that were available - the baby dragons. Unlike the adult flying lizards who followed the directive of the alpha beast - the baby dragons didn't listen to anyone. And somehow I found that very refreshing.

We can do the same. We are the alphas of our own minds. We can fly off the handle when we are in grave danger, or we can save our energy, relax by the pool, and live to save the world another day.

Creative Visualization - Step-By-Step Guide to Achieve Your Goals

You have inside you an astonishing force that the greater part of us have never been instructed to use. First class competitors use it. The super rich use it. What's more, peak performers in all fields are presently beginning to use it. That power is called Creative Visualization. The everyday routine with regards to visualizing your dreams as efficiently entire can quickly quicken your accomplishment of those dreams.

Perception of your objectives and cravings finishes four critical things:

1. It initiates your creative subconscious which will begin producing creative thoughts to accomplish your goal.

2. It programs your brain to all the more promptly see and perceive the assets you should achieve your dreams.

3. It actuates the Law of Attraction, consequently drawing into your life the general population, assets, and conditions you will need accomplish your goals.

4. It assembles your inside inspiration to take the necessary activities to achieve your dreams.

Creative visualization is truly very simple. You sit in a pleasant position, close your eyes and imagine - in as clear detail as you can - what you would take a gander at if the dream you have been at that point figured it out. Imagine being within yourself, watching out through your eyes at the perfect outcome.

Mental Rehearsal

Athletes call this creative visualization method "mental rehearsal," and they have been using it since the 1960s when we found out about it from the Russians. You should simply set aside a couple of minutes a day. The best circumstances are the point at which you initially wake up, after meditation or prayer, and just before you go to bed. These are the circumstances you are most relaxed.

Experience the next three steps:

1. Imagine sitting in a film theater, the lights diminish, and after that, the motion picture begins. It is a motion picture of you doing splendidly whatever it is that you need to improve. See as much detail as you can see, including your attire, the look all over, little body developments, the earth and some other individuals that may be around. Include any sounds you would hear - movement, music, other individuals talking, cheering. Lastly, reproduce in your body any sentiments you think you'd understanding as you take part in this movement.

2. Get out of the seat, walk up to the screen, open an entryway in the screen and go into the motion picture. Presently encounter the entire thing again from within yourself, watching out through your eyes. This is called an "embodied image" instead of a "distant image." It will develop the effect of the experience. Once more, see everything in distinctive detail, hear the sounds you would listen, and feel the sentiments you would feel.

3. At long last, retreat from the screen that is as yet demonstrating the image of you performing superbly, come back to your seat in the theater, connect and get the screen and psychologist it down to the extent of a saltine. At that point, convey this small screen up to your mouth, bite it up and swallow it. Imagine that each modest piece contains the full picture of you performing great. Imagine all these little screens going down into your stomach and out through the circulation system into each cell of your body. At that point imagine that each cell of your body is lit up with a film of you performing brilliantly. It resembles one of those machine store windows were 50 TVs are altogether tuned to a similar channel.

When you have completed this procedure - it ought to take under five minutes- - open your eyes and continue ahead. On the off chance that you make this part of your day by day schedule, you'll be stunned at how much change you will experience in your life.

Make Goal Pictures

Another expert method is to make a photo or picture of yourself with your goal, as though it were at that point finished. If one of your prime intentions is to get another car, bring your camera down to your neighborhood vehicle merchant and have a photo taken of yourself sitting in the driver's seat of your fantasy car. If you will likely visit Paris, find a poster or a photo of the Eiffel Tower and cut out the image of yourself and place it into the photo. With today's technology, you could presumably make a considerably additionally convincing picture using your PC.

Make a Visual Picture and an Affirmation

I suggest that you find or make a photo of each part of your fantasy life. Make a photo or a visual portrayal for each goal you have- - money, job, recreation, new skills and capacities, things you need to buy, et cetera.

Use Affirmations to Support Your Creative Visualization

An affirmation is an announcement that brings out a photo, as well as the experience of as of now having what you need.

Here's a sample of an affirmation: "I am joyfully traveling two months out of the year in a tropical heaven, and working only four days seven days owning my own remarkable business."

Repeating an affirmation a few times each day keeps you concentrated on your goal, reinforces your inspiration, and programs your subconscious mind by sending a request to your team to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

Expect Results

Through recording your goals, use the energy of creative visualization and repeating your affirmations, you can accomplish extraordinary outcomes. Creative visualization and affirmations allow you to change your beliefs, assumptions, and sentiments about the most important person in your life - YOU!

Feeling Defeated? How to Overcome Failure & Power Up Your Confidence

A couple years back, a client was talking about acting. They had performed in plays most of their life.

They told me how much sweat, blood, and tears goes into one single play. The hours and HOURS of learning the material... memorizing their lines... and getting ready for the show. Despite all this preparation, something inevitably happens the day of the show... something you wouldn't expect...

They said, more often than not, someone will forget their lines or make a mistake on stage.

So NOT just a mistake but a VERY PUBLIC mistake. (In some cases in-front of hundreds of people)

What do they do about it?

When it happens, the cast members simply adjust to the mistake.

They flow with it.

They roll with it.

They play along with it.

They even make up lines if they have to.

I had no idea!

Looking back on all the plays I'd seen, I wondered how many had to be adjusted because of mistakes.

Crazy thing is, I didn't notice and neither did the people I was with...

