
Does Your Past Hold You Back? What Keeps You Trapped?

Your expectations may be flawed

When you have experienced a serious setback or life-changing event, it is natural to feel vulnerable, fearful, angry and hurt. You may be thinking, Why has this happened to me? Why did he do this to me? I did not deserve this. It should not have happened. A loving God would not have allowed it.

Hidden within such questions are expectations that are not necessarily realistic. For example, that life and people are always fair, that anybody is exempt from hardship and strife, that there is always an obvious reason for why things happen. And as for God... who knows what he/she would or wouldn't do?

Poisoned by blame

Seeking someone or something to blame is a common response to difficult events. But blame keeps you focused on the past. It keeps you in a state of helpless anger. It may also serve as justification for not getting on with life. Even if your hardships were due to other people's faults, meanness or carelessness, don't let it trap you into hate and thoughts of revenge. Hard as it may be, the past has to be accepted as a fact. This does not excuse or minimise what happened but only by taking responsibility for yourself from now on, do you have a chance of becoming free.

Stuck in analysis paralysis

The question 'why' is so seductive that we often get stuck searching for an explanation. But sometimes it is simply not possible to find one. Many events are so random that it defies explanation. You may have been born into difficult circumstances. Perhaps you were at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people? If you can't find a satisfactory explanation for past events, accept the uncertainty, let the past be the past and turn to the future.

Tripped up by hindsight

I should have known better... I should have seen it coming... Speculating about what you should or could have done in the past is a form of self-sabotage. Clairvoyants may have the ability to look into the future and foresee other people's actions. But usually people do the best they can with what they've got at the time. Speculative hindsight only keeps you focused on the problem rather than looking for solutions to your predicament.

Stinkin' thinkin'

Anticipating a terrible future, catastrophising, black-and-white thinking, 'shoulda, woulda, coulda', are very convincing thoughts and seem so true. However, most of the time they are unrealistic, over-dramatic, fear-based or simply wrong. They also close you off from seeing new options and stepping forward. Replace stinkin' thinkin' with thoughts that are realistic, life-affirming and helping you find a way forward.

Resisting or denying your pain

When pain gets too overwhelming, it's common to seek relief and avoid feeling it: Ignoring or numbing it with alcohol, drugs (legal and illegal), sex, workaholism, excessive use of technology etc. However, until you honestly look at your pain, it will hold you in its grip. The only way to resolve painful feelings is to feel and acknowledge them, understand their context and accept them as a wound from the past that no longer needs to hold you back. Then you can take positive steps to heal.

How To Assess Your Life

Here is an excellent reason why you should assess your life. If at times, you do not evaluate or adjust your goals based on your purpose, or mission statement, you may spend your whole life climbing the ladder of success, only to realize, once you get to the top, that it is leaning against the wrong wall.
How can you identify your top goals? In what manner is it important to you? Why should you evaluate your life as it is today? What is working or is not? And what areas should you want to change, reset or improve?

"No one has ever climbed the ladder of success with both hands in their pockets." - Zig Z.
And yet, a lot of people do not even know there is a ladder. No one wants to find themselves stuck in an unfulfilled life, so the more reason to assess it when the little voice inside you tells you to do so.

But life does not have to be a politically correct or mundane process. You have the right to make your own choices, the ones that align with your desires and wants. By getting off the grid for a day or two, you take the time to think, reflect, assess and adjust your life. It can become a journey of purpose and passion, but you have to be very honest with yourself.

The Valued Process of Assessment

If you do not confront your life once in a while, you are destined to be stuck in something you may not enjoy for the rest of your existence. It is what happens to the majority of people. And that is why all of us, without exception, will, go or went through one or two mid-life crisis.

However, each New Year, countless people make resolutions to change but forget all about it in February. But the ideal time is anytime you feel like it, so yes, you should reflect, assess and ruminate. Yet, sadly, so many people still neglect this valued and priceless process.

In fact, I am pretty sure you heard people or even yourself say one of these statements: "It's not worth my time." "I don't have a minute to myself." "Who is going to pay the bills?" So many folks work at a job they do not like just to make a living.

Why You Should Assess Your Life

There are times when you have to rethink your life. You have to recognize where your time and effort is best spent or poorly spent. You need to identify the indicators of progress and regression.

And you must realize what your strengths and your weaknesses are.

So, when you assess your existence, it gives you a delightful sense of slowing time down. You can do more, and it leads you on the right path by correcting your journey. You can go over the best moments in your life and correct. And you internalize and keep in mind the lessons learned.

