
Revealed! 6 Steps to Getting What You Want

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Do you wonder how some people get what they want out of life while others do not? You must have experienced that some of your successful friends are not as talented as you are! There is a long list of reasons for your life not being everything you want it to be. If you understand the common mistakes behind this, you can certainly increase the possibility of getting what you want.


1. No clarity about what you want: You being unhappy about your current situation only means that you don't want what you have. It, however, hardly means that you know what you want.

  • Solution: Have clarity i.e. DECIDE what you want. Start by creating a list of what you want so that you can then structure your life around attaining those things.

2. You are Not prioritizing your wants: Once you list out your 'wants', ask yourself whether you really want - say a hefty bank balance or an athlete's physique? Or would you rather watch TV shows with a drink & some awesome tasty chips by your side every night?
  • Solution: We need to understand the real issue here. It is not what you WANT but what you are willing to GIVE UP FOR YOUR WANT charts your course. E.g. a hefty bank balance requires dedicated smart work spread over a few years before the results start bringing you multiple streams of income whereas getting an athlete's physique would mean you have to hit the gym consistently & work with your trainer. In either case, you would need to give up on certain things such as giving up some free time & giving up certain foods. Ask yourself how much you are willing to give up to get what you want. Answer to this question will tell how much it means to you.

3. Lack of focus from you: Our life today is full of Digital Distractions. It is easier to get forgetful now than ever before. We can get immersed in our virtual social networks for hours together losing focus of important tasks & even forgetting some of our daily chores.
  • Solution: Make it a habit of reminding yourself of your wants at least twice daily. Read & visualize your goals while you lie in your bed once each in the morning & at night. Let your affirmation about your wants remain fresh in your mind by reminding yourself of them daily. This will assure you of focus on your wants.

4. You are not ready for the laborious hard work: Almost every prestigious accomplishment is achieved with more than 90% laborious hard-work. For example, sport's Greats like Usain Bolt or Micheal Phelps have seldom missed their practice sessions right after a competition. They have practiced their most fruitful skills thousands of times relentlessly during training. An analogy of iceberg is aptly suited here wherein their successful careers can be equated with the visible - minuscule - portion of an iceberg whereas their relentless practice sessions can be equated with the hidden - many folds larger than the visible - portion of the iceberg. This can be best understood by the fact that while Usain Bolt has actually run less than 115 Seconds for his Olympic Medals, he has invested 15 years of his life to achieve the success in those 115 seconds.
  • Solution: Accept the fact that much of your goal cannot be attained without sustained actions which won't be fun or exciting & even be mundane. These repetitive actions, however, will certainly benefit you & help you inch closer to your wants.

5. You don't focus on the processes: Having an obsession of acquiring an athlete's physique is not necessarily a solution to get one. The key is in familiarizing with & adopting habits that will help you reach your goal. While an obsession is an intense wish about a certain achievement, the achievement itself requires action which is planned carefully & executed meticulously.
  • Solution: First of all create a watch list of habits that will guarantee you successful achievement of your goals. Let it be in as much detail as possible so that you don't miss on any opportunity. Share it with your Coach alongwith your goals to ensure you are on the right track. Refine & finalize the list of actionable habits. Thereafter, your real challenge is to incorporate those finalized actionable habits into your day-to-day life. Start with baby steps & continue making progressive changes along the way until the habits become ingrained in your everyday life.

6. You want super-fast results: Rome wasn't built overnight. It takes time to achieve success at anything. Once your path is charted out, you might find that better results will start showing only after you have crossed the midway distance. This can be compared to rolling a big boulder down the hill. It can take huge amount of energy initially to get it moving from its place, but it gathers momentum quickly with minimal efforts once it is on its course.
  • Solution: Trust your own action plan more than your emotions. Remember always that your carefully planned action needs meticulous execution. If you are progressing on your charted course each day, you will eventually get to your destination - your want. Persist with your plan without giving in to your frustration. Have patience & faith in your action plan & it will show positive results.

HAPPY PURSUIT OF YOUR WANTS!!-6-Steps-to-Getting-What-You-Want&id=9595482

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