The truth is... most people don't.

I heard something similar from a former Chicago Cubs employee. He told me how one day, they were preparing for the first pitch of the game, when the guy who was supposed to bring out the ball, waltzed out there WITHOUT it...

(Mind you, that's in-front of thousands of people and on LIVE television.)

Once he realized it, he just kept waving to the crowd, casually walks back to the dugout, grabs the ball, and goes back out there.

Besides management, hardly anyone noticed it...

Now think about both of those situations. Hundreds if not thousands of people are watching when these mistakes happen...

Yet hardly anyone notices the mistake.

If a VERY public mistake like that is hardly detected - what are the chances that the little ones in our daily lives are?

Very often though, people beat themselves up about little mistakes they make - and think that EVERYONE is going to notice what happened.

Chances are no one saw it...

And as long as you "mend the fence" or "course correct" you have nothing to worry about.

So instead of pummeling yourself (Which most people are VERY good at!)

Maybe we should take lessons from theater (and the Cubs) when mistakes happen...

Roll with it

Play along with it

Have fun with it

Because the show goes on.

How to Easily Unlock Your Creativity and Thrive

Ever wondered how you can tap your creative side and thrive? It is easy peasy. Read on to find out.

First of all, you have to be crystal clear what meaning you will give to being creative and then act on it. You have to be fully aware what creative activities exist out there and pick one or two and do them and find for yourself which of them resonates best with you.

Creative activities can be for instance, painting, making handicrafts, art, drawing, singing, dancing and plotting and writing fiction stories or novels. Do any of these speak to you or spark you? Think about which of these will make you lose yourself absolutely and you will be able to be fully in focus no matter what distractions are there in your environment. Of course, you will want to lull all noises and interruptions in your surroundings and then work on the creative activity you have chosen.

Either way you are the winner so long you persist and persevere. Spending time on your creative activity does make you happy and help you earn bliss and satisfaction. The more you work on it, the better you get at it. You don't have to be an expert from the start itself but make your way towards it gradually.

After you think you have mastered it, it's time to show your talents to the world and find a medium to display or outsource it.

For example, if it's a great piece of novel, sell it on Amazon and work as many promotions as you can for bringing out its publicity. It will be hard work at first but once you have become renowned, you don't have to work that hard. People will already know you and your quality of work and so they will be read your piece of work and hence purchase them.

The same principles are valid for other creative activities. So just make it a point to pick your favorite creative activity and do it and show it to the world.

Getting recognized for your gem piece of work is not only rewarding but also very satisfying. You understand that you are on this earth to make a difference and stand out from others.

Not everybody succeeds this way because they do not persevere and keep hanging on for a longer time. Anybody who is willing to do that surely succeeds and gets all the recognition, popularity and rewards. So are you the one willing to pull through with your favorite creative juices and thrive?

How to Control Anger Easily

Man Gnarling

Anger is a feeling of rush. This feeling of rush is often deleterious. In the pages of histories and in the quotes of literature, anger has always been found associated with evil. It is the bearer of a negative energy. Meaningless anger and the attitude of short temper are as undesirable as a 5 day old pizza. But human beings are a mixture of a lot of things and anger is one of the basic components that influence the psychological and moral status of a person.

Situations might occur when the feelings of rush could get the better of us. And it is never desirable for a man of prospect. So, knowing to control the anger is a good thing. There might have been papers constituted of serious researches on anger management but do you really have that much time in this modern world to go through a long thesis? Most of us don't have it. That is why I am coming up with easy ways of managing your anger.

So, what should you do to manage your anger? When the feeling of anger gets the better of a person, he starts to feel shaky. In some extreme cases bodies starts to shake and seem to create a feeling of discomfort. Anger could easily be controlled by sitting down. Yes, if you find yourself standing on your feet, simply sit down. It will lessen a bit. If the problem persists, close your eyes and take regular breaths. Some might still feel the feeling of discomfort to prevail. In this case you must lie down flat on your back. If you are in a public place, try to find a bench to lie down for a moment. And close your eyes for a minute or two and take regular breaths. This should certainly help you to get back to a state of normality. This is a very ancient theory and this works most of the times.

You could also try drinking slightly cold water at the time of sitting as it would enhance your ability to lessen your anger. This is a surefire way and you must try it when you need it. There is an interesting thing about it. The more you practice this good habit, the lesser time it takes to work when you are trying it to lessen your anger. This is the easy, precise and accurate way of controlling the undesirable rush called anger.

Whack To Be More Creative

3x3 Rubik's Cube

What are employers, schools and businesses looking for when they accept people into their organizations? Before you answer this question let's agree that they already attract people who have integrity, intelligence and desire to excel! What do organizations look for beyond a student's transcript or a manager's recommendation? It is no longer good enough to get top marks and not live a balanced life.

Employers, schools and businesses want creative individuals that can solve problems and be unequaled at bringing their products and services to market.

The problem is that as a society we have encouraged conformity and discouraged creativity! Yet creativity is exactly what present and future generations need to overcome existing problems and help the world. Young children are already creative. It is as they go through life that their creativity lessens! It is time to give creativity a chance to flourish among young people.

Below is a simple exercise to test your creativity. It certainly gave me a fresh perspective.

The exercise is found in the book A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech¹.

"Shown below is a Roman numeral nine. By adding only a single line, turn it into a 6."²


Have you figured it out?