"There are three methods by which we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius
Stay in Control of Your Life

When you act without reflecting on things, it is like driving a car without brakes. You go faster, but it often leads to a negative result. Things are mostly out of your control. So, to have the ability to stop and assess your life is what makes your journey safer, more memorable, and much more powerful.

So, assessments give you a stronger awareness and insight on how to predict challenges, barriers, and behaviors. It helps you make some necessary adjustments to what is not working. In this way, you can move forward with more determination on that which is working for you.

And as you assess your life, it brings clarity to where you should be in life. It shows you that you are or not on the right track. But most people do not ever follow their true calling, mission or purpose. Yet, what difference would it make to the world we live in if they did. There would undoubtedly be more creativity, inventions, solutions, and problems resolved!

How to Assess Your Life

  1. Take a day to reflect, assess and adjust your goals. It means being away from daily distractions. Go alone to whatever place you consider your cocoon of peace. Treat yourself to a time off and enjoy the process of evaluation. Remember, to live a fulfilling life, assessment is required and is beneficial to your future.
  2. Put away or turn off your cell phone. It is the number one reason for disturbing your private and personal time. So, you do not need your phone to assess your life; you need quiet.
  3. Turn off your computer if you are assessing in the same room and avoid the internet. Then, put only a pen and paper near you. Let go of everything else. Close your eyes. Re-live how far you have come and where you are now. Is it the place you want to be and really desire in your existence?
  4. Then record your thoughts by writing them down. Understand that writing is much more powerful than passive thinking. Remembering, learning, creativity, and commitment are way higher when physical writing on paper is required. And realize that your notes will serve as a map and source of inspiration for the adjustments you might have to make in life.
  5. Begin to find ways to adjust your mission to the life you have now. Ask the right questions to the right people or books. The most beautiful ideas, insights, and discoveries humans have made started by assessing their lives.

Therefore, you have to ponder, wonder, reflect, and reevaluate every time you hear this little voice of yours telling you it is time to assess your life. You will then live a much more satisfying and happy existence instead of just living through the days wondering what could be or might have been. It is your life!

I Had A Dream - A Very Pleasant One

I had a dream. It made me visualize the beautiful aspects of life. A bright future with all the negative vibes wiped off. I was the only spectator watching the entire humanity turn into a whirlpool of emotions leading to goodwill, love, care, obedience, and respect. Chivalry was the leading reason and it made women the leading survivors on the planet. Their place was never as strong as it was now and they did not feel the slightest of resentment or cruelty as they did in the past. It was like the golden period of their life. Humans turned into hard workers with brains that lead them to merit their work with combined time for relaxation. They worked effortlessly with enough time to sleep, talk eat and spending time with their loved ones. The scientific inventions took no time to look back and innovation leaped on with a panther's easy grace. The spaceships rocket launchers the space stations telecommunications and satellites were on the go and left no stones unturned in developing the universe. The galaxies retained no big question marks on their existence and the mysterious creatures called aliens were no longer a threat. Instead, they did things that we thought was humanly impossible in seven births. It was the ability, nature and the fantastical elements of the universe that combined and made an amazing contribution in building a new-fangled world.

Children were the apple of their parent's eyes. No one dared to disregard his or her wishes keeping in mind the reason of protection. They were given the best of everything from birth until they reached their middle age. They had an unconditional love for their parents and family and were programmed to enter in the world that way. Bad words or spoiled language was like a dream and they did not even know what hatred meant. All they knew about was to work hard, respect their families have a good life ahead and worship the divine. It was the time where the element of negativity was miles away or was not born. It was an era of a beautiful and unique existence of life

Nature did not weep neither the animals' were afraid to enter our residence. They did not hunt irrationally or gave piercing angry cries that frightened the babies. They bowed their heads when people touched them and gave the necessary help when in trouble. No one was afraid of anyone. Sometimes the aliens from the neighbouring galaxies visited the homes and learnt the new humane ways that were free from malice and rage. Children were amused at their appearance and asked many good questions about their life-style. Some of the space shuttles took kids to the ride of the Milky Way and showed them their beloved star clusters and the exotic creatures floating around.

Abundant trees with an add-on of flora and fauna lead to the absence of disease. There was no sign of illness and the big I of illness was gone from their dictionaries. No mental pressures no hard deadlines or work commitments that before lead to suicidal tendencies. It was like a dread-free dreamland where only happiness persisted. People reached the age where they had to leave from their worldly desires but the griefing was forbidden. It was the beginning of a new birth that leading to a curiosity of its next beautiful formation. People died just to get a better birth

Flowers did not perish nor were they crushed. They willingly popped themselves out from their roots and sat on their favourite spots. They did not die but changed forms according to seasons. Money came with limitations. It only went and stayed in the house where the owner was in its need

As malice was absent nobody even thought about theft or keeping the things in excess than their needs. Speaking of food, it was delicious, healthy, and mouth-watering. Plants were showered with abundant rains so people relished the leafy green vegetables either boiled or had raw. It gave them a healthy glow and a refreshing spirit. These made an add-on in their positivity and work force. An in the pink skin was a regular show. It is a known fact that when your stomach remains clean you will have an awesome day and these people had no trouble in that.

