
Want to Light Up a Room?

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We love all those gorgeous websites on fashion and beauty, but right now we're going to talk about another way to light up a room. Here is a great quote to show our point:

"Beauty is a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a different frequency."

Cameron Diaz

Want to know the secret to true inner beauty? It starts with self-awareness. It's finding out your true self - what makes you tick, what you love, what you don't love, what you're good at, what you're not so good at, your dreams, desires, habits, etc. It helps you 'rock' what makes you happy and go for what you're passionate about. And experts like Daniel Goldman, author of the best-selling books on Emotional Intelligence, say it's a foundation of success.

Anyone can easily answer questions about their likes and dislikes. "I love ice cream, movies, long walks, etc." But real self-awareness goes deeper - it's answering questions we only ask ourselves. It's not something you do once at a motivational class and then forget about. It's an ongoing practice of being quiet enough to let the answers come to you from inside. Sometimes just being alone without computers, TVs, and phones is really useful and often rare. Some ways of achieving this quietness are with practices like walking, exercise, yoga, and meditation.

There are plenty of meditations online specifically for self-awareness - just Google or YouTube the phrase. The meditation doesn't have to only be geared towards awareness though, since all meditations quiet the mind. Trying out different examples not only gives you variety, it also helps you explore the types that resonate with you - more awareness. My favorite is 'Meditate and Relax with Bob Proctor'. Here is the link:

This is an excerpt from that meditation, "With your inner eye, you now see a beautiful white light of energy flowing in through the crown of your head. And this beautiful white light is permeating, penetrating and filling every cell of your being... "

If this sounds too 'out there' for you, then head over to and watch Bob Proctor's "You Were Born Rich" audio series from years ago. He is known as America's Greatest Prosperity Teacher and has taught millions of people his wisdom for success. In that video series, he explains the science behind everything he teaches about how a person's mind works. He is as 'real' and knowledgeable as anyone you will ever find on the subject.

And last but not least, another great practice for awareness is journaling. It's basically keeping a diary of your thoughts. If you already journal at night, you can add theses simple questions to your routine. If journaling is not for you, these questions can be answered in your head before falling off to sleep. They can take as little as five minutes.

Remember the events of the day.

Think of what you are grateful for from the day. Since gratitude is becoming such a prevalent practice nowadays, this might be something you already do every night.

What two instances from the day are you proud of? Answers could be things like: I rocked that project at work; I took the stairs instead of the elevator; I was kind to that stranger in line.

What two instances from the day would you have done differently? An example might be that during a disagreement with a family member, you wished you hadn't blurted out the hurtful words. What would you have done different in that moment? Spend a few seconds playing a new scene out in your mind. Note that when you play this new scene, the other person doesn't change - only you do.

Don't let the simplicity of these questions make you think they are not effective. Once this becomes a regular nightly routine, you might not even notice right away, but you'll be growing your self-awareness - an invaluable skill for achieving your goals!

"You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world."

Oprah Winfrey

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