This is what the author suggests, "If you're "thinking something different," you might put an "S" in front of the IX to create "SIX". If you did this, you've taken the IX out of the context of Roman numerals and put it into the context of Arabic numerals spelled out in English. What prevents some people from doing this is that even with only three examples of Roman numerals-VII, VIII, and IX-they get locked into the context of Roman numerals. Let's look for another answer. Can you think of other ways in which you can add a single line to "IX" and turn it into a 6?"²


"Another solution might be to add the line "6" after IX. Then you get 1X6, or one times six. Here the ``X`` no longer represents ``10`` or the English letter ``X`` but rather the multiplication sign. Everyone has a lot of knowledge; by shifting the contexts in which we think about it, we`ll discover new ideas."²

If you are tackling a problem and need a new perspective ask someone who knows nothing about the rules governing the problem. They may easily shift contexts as they are not limited by boundaries. They may come up with unheard of ideas that have viable solutions.

Do you remember The Deepwater Horizon oil spill that happened on April 20, 2010? It is one of the worst oil spills in history. Karan Jerath came up with a solution to prevent oils spills. At the bottom of this article is a link to an article explaining how he did it; you may have a budding inventor in your mist.

Karan Jerath states that the oil spill was in his "back yard" so to speak and he did not come up with a solution immediately. He worked at it. Make sure you add perseverance into the mix when you teach creativity. Rarely is hard work excluded when going after a worthwhile goal.

My point is this. Encourage schools and organizations to make creativity courses mandatory and to celebrate finding solutions to everyday problems. A Whack on the Side of the Head is loaded with ways to get your creativity flowing. Read it with your kids. Celebrate that your children are innately creative and instill in them a love of solving problems. You have given them the greatest gift of all; you believe in them and their unique abilities. Fill their lives with the joy of helping others.

1. A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech, Copyright © 1983, 1990, 1998, 2008 by Roger von Oech, Grand Central Publishing, Hachette Book Group, 1290 Avenue of the America, New York, NY 10104, ISBN 978-0-446-40466-2

2. A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech, page 21

Article Source:

The Art of Self-Sabotage (By Natalia Shoutova)

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean

Every day of my coaching career, I encounter and foil strategies of self-sabotage.

Self-sabotage does not follow rules of common sense or logic. Often it passes under our radar, because we are more aware of when others put sticks in our wheels, and less aware of when we do it to ourselves. Self-sabotage is resilient and sticky. Like tax loopholes, when one self-sabotage strategy is closed down, another one will almost immediately take its place.

It is also highly destructive. Because you intimately know your target (YOU), you can hit your weakest spots and cause the greatest damage. Whether you are a city professional, an entrepreneur or a busy parent, it is crucial to become aware and thwart self-sabotage at its earliest stages - before it grows into a habit.

Here are 10 common self-sabotage strategies. Which ones are you harbouring?

1. Unrealistic expectations. Setting goals that are too general, unachievable or unquantifiable. Sometimes the goal is so overwhelming and nebulous it prevents us from starting. Doing the same thing expecting different results also falls within this category. The main issue with unrealistic expectations is that they destroy self-belief and motivation. Fear of failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When your actions are not producing the results you want, stop and choose different actions. Ensure that your goals are specific, achievable and measurable. Ask yourself: How will I know when I reach my goal?

2. Spreading yourself too thinly. Juggling is part of life. However, pick up one ball too many and all the balls are likely to fall to the ground. Taking on another client matter when you are already swamped, not taking vacations, saying yes to looking after the neighbour's dog or offering to host Christmas may all tip the balance. Prioritise. Identify what is important to you right now. Learn to say no. Sometimes saying yes to your sanity and wellbeing means saying no to requests of others. Look after your health and fitness, and carve out pockets of time just for yourself. Juggling is easier when you are on top form.

"We are what we repeatedly do." - Aristotle

3. Indecision and over-analysis. Sitting on the fence uses up your energy, focus and time. Analysing the same options multiple times does not create new possibilities. It creates a loop of analysis-paralysis. Step back to get some perspective. Obtain an impartial opinion. Ask yourself: What is missing? What would help me make the decision? What would I do if I weren't afraid?

4. Ruminating on past failures. There is much to be gained from past failures. Such as learning what to do differently next time, honing your coping strategies and simply knowing that you can get over obstacles. What is not useful is churning events over and over. You risk creating a habit out of failure. Regret and resentment are like anchors, they do not help us to move forward, but simply spin us round as the tide comes in and out.

"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping that it will kill your enemies." - Nelson Mandela

5. Avoiding challenges. Often during times of imposed change clients bemoan to me that they like "security" and "stability". Yet when I ask them when they last felt fulfilled and motivated, it is generally when they were problem-solving or working on a challenging goal. Living and working in our comfort zone does not stretch our capabilities or fulfil our potential. There is a risk of becoming bored and unmotivated. Do not settle for stumbling from day to day. Strive for a bigger life experience.

6. Neglecting relationships. Building authentic relationships takes time and effort, but it is hugely rewarding. Businesses, families and communities are built on relationships between people. Have you noticed how unfriendly atmosphere at work can transform the perfect job into the worst job? Generally, people leave people rather than jobs. Take time to cultivate your relationships. Small things really matter - a smile, a "Good Morning", remembering your colleague's birthday, or booking a surprise dinner for your partner. If this feels like a chore, ask yourself, what makes that relationship important to me?