It was a happy aura of sophistication respect and loyalty. Roots of love were giving fruits of faithfulness and integrity. What was not to love? It was going on and on and on.

My eyes flickered open! It was dawn and I woke with a jerk with my alarm ringing rigorously. I opened my eyes and found myself in my apartment in my room where the atmosphere was telling me to get up fast and run for the office. With morbid thoughts, I jumped up from my bed and ran to the reality that beckoned me to melt my very pleasant dream.

We always dream and wish for wonderful things to happen. We have to try for that to be real. Its all on us. We and only We are responsible for making a better future or making it worst for our kids to see. Let us hope for the best and nothing less.

The Problem With Willpower

I'm addicted to learning and recently I've been enjoying a number of writing classes. Our stories have some common themes.

First, there's an unselfish goal. Our hero can't have any personal gain from their achievement. Second, several mighty obstacles to reaching that goal appear and defeat seems imminent. Finally, an enormous sacrifice made by our hero helps them reach their goal but at a huge personal price.

It makes for a great story, but in real life it's a recipe for misery. We're biologically programmed to self-preserve, to grow, to avoid pain and seek out pleasure. And unless we're sociopaths, we also get a nice hit of feel good chemicals when we do good in the world.

While our biology tells us to seek out pleasure, our stories tell us this is selfish and hedonistic.

Scott Adams has a great book called How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life and he's got an interesting theory on selfishness. I won't spoil the book for you, but it got me thinking. Suffice it to say that he suggests you look out for your own best interests without being a jerk. And that may be a good formula.

I think it's from our stories that we get the idea that if the journey is miserable, it makes reaching the goal sweeter. There's a puritanical belief that suffering is the only path to real achievement. But that doesn't make a lot of sense.

I believe that misery is an indicator. There may be moments of boredom or discomfort along our path, but the journey we choose to take should be enjoyable most of the time, punctuated by moments of excitement and driven by passion.

You would never prepare an entire meal with spices and ingredients you loathe in hopes of having a delicious meal. Yet, we do this with our goals all of the time. College students buckle down and power their way through classes they hate so they can get a degree in a field of work they think they'll love. People plug into willpower and endure jobs they hate so they can get a promotion in hopes that job will be better. We feel we can punish ourselves into a happy and fulfilled life. That's what the stories tell us, but it's not true.

Passion and the inevitable consistency that flows from it is far more important to success than willpower. Passion carries us through those brief boring or unpleasant bits we need to do so we can get to the fun stuff. But it should be interesting and fulfilling and fun along the way.

Think about the goals you're working on. Yes, it will be exciting when you achieve them, but are you enjoying the work you're doing to reach that goal? Do you feel passionate about each step? If not, do you have the right goals? Or do your steps need adjusting?

Message From the Universe: Nothing Good Comes From Looking Into Your Past!

"From where I sit, it is a mystery to me how so many can look back on their past with pride, yet frown with disappointment at their present. Somehow forgetting that back then, they were just as self-critical, while somehow missing that today they've never, ever, been so close to all they've ever wanted.

Historical dyslexia?

The Universe"

When looking at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Are you proud with what you see? Would you hope to be in a better place in your life? Do you feel empty inside, and not because you are single, but because you weren't able to achieve all your dreams? Do you think there is a better version of you out there, in a parallel Universe, or maybe on that same planet you live in, YOU can better yourself? Whatever the answer to these questions comes to mind, you are the one who will come up with the best probable answer. It is not about living in your past, about how much money you made, about how great relationships you had and have lost, how this or that with the purpose of comparing your past life with your present life. Why this torture? Will that be productive for you to endeavor on the "should have" approach to life. It is the past so it is important that you leave it behind.

