
Message From the Universe: You Are in Control of Your Own Destiny

"When I survey life's majesty: the birds, the bees, and the African Tulip trees. And when I survey life's characters: the Abdullas, the Lilis, and the Kaylas. And when I consider life's tribulations: the setbacks, the losses, the fear. And when I consider life's abundance, its glories, its order. And when I... actually, I could go on forever... literally.

Do you know what I love the most?

How real it all seems.

The Universe"

There is a path to everything in life. Depending on which one you take, you must take responsibilities for your decisions. Never point fingers to anyone when you fail but take all the credit when you succeed. Whatever happens to you and in your life, the sun will still rise and set every day, the oceans will still have water in them, birds will still be flying and so on and so forth. Planet Earth is not even in the center of the Universe, as many astrophysicists have concluded, so why should anything stop when you are dealing with challenges in life? Why should these challenges stop you from moving forward? You are not the only one who deals with problems on a daily basis, but as long as you face these problems and find the best solution per your standard, you are good to go. Remember, these are YOUR problems, so whatever solution YOU find, it will be the best for your own outcome. No one is competing with your problems, so you will be the ONLY one dealing with the consequences.

There is never the best solution to every problems, but as long as you can learn from them, you will be progressing and apt to deal with future issues in a more productive way. If a problem is recurring over and over again and you have resolved the issues in the past, you start to expect it to happen again and no longer feel bothered by it. The element of surprise is what takes most people off guard and brings in fear while dealing with the challenge. Adding fear while resolving issues will not optimize its solution. You will need to dissect the problem into little bitty parts and resolve each and every of these parts separately to eventually solve the overall dilemma. Do not let it overwhelm you or it will create more distress and disappointment. You are in control and do not let anyone find the best solution for you. Many will gladly give you their point of view but remember that you will be the ONLY one dealing with the consequences of their point of view. It is very easy to give your advice to others problem when you will not personally deal with its outcome right? Do not seek advice unless you fully trust the person or you will end up pointing fingers to him and her for all your troubles and disappointments. Make your own decisions and go from there.

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