7. Downgrading your self-development. Keeping up with industry knowhow and technological advancements is not a bonus it is a must. Own your career, become an expert in your field. Do not forget your personal self-development. Stagnation results in boredom and lack of motivation. Lifelong learning adds breadth to our life experience, and keeps us healthy and active into the old age.

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Einstein

8. Poor time management. Feeling rushed and overwhelmed? Time management is in reality about managing ourselves. Dedicating time to planning will save you time and stress in the future. Often we focus on fire fighting - dealing with what is urgent; rather than working on important tasks that really contribute to our productivity. Prioritise what is important, organise your day and week around those priorities, streamline activities, remove distractions. Remember to make your plan realistic and work in some flexibility.

9. Passively waiting for belief and motivation. Motivation will not come until you engage with your goal and commit to the challenge. Ask yourself: What are the benefits of pursuing this goal? What will happen if I do nothing? Belief is born through action, by overcoming obstacles and pushing into your stretch zone. Aligning your goals with what is genuinely important to you helps to cultivate motivation and passion. Belief and motivation exist through choice not through chance.

10. Being your own worst critic. Learning from your mistakes is valuable. Reprimanding yourself endlessly is counter-productive. Would you give the same barrage of criticism to a friend or a colleague caught in the same circumstances? How you see and treat yourself directly impacts on how others see and treat you. Nurture your self-esteem and self-image. They are your sturdiest tools.

Turn Worry Into Welcome With One Simple Question - This Is Powerful

A Man in Red Shirt Covering His Face

Finding time to savor your life becomes so much easier as you learn the skill of introducing simple attitude shifts to your day.

Very often, when you feel yourself slipping into a rut of fear, anxiety, or negativity, something as easy as pausing and asking yourself the right question will open your mind and move it into exploring a fresh, new approach. As you practice and get comfortable with this skill, I think you will be amazed at how quickly and significantly you can shift your own perspective.

Here's a great example: How do you act when an unfamiliar challenge pops up?

Do you automatically brace yourself! That's a very familiar response for many.

But did you know that tensing your body doesn't just affect your muscles? Indeed, it constricts your problem-solving abilities and inhibits your creativity, too.

Wondering how that works?

Well, just as fear freezes your body, it also calcifies your options. Likewise, anxiety creates a simplistic either/or scarcity mentality. That's definitely not the best mindset for creative thinking.

So you can see how, when fear takes the driver's seat, you find it that much more difficult to prioritize. It's also harder to solve problems and make decisions. And it's harder to keep to a healthy schedule.

But there's good news about all this.

You can swiftly overcome the natural tendency to tense with another natural impulse.


Curiosity is one of the most powerful antidotes to fear. And it provides the perfect climate for learning.

Mobilizing your curiosity also actually changes you for the better. That's because you stop focusing self-consciously on the you-who-doesn't-know, and shift into the you-who-is-eager-to-figure-it-out.

Give it a try.

Any time you notice yourself apprehensively thinking, "What if... ?" try replacing that with "I wonder what... ?"

It feels SO much better!

As you regain your inner balance with this simple question, you will find it much easier to ride the new wave of change with smart time choices. Try it and see. And let me know how it goes for you -- I'd love to hear!

Kids Stress When Parents Fight

Ten-year-old Todd looked like an old soul. He was clearly worried about something. "I don't like to talk about it," he whispered. "It just bothers me."

After a short period of silence, I said, "Sometimes it's hard to talk about what's bothering you." Todd kept his eyes peeled to the floor. Though he was large for his age, at this moment, he looked small and helpless.

"I just wish my parents would stop fighting. I hate it and I'm afraid they're going to get divorced."

"What do they fight about?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Who usually wins the fight?"

No answer.

"Is it mom or dad?"

"It's nobody. Mom calls dad an idiot. Dad yells back about how she thinks she knows everything. After awhile, Dad slams the door and says he's out of here. Then Mom goes crazy, calling him a coward and some other really bad names. Sometimes she throws stuff at him."

"Do they ever fight about you?"

Todd nodded. "Yeah, they're always fighting about me or my brother. Mom thinks dad should do more things with us and be stricter with us. Dad says he already does plenty."

Todd's parents admit that they not only fight in front of the kids, they also fight about them. At times the fighting is a big blowout altercation; other times it's an ill-mannered squabble. How can a kid deal with that without being stressed?

Now I'm not suggesting that parents be conflict free. Kids can handle parents' disagreeing. They know that Mom is a stickler for the rules while Dad is a pushover. They know that Mom stresses the importance of getting top grades while Dad shrugs off a low grade here and there. Parents do not have to be clones of one another. In fact, it's better if they're not. That way kids get to know that reasonable people can view a situation differently.

Kids don't get stressed out because their parents disagree but they do get stressed out when the intensity, frequency and nastiness of the disagreements are severe. Here are five ways that parents fight that kids hate (for good reason):

Kids hate when parents fight like kids, unable to control their emotions. Calling each other stupid, crazy, out of your mind, don't know what you're talking about and cursing each other out is a terrible model for teaching kids how to deal with conflict.

Kids hate when one parent wins all the time. While they may side with the underdog, they may also be furious with him/or her for being so powerless. When parents vie for their children's loyalty, a no-win situation is created for their children.