You made choices and it is important to realize that living with these choices is a must for you to move forward with what you want to do from this point forward. There is always a better option when you weigh them all. If you chose this path, that is because that path was the best available then. It is possible that today, that same path taken 10 years ago might not render the same outcome, but this is why it is crucial to always update your goals and dreams. They will always change so why shouldn't you? Keep yourself learning more and always be eager to become better as a person. In reality, this is the ONLY thing you can control in life. You can't avoid sickness, or financial disaster, or loss of family members, or whatever else that can slam at you like a massive tidal wave. You need to come to realization that whatever effort or work you put into something can render various results that can be hard to predict. However, the effort you put in to become a better person will provide you with a lifelong level of peace and satisfaction. Learn to work on yourself first and everything else will follow.!&id=9640833

Discovering and Understanding Your Life Purpose

What is it that you're missing in your life? What is it that you'd most like to have? Would you like more love, more freedom, more peace?

In life, we strive and fight in our lives to get whatever it is that we believe we need or want. We reach personal and professional goals and acquire what we can afford. But is that what life is really about? Is that what makes our soul thrive and feel happy? Is it what makes me satisfied and complete?

Look inside you. What are you missing? What haven't you got enough of? What would you like to have more of? What do you dream of having?

If your life ended today, what would you be sorry you never got? What would you miss?

If you dream of having things, what need are those things trying to satisfy? What do they give you? What do they make you feel, power, satisfaction, peace... ? If you dream of reaching goal after goal, what does success mean to you? What does it give you? Those things and goals are your way to satisfy your personal needs and those needs somehow mask what you most desire. Ask yourself, then, what it is that your being most wants, what it is that you crave day after day, what is it that would make you feel complete and whole.

Once you know, why not turn that into your life purpose? Imagine planning your days and actions with that general purpose in mind. Everything you do then has that ultimate purpose. Your life immediately adopts a new meaning. Imagine you choose "peace" as your life purpose.Whenever dealing with others, you will now target peace as the highest goal. Your relationships will have that ultimate goal. And so will your work. And your leisure time. And your everyday actions, And the objectives you wish to reach. And your conversations... If you then ever feel bad for whatever reason, ask yourself: am I still pursuing my purpose or did I go astray from it? Your life purpose becomes your inner compass, your north, your direction to follow no matter what. If you deviate from it, you will feel bad because you will not be aligned with it. Which is the same reason that will lead you to returning to it and resuming it. Once your life purpose is defined, it is much easier to return to it. This step that I'm taking, this conversation that I'm having, this action that I'm undertaking... is aligned with my purpose? Is making me move forward? If not, what do I need to do to change it?

Give yourself the gift of this life compass. Don't you see how your life is changed? Pick your purpose and re-focus your life.

Enjoy life... ALL of it,

Money Is Looking for You

Push the pause button on your life for a moment.

Take a nice deep belly breath in and let it out slowly. Do it again. Slowly... in and out.

Now imagine that the money you've been wanting is like a long-lost lover. There's an emotional connection between you. You've been separated due to some past decisions. You've lost touch and have now come to the realization that you want this lover back in your life.

You may feel like finding your money is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Your money is looking for you, just as you are looking for it. It wants to be with you forever. All you have to do is let it in the door.

You see, it's been knocking and you've been afraid to answer. You've been afraid that it will tease you. You think it'll come in your life and then disappear again. Or you might think you're not worthy of it yet, needing to struggle a bit more. You may think it's just simply too good to be true.

Are you ready to trust that your beloved relationship with money is for real? That it will be loyal to you if you give it a chance? Your money wants to serve you. It sees you as worthy just as you are right now.

You see, this process is very real. If you decide to feel worthy of more money in your life and you literally put out the welcome mat, it will show up.

The decision is all up to you. You either let it in or you don't. You either focus on it being missing from your life or you allow it in, with your arms open and ready to receive.

You'll have to push the pause button on the worrying, concerns, stress and debating about money. This includes all things money related: your job or business, your mate's income, how you spend your money, your future plans, your investments, what other people are making or spending, etc. You've got to stop tripping yourself up with your doubts. There is no logic in worrying; therefore it is not helpful to do so.

Your wealth is dependent on you simply opening up. It wants you as much as you want it. Decide. If there is an action you have to do to let it in, you'll know. It will become very clear to you, and you won't have to figure it out. You know what they call that, right? Yes, it's inspired action. It's all fun and games from that point.

Just like in the movies, your love story can have a happy ending.

What inspired actions will you take towards your happy ending?

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here:

Dealing With Self-Doubt

Have you ever dreamed of doing something bigger than just your standard daily grind? Have you ever wanted to start a business or write a book? Do you ever hear a little voice inside your head? You know the voice. It's your negative alter ego telling you your dreams are just that dreams. The voice tells you you're not smart enough, rich enough, or creative enough. That little voice has plagued me for many years, and it was only recently I got the nerve to tell it to SHUT UP! I will never understand why we all have that little voice, but we all know it is self-doubt. Even the most confident person deals with self-doubt, and it doesn't go away. You can be living your dream, and still have moments you question your capabilities. Even though it may be a lifelong battle, here are some questions to ask yourself when that negative feeling creeps into your mind.

