
How to Live Up to Your Full Potential

At some point in your life, you probably heard someone tell you that you have a lot of potential. We all seem to have potential, but there's rarely anyone around who can tell us how to realise it. Potential is a funny thing. It can't be quantified, but that doesn't mean it can't be cultivated. How does one make a seed believe that it has a potential to become the tree? All it has to do is, to get planted in the right weather and soil conditions; get the right ingredients in right quantity: sunlight, water, manure and it naturally grows to its potential.

The seed is helpless and at the mercy of the gardener; but human beings can be his own gardener provided he is aware of the signals his body, mind and intellect sends him regularly. We feel good (mind) when we grasp quickly some knowledge (intellect) or skill (body). These are our strengths. Sometimes we just feel good (mind) by doing a particular kind of activity irrespective of the result. This is our passion and here we enjoy the doing unconditionally.

These tips can help you reach your highest potential:

1. Keep your eyes open. We get stuck in the same mental routines and fail to see all the opportunities around us. An open mind is crucial to reaching your full potential. An Open mind is aware of our passions and strengths
2. Work on your strengths. Your greatest achievements will likely be a product of your strengths. Do not relax; instead, spend some time fully developing this ability to apply it to all aspects of your life.
3. Work on your weaknesses. Most people avoid their weaknesses and refuse to work on them; simply because our mind encounters negative emotions. But work on it by overcoming these emotions so that they do not limit you.
4. Find a coach. A good coach can save years of struggle and effort. The ideal coach started where you're starting, and has achieved the success you're after. But their key skill is providing additional eyes to show an unique perspective to your passions and strengths. They enable your mind to open faster. Mind like a Parachute works only when open.
5. Set goals. Setting goals is cliché, but how can anyone expect to achieve something great if they haven't defined it beforehand? Seeing a dream which you really feel happy (mind) about is what you really want to become. Don't get practical (intellect) here, but keep seeing the dream so that the specifics become clear over a period of time. Realise that this is the purpose of your life. Living someone else's purpose can never be inspiring.
6. Be assertive. Have you ever noticed that assertive people are the ones that tend to get what they want? Be willing to ask for what you want. A powerful dream with a clear purpose ensures that this happens.
7. Step outside the norm. The greatest achievers frequently upset a lot of people. Only people who are deeply inspired by their purpose and dream will try to align their passion and strengths to achieve them. They will take the path less travelled. True inspiration makes us live our values (behaviour and attitude we believe in and want to practise).
8. Focus on doing instead of thinking. Action results in change and progress. Failing to act is a bigger serious crime that taking action and failing.
9. It's not just hard work that matters, but rather hard, smart work. Continuous action will slowly bring clarity to your dream. This will enable firm decision making to say no to un- important actions. Ensure you're spending your time on important activities. Ensure that the less appealing activities are not avoided or postponed.
It's doubtful that anyone comes close to reaching their full potential, but all of us can do much more than what we're currently doing. Decide to become the best possible version of yourself. Find a Coach and make an intelligent plan. Identify your right ingredients:purpose, passion, values and strengths. You are not a seed; so do not expect the world to provide for you. Work that plan to the best of your ability. You can live up to that potential everyone is always talking about.

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