Kids hate when parents fight about them - their behavior, their grades, their friends, their attitudes. They think they are the cause of their parents' conflict and feel guilty that they will be the reason for their divorce.

Kids hate when parents expand their fighting from one topic to almost anything. An argument might begin with what to eat for dinner, expand to how mom or dad is a control freak, and end up with a disdainful remark about how the kids are turning out just like you.

Kids hate when their parents' conflicts remain unresolved. When disagreements from the past are brought up again and again, kids try to distance themselves from the fighting by distancing themselves from their parents and/or shutting down emotionally.
How parents handle conflict is the blueprint for how their children will handle conflict. Hence, if this article is hitting home, make it a priority to learn more constructive ways to disagree. If you can't summon up the will to do it for yourself, please - do it for your children.

Boost Your Creativity Through Practicing Tantra (By Dr Elsbeth Meuth)

What does creativity have to do with Tantra? Tantra is a practice that connects us with our inherent creative energy by bringing awareness to our energetic body. There is a current that runs through us all the time and we can use it to fuel all facets of our life. Let's look a little deeper into this concept.

Ancient yogis used the term 'Kundalini' or 'life force' to describe the energy that flows through us. This energy is with us from the moment we are conceived until the time we leave this planet. It is inherently creative in nature since it literally creates life! The very act of conceiving a baby is creative. None of us would be here on this planet, reading this article, without this life-giving energy. Sexual energy, therefore, is life force energy. And through tantric practice we get to learn how to access our life force sexual energy, the essence of life, to imbue every aspect of ourselves.

There are two dimensions to sexual life force energy:

Dimension 1 
The first dimension is the creative spark that fuels and sustains us through our entire life.

Dimension 2 
The second dimension is pleasure that is built into sexual energy.

Stifling creative energy

Now, what happens when sexual energy is stifled or constricted? We lose access to our creative Self. This is what has been happening over the millennia - the shaming, guilting and making wrong of sexuality that results in being disconnected from a vital force within us.

We are seeing the results of this suppression today through the breakdown of our relationships as it shows up in the Catholic Church, for example, or thorough the #MeToo movement. When sexual energy is repressed, it tends to come out "sideways" in an unhealthy way such as through sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. From a young age people are told, "Don't go to your sexual energy. Don't touch yourself. Wait until you are married." As if suddenly the sexual energy will become available to you then.

Setting your creative self free

The reality is that your sexual energy has always been available to you from the moment you were born. We can feel very pleasurable as babies and children. The simple act of playing can be pleasurable, or even the gentle breeze blowing on your skin. All of this is considered in the range of sexual energy and sensing. But very few people have grown up in an environment that teaches sexual energy as a healthy, beautiful expression of self. Most people do not know how to have a healthy relationship with their sexual life force energy which is why all the breakdowns are occurring.

I remember that my dad called me a whore the first time I had intercourse at the age of 18. While I did not agree with him I was left with a sense of shame and feeling diminished as a woman. It took lots of self-discovery and work to reconnect with my life force energy so that I could learn to imbue my whole life - my health, my well-being, my work - with that wonderful creative essence.

Once I had access again to my creative energy I was able to get clear on what I wanted to dedicate my life to and what I had come for to do on this planet in the first place. Up until that point I had pursued a couple of different careers but not felt passion until I had done my own healing of my sexual wounding and had set myself free. Becoming a Tantra teacher was then the natural expression of my creative spark.

Once sexual life force energy is set free, we can use it to connect to and heal our body, heart and spirit. Then, we can channel this life giving energy throughout our physical and energetic body into our life's pursuits.

If you would like to learn more about how to access and channel your creative life force energy, go to

Message From the Universe: You Are in Control of Your Own Destiny

"When I survey life's majesty: the birds, the bees, and the African Tulip trees. And when I survey life's characters: the Abdullas, the Lilis, and the Kaylas. And when I consider life's tribulations: the setbacks, the losses, the fear. And when I consider life's abundance, its glories, its order. And when I... actually, I could go on forever... literally.

Do you know what I love the most?

How real it all seems.

The Universe"

There is a path to everything in life. Depending on which one you take, you must take responsibilities for your decisions. Never point fingers to anyone when you fail but take all the credit when you succeed. Whatever happens to you and in your life, the sun will still rise and set every day, the oceans will still have water in them, birds will still be flying and so on and so forth. Planet Earth is not even in the center of the Universe, as many astrophysicists have concluded, so why should anything stop when you are dealing with challenges in life? Why should these challenges stop you from moving forward? You are not the only one who deals with problems on a daily basis, but as long as you face these problems and find the best solution per your standard, you are good to go. Remember, these are YOUR problems, so whatever solution YOU find, it will be the best for your own outcome. No one is competing with your problems, so you will be the ONLY one dealing with the consequences.

There is never the best solution to every problems, but as long as you can learn from them, you will be progressing and apt to deal with future issues in a more productive way. If a problem is recurring over and over again and you have resolved the issues in the past, you start to expect it to happen again and no longer feel bothered by it. The element of surprise is what takes most people off guard and brings in fear while dealing with the challenge. Adding fear while resolving issues will not optimize its solution. You will need to dissect the problem into little bitty parts and resolve each and every of these parts separately to eventually solve the overall dilemma. Do not let it overwhelm you or it will create more distress and disappointment. You are in control and do not let anyone find the best solution for you. Many will gladly give you their point of view but remember that you will be the ONLY one dealing with the consequences of their point of view. It is very easy to give your advice to others problem when you will not personally deal with its outcome right? Do not seek advice unless you fully trust the person or you will end up pointing fingers to him and her for all your troubles and disappointments. Make your own decisions and go from there.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend, I've Come to Talk With You Again. (By Steve Wickham)

Empathy in the individual is a massively important quality. Though it is a felt kind of trait, not strictly related with intelligence quotient, I think it is a cornerstone in the development of intelligence. Here's why. When we have the capacity of feeling for others, we truly connect with our world and the fiasco of self is ended.