If you never reached your goals, would you be satisfied?

I began to ask myself that question when fear and doubt became crippling. I felt confined to the point I was suffocating. Terror came over me when I thought of never pursuing my dream. That feeling outweighed any doubt or fear that I had that I might fail. The fear of not at least trying lit a fire in me, and I haven't looked back since.

Where did your self-doubt originate?

We are born with a level of confidence, but as we get older, our experiences shape the way we think. Did you have parents or family members that were negative? Were they quitters? Did they predict a negative outcome before even attempting the task? If you've grown up around people with these attitudes, it is hard to break the pattern. Read positive thinking self-help books. Attend events and networking events with people that share the same interests. Surround yourself with people that want to see you win.

Can you accept failure?

We all know failure is a very unpleasant situation. I've read many books and heard lots of speeches embracing failure. Who are they kidding? When you fail, it feels like the whole world is watching and laughing at you. When you have minor successes, no one pays attention. Failure is not an excuse to give up on what you want to do. Keep in mind this relates to attainable goals. If you're trying to be a pilot, but have never taken a flying lesson, that's not attainable. The journey to build something out of nothing is not paved in gold. You will have stumbling blocks along the way. When you stumble, take a step back, regroup, and continue to push through.

I've failed plenty of times, and the more I failed, the louder the voice of self-doubt got. But even though the negative voice was loud, my dream always screamed louder.

Message From the Universe: You Are Just a Moment Away From Ultimate Success

"Do you have any idea how many princesses have gone unrecognized by their prince because of logic? Or how many princes have gone unrecognized by their princess because of pride?

How many dreams were dashed when the handmaiden answered the door? Or when the gatehouse was mistaken for the mansion? Or when the calm before the storm of abundance and good fortune was viewed as a sign to retreat?

Happily, we've got forever and ever. And fortunately, it's never too late to see what one's missed, remain focused on the dream instead of the hows, and move with unwavering faith.

The Universe"

The feelings of success are palpable. You may not see it, you may not be able to touch it, but it is there. Your new life is coming around soon, and it will be a life that will make you forget all your past struggles, frustrations, anxiety and so much more. These past feelings will be just be a vague memory, where you worked day in and day out to get to where you are today. Abundance is soon coming to a neighborhood near you. The bus of success is stopping right at your doorstep, knocking on your door and asking you to jump in. You can no longer ignore it, because you are the one who gave the direction to the driver to stop at your place of residence. You have now become the commander of this ship, the pilot of this massive airplane and you are flying it right through a new world of abundance where money flows as fast as the waters from Niagara Falls Canada. You are now on your way to feel and experience what the richest people on Earth are feeling. This is no longer for an exclusive elite group of people to savor wealth and abundance, because you are the creator of that group. They made it big, but you made it bigger. There is now NO end to your success. Keep on thinking positive and keep on moving forward to greater success.

Life is what you make out of it and no one else is to blame except yourself. There are no reasons why you should point fingers to him or her or anybody else as to why you failed in life. Only you can decide the outcome of your life and what is needed to get done to arrive to destination. Sometimes, you need to open your eyes and start realizing that life has NOTHING against you in particular, and it will open doors for you as long as you are willing to put in the work and effort and determination to put in the master key to unlock them. So here it is, ladies and gentlemen. The Universe is yours and all the resources available can be used at your discretion. There is no limits, no quotas, no restrictions. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and get your share, PRONTO!

Attention Purpose Seekers! It's Your Time!

Seeking our purpose can be extremely frustrating and confusing. We know that there is more to life than what we are currently experiencing, but we are not quite sure what that "more" is. Purpose seeking is a way of life for so many people. They don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing with their life. They go from day-to-day, month-to-month and year-to-year trying to figure out what they were born to do.

Unfortunately some individuals leave this earth with their purpose still in them. But that does not have to be your story. It is not by accident that you landed on this article. I believe that this is a divine connection. It's your time to go from purpose seeker to being someone who is living in purpose.

Do you feel like you are purposed to help others? Do you feel led to inspire others to move past obstacles and achieve their goals? Are you a creative goal-getter on fire to make a difference? If you answered "yes" then part of your purposeful living design could include becoming a Certified Life Coach.

As a Certified Life Coach you can discover your purpose, unleash your purpose and transform your purpose into profits. You can also find the missing piece to why you feel like something is missing in your life. Becoming a Certified Life Coach can make a huge difference in your life.

