
Message of the Universe: Living for Today, Thinking for Tomorrow

"Here's how to view every decision you've ever made: It was right.

Here's how to view every path you've ever chosen: It was right.

Here's how to view every trend, friend, and dance you've ever moved with: They were right.

And here's how to view the fact that you even exist at all: "I" was totally on fire.

The Universe"

The Universe knows what you are capable of. There is no doubt that whatever your inner voice tells you to do, you need to follow it. Do not second question that voice inside you, unless it is malicious. You might encounter some demons within your subconscious mind, but these are the voices you need to ignore and focus on the one that sends you to the path of righteousness. You will know that voice when you hear it, no doubt about it. Your actions are a result of positive or negative thoughts crossing your mind through a selection process. You shouldn't act on every thoughts that runs through your mind because they can amount to over 60 000 of them on any given day. Your mind will sort out the good and the bad, the probable and impossible and will direct you to what you are capable in performing. These actions will have repercussion and once going through the motion of your thoughts, you will have the ability to make corrections and adjust the way you act upon your thoughts. Life is filled with corrections and adjustments, so don't be afraid. You might plan everything perfectly but the anticipated results aren't the way you expected them to be. Do not worry about it. These outcomes were planned by the Universe, as it knows the best course of action to take based on your behavioral traits of your inner thoughts.

You know better what is right for you, and no one can tell you this is the path that needs to be taken. Who are they to decide what is right or wrong as they don't really know the reasons as to why you chose that specific path to reach your destination? Everything you do has a purpose, and through this purpose, you will be able to determine how you want to see yourself tomorrow. It is crucial to always live in the moment as tomorrow is never guaranteed. However, if this is the case, why are we so inclined in saving money for tomorrow? Why are they retirement funds to entice people to save for tomorrow? Why are we a society that thinks more about what will happen in the future instead of focusing in the present? The answer is human nature, and it is common knowledge to always work with human nature and never against it. So, how would you want to live? Will it be for today or tomorrow or in the near future? The choice is yours.,-Thinking-for-Tomorrow&id=9566383

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