At least that is the theory!

But empathy isn't the end of it. It's just the beginning. Once our empathy is acquired it doesn't stay with us statically; it can grow or rescind. We may develop it, but the tricky thing is we can also grow our skill for tapping artificially into it. In other words, we can learn to fake it.

Anyone can appear caring.

We need to be suspicious about those who appear as caring without actually feeling moved.

But the truth is that's me. There's a darkness in me to be able to continue as a pastor and counsellor and not be traumatised. Some would call it a thick skin. I know I'm capable of feeling enormous empathy, but it's moderated hugely now by my mind. Of a sense, I can control it. On one level such control is good. It helps me do my job. But at another level I feel cut off from what I could possibly be feeling. Or, I mourn the fact that I'm not as emotional as I once was or upset by things many other people are. In a weaker moment, I can truly wonder if there is darkness in me to the degree that my conscience is somewhat seared. But I know what I think, and that convinces me - my thinking conveys reprehensibility for the things that would otherwise gut me.

See how there is the entrance into the reality of my darkness. I'm not afraid of finding out how dark my soul could be. It would trouble me where I was to find darkness. And it has. But it only troubles me to the degree that I am impelled to do something about it. Yet this is just one example. I am still vulnerable in areas where I think I'm right, where I could be wrong, where pride can still be the predictable initial response. Pride is never too far away as an immediate response I must be awake to. Pride driven of fear that I'm not, in fact, all that I think I am. Still, there are hidden darknesses that I am yet to be made aware of that elicits the prayer, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'

You may have heard the song The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel, which says, 'A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.' This is so true to our human nature, that we cannot see what others see, and what others see we disregard, because we can only see our truth, and it forever polarises us in conflict with others who disagree. We are forlorn to war and battle and to decry justice and to fight for 'justice', and the biggest irony of all is the supposed social justice warrior insists they are right, and if only things were turned their way all would be right with the world. Sorry, I don't buy it. Yet, there are those on the Right who cannot bear that they also might be wrong. I see so much at the polarities that is untrustworthy. Both sides manipulate truth to satisfy their need and prop up their position.

Could it be possible that we are all wrong?

If all of us could be wrong, and if only God can truly be right, all the time, what might that convince us to do? The trouble is, especially in the Christian world, we tend to think that God is on our side, when there are other Christians who see the world differently and believe God is on their side. Could it be possible that we are both partially right? If that is true, we are both partially wrong, as well. Where does all this thinking lead us?

Hopefully it leads us to the place of bringing our sinful opinionatedness to the cross, to confess our need of Jesus, and to repent toward the possibility of those truths that we cannot yet see. All we need to do is acknowledge that we cannot see everything.

We can only fix 'us' in Jesus' name.

The 'other' is the Holy Spirit's project.

Imagine this scenario: standing before God's Judgment Seat on the day we finally meet Him.

We hear the record of our lives. Together with our record as it is read out, we hear others' records read out; those whose lives paralleled ours, and especially, as it pertains to this topic, we hear those records of those people we might praise and despise.

Gradually we are enlightened as we listen, and begin to comprehend the facts we never knew, which are the things we always did that we thought were right but that weren't wholly right, and those things that others did that we thought were wrong, that weren't wholly wrong.

We hear the record of this other person we could not forgive, and for the first time in our lives we see how truly lovable they are, because the perception of God is added to us.

We begin to see who they actually are from the experiences that had shaped their lives. And suddenly there is a sense of remorse, because we did not, or chose not to, see what we could have always seen if only we had been openhearted.

In the immediacy of this moment, suddenly God makes us angelic to the point that all our eyes can see is truth, and from that truth is the full portion of grace, because, for the first time in our lives, we understood that grace can only be understood and extended from the perspective of the fullness of truth.

Then, after seemingly a long silence and pause,

God speaks these words gently:

'You seem surprised, My son/daughter.

'Did you not assume that you too had blind spots? Did you not plan for this day? Did you assume all along that you had read me right, whilst thinking all along others who love me read me all wrong? Did you assume that the moment you pledged yourself to Jesus resolved your sin in its entirety? Were you not concerned at all that from the moment you pledged to follow My Son that you did not grow as much as you ought to have? Do you arrive here imagining you are at the top of the hierarchy of mortals in heaven? Did you live your life that way? Of course, you are thinking right now, "You know it all, God, so I really have no defence." Of course, the prosecution rests, for My questions of you are not judgment as you think they are Judgment. Until now you have been geared to think of everything against your view as judgment. I offer these rhetorical questions to you to bring you to the truth that causes repentance, which is an eternal commitment to and commission for the truth.

'My Grace has covered you; you are loved and you are mine, but I would not love you if I did not bring this truth to you. Now, enjoy my heavenly kingdom, knowing you can only now do good and be good to all.'