As you are on the journey to discovering and unleashing your purpose it is important to break through any purpose blockers. There is always going to be something or someone trying to hinder your success, but you have to make up your mind that you are not going to let anything or anyone stop you from living the life that God has destined for you to live. It's your life so live it... PURPOSEFUL!!-Its-Your-Time!&id=9452538

How To Change Yourself In Positive Ways

To change yourself in positive ways is not an easy feat but rather a hard one. In other words, most of us are weak, overwhelmed or even pathetic when it comes to making changes. But the makeover is possible. It is when you struggle with the fact that it is no longer acceptable, that you are ready for it.
Is there a change you tried to make but have not succeeded? Why people, in general, experience extreme difficulty when trying to change a single habit? What changes should you start with?

It is not an easy question. Making or creating a 'different' you can be tremendously challenging. But if think your life is currently on the wrong path, or not where you want to be, then a radical amount of constructive change in positive ways might be the best thing.

So, to change yourself requires a lot of discipline, but also knowing what your 'ideal self' looks like and recognizing your current weaknesses. It is usually a time when you take a hard look at the truth and realize that enough is enough. That is why it is uncomfortable for many people to make a change.

Beginning to Change Yourself
No one ever said it was going to be easy! To reach your ideal, you need to find role models who will help guide you along the way. If mentors are absent, read books about people you admire and begin to copy their habits. To change yourself, you need to have short and long-term goals.

In my life, there are so many changes I have gone through. And no matter if the change was small or big, each time was of importance. Studies show that to change a habit takes around 21 days, so three weeks. Yet, I had habits that took months or years to change as they were ingrained more in-depth into my unconscious.

Therefore, realize that you might be different. It may be easier or harder depending on the change or habit. You have to figure out what works for you. With that said, if you want to make a difference and develop different and new habits, start first by believing you can.

Nuts and Bolts of New Ways
I wrote several times about how to change, replace old habits, or develop new habits in positive ways, but here are the nuts and bolts:

  • Create a 30 or 90-day challenge for yourself, and focus on how to change just one habit at the time.
  • Put it out on paper, and add the obstacles and strategies you might have to overcome them.
  • Make an end goal by writing down your outcome.
  • Make it a big picture goal but divide it into multiple parts with smaller goals to achieve.
  • Put the written goal somewhere where you can see every day.
  • Commit fully and go full in.
  • Log your progress and report on it each week.
  • Relax and realize it is okay when you weaken as it happens to everyone.
  • If you fail, understand what went wrong but do not dwell on it. And then try again to change.
  • Reward every little success you make or get.

How to Change Yourself in Positive Ways
Learn from the best when it comes to transforming yourself in a different you. Again, find people who truly embody the person you want to be. Use and imitate various qualities or habits you respect from different persons to make a change.
But you have to develop positive ways of thinking. It is the first essential key to help you replace, build, and form any other habit or change you have in mind. Of course, positive thoughts alone will not lead to straight to success. On the other hand, it certainly assists you in pushing you to do the things required to succeed.

So, if you allow yourself to have negative thinking, you always end up failing. You have to think positive thoughts instead; it will give you a higher chance of success. It could be invaluable to you! Practice positive thinking again and again, until you can change and form just about any habit you need.

Exercising is Part of Change

Yes, exercise is healthy and all that, and it is also a part of any change. But how does it change your habits? Well, I walk two hours a day, every day. I am a sportsman by nature, but the last year I have done less exercise, and I got a thrombosis from being too many hours in front of my computer.

In fact, exercise makes you feel better about yourself. It clears your mind and makes you more confident. Workouts lead to a right mindset, constructive change, and better success. And you need to think in positive ways to endure exercise.

As a result, it relieves stress and gives you time to think. It then leads to better mental well-being in your life overall and helps with creativity. A friend of mine, Jonathan Dewaele is a great teacher when it comes to health and fitness.

Change by Taking Baby Steps
The key to change is making baby steps to imprint a new habit into the subconscious. Every goal or change you make should be a step toward your desired outcome. Small changes or goals should be tangible, but do not be afraid to have a big crazy goal.

Then, focus on only one small change. When you focus on one habit or goal at a time, it is more efficient. It is a powerful way of achieving your goals or changes for that matter. Focus and energy are the two vital ingredients for making a necessary change or the desired objective.

Therefore, pick one of the habits to focus on first. Break it into smaller aims and choose an action you can do today. Keep doing it every day until your goal is accomplished. Then get to the next modest target and so on. In some instances, turn them into habits until your routine is ingrained. And then focus on the following goal to achieve.