What if our world was suddenly full of people, every single one of us, who saw immediately where we were wrong, instead of being right all the time? Of course, this is not a picture of earth, it is a picture of heaven on earth, but not of the new heaven and earth where there will be no wrong.

Could it be our opportunity, here as we live our lives, to live with our wrongness at the forefront of our awareness, as the principal modus operandi for living at peace with everyone, so far as it depends on us?

I started this article talking about empathy. If we, ourselves, do not have empathy we have no hope of realising the potential that God stowed in us from the beginning.

Please do not think this is referring to anybody else but yourself. It is so common for each of us to think about how others lack empathy or exude it too much, without facing the question for ourselves.

This is your time. This is your question.

Before the Lord of all the Ages.

This could be your opportunity to truly ask how devoted you are to truly following Jesus. What a golden opportunity it is, before your time, and mine, is up.

It is up to us to tell on our darkness before the darkness tells on us.

It's time to be honest and to ascribe honesty as our covenant of allegiance to Christ.,-My-Old-Friend,-Ive-Come-to-Talk-With-You-Again&id=10003148

How to Live Up to Your Full Potential

At some point in your life, you probably heard someone tell you that you have a lot of potential. We all seem to have potential, but there's rarely anyone around who can tell us how to realise it. Potential is a funny thing. It can't be quantified, but that doesn't mean it can't be cultivated. How does one make a seed believe that it has a potential to become the tree? All it has to do is, to get planted in the right weather and soil conditions; get the right ingredients in right quantity: sunlight, water, manure and it naturally grows to its potential.

The seed is helpless and at the mercy of the gardener; but human beings can be his own gardener provided he is aware of the signals his body, mind and intellect sends him regularly. We feel good (mind) when we grasp quickly some knowledge (intellect) or skill (body). These are our strengths. Sometimes we just feel good (mind) by doing a particular kind of activity irrespective of the result. This is our passion and here we enjoy the doing unconditionally.

These tips can help you reach your highest potential:

1. Keep your eyes open. We get stuck in the same mental routines and fail to see all the opportunities around us. An open mind is crucial to reaching your full potential. An Open mind is aware of our passions and strengths
2. Work on your strengths. Your greatest achievements will likely be a product of your strengths. Do not relax; instead, spend some time fully developing this ability to apply it to all aspects of your life.
3. Work on your weaknesses. Most people avoid their weaknesses and refuse to work on them; simply because our mind encounters negative emotions. But work on it by overcoming these emotions so that they do not limit you.
4. Find a coach. A good coach can save years of struggle and effort. The ideal coach started where you're starting, and has achieved the success you're after. But their key skill is providing additional eyes to show an unique perspective to your passions and strengths. They enable your mind to open faster. Mind like a Parachute works only when open.
5. Set goals. Setting goals is cliché, but how can anyone expect to achieve something great if they haven't defined it beforehand? Seeing a dream which you really feel happy (mind) about is what you really want to become. Don't get practical (intellect) here, but keep seeing the dream so that the specifics become clear over a period of time. Realise that this is the purpose of your life. Living someone else's purpose can never be inspiring.
6. Be assertive. Have you ever noticed that assertive people are the ones that tend to get what they want? Be willing to ask for what you want. A powerful dream with a clear purpose ensures that this happens.
7. Step outside the norm. The greatest achievers frequently upset a lot of people. Only people who are deeply inspired by their purpose and dream will try to align their passion and strengths to achieve them. They will take the path less travelled. True inspiration makes us live our values (behaviour and attitude we believe in and want to practise).
8. Focus on doing instead of thinking. Action results in change and progress. Failing to act is a bigger serious crime that taking action and failing.
9. It's not just hard work that matters, but rather hard, smart work. Continuous action will slowly bring clarity to your dream. This will enable firm decision making to say no to un- important actions. Ensure you're spending your time on important activities. Ensure that the less appealing activities are not avoided or postponed.
It's doubtful that anyone comes close to reaching their full potential, but all of us can do much more than what we're currently doing. Decide to become the best possible version of yourself. Find a Coach and make an intelligent plan. Identify your right ingredients:purpose, passion, values and strengths. You are not a seed; so do not expect the world to provide for you. Work that plan to the best of your ability. You can live up to that potential everyone is always talking about.

Depression and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Monochrome Photo of Woman Sitting On Floor

Depression hurts. When a person feels deep sadness from loss of a job, a loved one, or when stressful situations occur such as divorce, financial burdens, or troubles at home, life takes on a completely new meaning. When a person feels despair, they will often start feeling hopelessness, misery, and helpless.

Depression is a mental state that causes a person to create negative ideas about themselves and others. People, who feel depressed may feel like they have failed everyone, feel as though others are judging them, and they may say, "I am a failure. I am hopeless. I am inadequate. I am helpless."

The truth is there is always hope. For the most part, any common problem can be resolved. Of course, death is a natural occurrence that happens to us all at one point in our life, and every one of us will experience the loss of a loved one at some point in our lifetime. It is a difficult reality to accept; yet we all must face it at some point or another. It will happen and the best way to deal with grief from loss of a loved one is to learn how to accept the loss.

Divorce hurts. People, who spent a good deal of time with someone close to them, may blame themselves when things go wrong. This feeling of blame, guilt, and shame lingers for some time and causes depressive symptoms to emerge.

Depressed souls tend to feel shame, guilt, and blame often. This problem creates a negative illusion, leaving the person to feel that no matter what he or she does or says it is never right. The person starts to feel despair and rejected.

The fear of rejection and fear of failure forms for most people who suffer depression. Failure and the notion of being rejected feels like catastrophe and disaster to those who suffer from depression constantly. The pain escalates, the hurt grows deeper and deeper until one day, and the person decides to get help or end his or her problems.

Depression is not only a mental illness it is a very dangerous place for anyone to live in. Those who suffer from chronic depression may entertain suicide thoughts, and in too many instances may act on those thoughts. The overwhelming statistics show us that thousands of people every single day choose death as an escape from depression, and thousands others attempt suicide. Based on these facts, we need to learn to take depression serious and help those who are struggling with depression the best we know how.

One of the best solutions is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a set of procedures that involves helping a person come back to the here and now, and helping the person find solutions to resolve problems including emotional conflicting problems resulting from death, divorce, finances, and so forth. Bringing the person back to reality can help him or her come to term with painful emotions that keep the person feeling stuck. Feeling depressed is no place to be, but if you go there, there is always hope!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the best methods of therapy to help those overcome depression. Studies show that when treated with Cognitive Therapy, depressed souls can heal!

Three Ways to Get UN-Stuck

We all get stuck. We get stuck on a task we can't get past or over-analyzing what we're doing. We get stuck in a rut. We get stuck on getting stuck! It's one of the most frustrating feelings to be stuck. Sometimes we know what to do but we don't. We're either at a loss for what to do or how to do what comes next. Sometimes we have no idea why or desire to do what we should be doing.

There are three primary reasons we get stuck.

Don't know what to do next.
Don't know how to do what's next.
Don't know, or care, why we should do what's next.
Let's look at how to get past these causes for getting stuck and how we can get past them.

What - When we don't know what to do next, it's like being a rudderless boat in the middle of the ocean. We have no control over our course, speed or destination. The simple solution is to go back to our goals and compare them to where we are now. It should be pretty obvious what the next step is. If it's not, go back and work on your goals some more to refine them. If you don't have goals, now's the time to set them.

How - Sometimes the task in front of us is so large, it's not conceivable that we could tackle it. The best remedy is to break down the task into its sub tasks until you can't break it down any farther. Now you should be able to understand them and see how you can achieve them. Then start at the beginning and work through them. Other times we simply don't have the knowledge. We can see what needs to be done, but literally just lack the know-how or skills. If so, we can get the training, either online or in formal classes or books, or get someone else to do the task who does know how.

Why - It happens when we lose our motivation and apathy sets in. It's when we're in the greatest danger of giving up. Not failing. Giving up. It's OK to fail. You have to have failures in order to learn from them. Giving up teaches us nothing at all. When we lose our Why and stop caring, we can go back to our goals and see what we put down as our Why when we set them. Are they still valid and motivate us? Are the rewards still there? Or is it that the goal itself is no longer important? That happens more often than we realize. It's OK to let go of a goal. The key is to create others to replace it or change our focus to other goals we're keeping. If we don't, we're giving up. Don't give up.

Giving Up Is for Losers

If you ever feel like giving up, here's a little something to think about: What do 100% of everyone who give up have in common?

Please read on as you ponder this question.

When I claim that 'giving up is for losers', I'm not being pretentiously cynical. On the contrary, I'm being as literal as possible.

You see, when you give up on something, losing is inevitable. Losing, by definition, is a direct consequence of giving up.

We might have many a good reason for giving up on something. We might find out it's not what we really want - or need. Maybe we don't want it bad enough to hone the necessary skills. Maybe it didn't align with our personal values.

But whatever the reason for quitting, it will necessarily mean not succeeding.

So, reversely, does this mean that simply keeping at something will necessarily result in success?

Actually... Yeah, pretty much!

Of course, there are parameters that need to be in order. You gotta know what you're doing. You gotta do the right things, and preferably in the right sequence.

But you're not gonna succeed unless you keep at it, and never, ever give up.

This is what having a strong confidence will help you do.

Think of it like this: Hypothetically, if you have exactly ZERO confidence in yourself, how far are you going to get in life?

Yeah, pretty much nowhere. Because, if you believe you literally can't do anything whatsoever, why would you even bother?

But just imagine what it would be like if you had the highest possible level of confidence in the world.

Man, you'd be out there. Struggling. Sucking up blow upon devastating blow; getting on your feet over and over. Making no excuses; persisting no matter what.


Because you'd not only think, but know that success was inevitable.

And you know what? Sometimes, this is kind of what not giving up feels like. (And, just to clear all doubt: It feels terrific.)

By now, you might have guessed the obvious answer to the initial question: What do 100% of everyone who give up have in common?

That's right: THEY LOSE.

Does this mean that you shouldn't abandon any project that no longer serves you? Of course not!

I kept holding on to my education for years. Because there was a part of me that would feel like I'd suffer defeat if I didn't get my master's degree. But when I finally took the decision of letting it go and becoming an entrepreneur, it was the best thing I'd ever done for myself.

Now, I'm not taking any responsibility if you all decide to drop out after reading this. But I'm saying that whatever we need to never give up on should, ideally, be something that matters so much to us that giving up on it really would be a defeat.

There are enough losers as it is. Don't become one.

Now, as for what you should be forever devoted to, that's entirely up to you.