Change of Daily Routine
Change seems simple, and yet it is hard. You need to transform and create a new daily routine for yourself, which will make an enormous difference in your life. It means developing a habit for the morning, afternoon and evening.

Thus, it will revolutionize your life because a new routine will help you to simplify your days, focus on what is most important, and build the life you desire. In short, you have to eliminate the non-essential in your life.

First of all, you need to identify the things in your life that are most important to you, or what you love the most. Then eliminate all other stuff. It makes things simpler and gives you the space to focus on what is essential.

Cultivating Kindness as a Change
Yes, cultivating and being kind is a great habit to have. Try to focus on kindness each day for a month or two and see what sorts of profound changes enter in your life. It will change you in positive ways, and over the long run, you will see people act towards you differently and even treat you better.

It is called karma! How can you cultivate a kindness habit? Well, first, make it your goal to say or do something kind for a living being each day. It does not matter if it is human or animal. During the day, when an opportunity presents itself, be kind or do a caring act.

Therefore, each time you talk, interact or work with somebody, make an effort to be kind and compassionate. Finally, attempt to go beyond and into more significant acts of compassion. You could volunteer to help those in need or animal causes.

A Final Word on Change and New Ways
So, begin to change your wrong habits in positive ways and accept any small success. Each time you reach a short goal or transformation, you get closer to your outcome. It is a great thing!

However, do not get too satisfied when it happens. Take some time to appreciate the change and keep moving forward to your next desire. These new habits will change your life. It will help you genuinely root the constructive changes in your everyday life.

My closing words are to keep making new goals. Push and drive yourself to become a better version of the person you are now. To change yourself in positive ways and get better habits, you need to have a vivid picture of your final goal and then break it into smaller goals. And then, let it become a routine that gets ingrained and becomes a natural part of you. I know you can do it!

Message From the Universe: Treasuring Your Life Today

"It's all so precious, and hopelessly romantic...

I mean, just look around you right now. In your office, your neighborhood, down the street. There are people, right? Friends or maybe complete strangers. 7 billion people in all.

And every single one of them have forks in the road of life, just up ahead, that even now swiftly approach. Adventures and choices that will take them, at least temporarily, out of sight, beyond reach, and eventually closer to "home." Yet until then, they're so incredibly near, you have so much in common, and there are still stories to tell.

Treasure every beautiful second.

Love, love - 
The Universe"

We have all experienced loss in our lives, such as a loss of a friend, or family member and even pets. The pain can be unbearable and sometimes last a while. They go live a better life where we are left behind mourning our loved ones. Prior to their moment of death, they are probably asking themselves a few questions, such as: "Did I fully live my life? Did I do everything I wanted to do? Did I spend enough time with my loved ones? Did I failed them? Should have I put more energy in spending time with them? How can I get back that lost time?". Their last moment on earth was about regrets not doing the things that were really important. Unfortunately, there is no turning back time as you can't really fix what was already done. If you feel something is odd with your life, it is OK to change the things you do not like. It is never too late.

Learn from the ones who feels regret for not living their live to the fullest. Everyone will tell you not to hold off to the things you want to do because you do not have enough of this or that or anything else. You want to take advantage of every single moment you have on earth so you do not feel any regret in the future. Avoid using the terms "would have or should have or whatever else" as they represent regrets. If you want to start your business, then go ahead. If you want to go back to school to enhance your education, go for it. If you want to get married tomorrow, well, make sure you know him or her very well first. Nevertheless, you need to just do what you feel will make you happy. Don't wait for that perfect moment, or the perfect timing or anything of that sort. These moments tend to never show up, so don't waste your life waiting on them. Life is too short for that.

Message From the Universe: Just Take That Step Forward and See What Happens

It's time you step forward to claim whatever it is that you want from life.

Just remember, the gate keeper who will give it to you is the same gate keeper who has kept it from you, gorgeous.

Good thing, 
The Universe"

You really have nothing to lose, do you? If you don't try, the answer or result will always be null. If you don't ask for it, you are sure to always get a NO. If you ask, you have a 50% chance of getting a yes, which are better odds than 0%. People are afraid to ask thinking that they will bother the person, or seem demanding, or needy. It is important to also make sure that the way you ask for something doesn't appear to be either needy, or desperate or demanding. You need to figure out a way to make them want to give you with whatever you need. You need to show appreciation for whatever they may do for you, even before it even happened. This way, they will feel the need to want to help, as you already thanked them for it. Avoid feeling entitled when asking for something, as the millennium generation are living their life with this feeling of entitlement. You need to give it up once and for all. No one owes you ANYTHING, so start living life with being grateful and appreciative.

So go out there and start asking for things, in the right way of course. Always make sure to give back as well, as nothing comes for free. If someone helps you, it is important to give back. Also, the way you deliver your request is a must when asking for something. You will deal with many who just take and take and never are willing to give back. Watch out for these people. They seem like they are the type of being there for you when you need it but they are mostly vampires which will drain your blood until nothing is left and will let you rot in hell until they find their next victim. Listen to your inner voice when dealing with people like that, as they are like a virus. Thank God, there are not too many out there like that but watch out for yourself. Be vigilant and always pay attention when encountering these kind of people. Protect yourself at all cost and surround yourself with people who will always want you to be the best you can be.

Turning Fears Into Action Items

We all have fears and issues around certain struggles that life has to offer us from time to time: some of us are fearful about death, finances, careers, health, weight, happiness, partnerships, business, coping abilities, aging, relationships with families or friends. These struggles can change with age and stages in our life. What was important when we're twenty is not so important when we are sixty or seventy.

Recently one person mentioned the fear of being a sales person and how to create her own business and find her own clients. This is a struggle for many people, especially for people in the natural health-related fields who find it a challenge to emphasize their talents and their fees. Why? Because we want to take care of people; we don't want them to feel we are putting pressure on them to spend their money. But, aren't we doing just that? If we want to share our services with others, we have to think of the sharing as an exchange. I give you this and you give me that. Both parties must feel that the exchange is of equal value. So as natural healing artists, we must address our fears about selling our services to others. Whenever we address our fears, try to think of yourself from a wholistic framework which can help you coach yourself to learning how to turn your fears into action items.

I spell holistic with a 'w' because, for me, wholistic means whole. We are all whole and we all have the tools we need within ourselves to maintain a healthy, happy, and productive life; but sometimes inner thoughts and fears or outward pressures from the world and others create blockages that stop us from having the life we truly desire. That is what natural healing is all about - finding nature's way to ensure we stay balanced in our lives. Let's elaborate on the word 'wholistic'.

Wholistic can mean the linking or combination of the body, mind and spirit. Drawn from the principles of the Ayurvedic system, referred to as the system of life, we draw on the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth as the underlying basis of the structure of the universe which is also the same basis within the human structure. We are all made up of air, fire, water, and earth and we use these basic elements as expressions or preferences that help us increase self-awareness of our gifts, strengths, and also of our blindspots - those parts of ourselves that we do not like to visit or that feel boring to us.

This increased self awareness along with the increased developmental use of all the elements within us consists of the Air or Mental side of ourselves which relates to how we think and dream - our ideas about life. The Fire & Water relate to the Social side of ourselves and how we relate to others through communicating, coordinating, cooperating, and connecting. The Earth or Physical side represents how we build a world that is solid and which manifests the ideas of the thinker or Dreamer through the processes of the two Social expressions of Fire or the Actions we take and Water or our Reactions to the process as we move through it.

This whole-person system is driven by the captain of our ship which is referred to as our natural, most preferred element or way of operating. When we allow the captain of our ship to guide us, it helps in its process to yoke all four elements into the maturation of our higher or spiritual self. This higher self is expressed in life by how we take our strengths out into the world to share with others; the ultimate goal of a spiritual life on planet earth is to self-actualize or to bring into actuality our gifts which are tempered by life itself - not in the world of the imagination - but in the world of reality -- through a complete process of manifestation developing and using all the tools within us that nature provides.

The fear of sales, in some sense, can be reframed and doesn't have to feel like 'sales' but sales can be thought of as a context for sharing who we are with others. The process for insights into this struggle is not about getting you to 'sell' yourself but the process is about assisting you in sharing (hence getting sales) your highest, most actualized self with others even when you have or in spite of having these fears and blocks. The fears and blocks are the actual stepping stones for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be - sharing (selling) your services to others.

No matter what you are afraid of and no matter what your blocks or stressors at the moment are, coaching to conscious awareness helps to bring and crystallize what is not working into what can be turned into an action plan. A good coach will help you create an action plan that is perfect for you and will then assist you in moving toward what you do want instead of what you fear or are striving to avoid.

The fundamental tools applied in a coaching session are personality preferences, behavioural insights, addressing fears and blocks through questioning skills, getting clear on motivational drives, insights for dealing with conflict and confrontation, and the use of various processes to increase personal insights as you focus and move forward on what you want to achieve - hence 'coaching' skills for achieving your goals/targets/dreams.

Focus to Reach Goals

I have a client who faithfully goes to the gym three times a week. He told me that he is surprised at the lack of focus of others who are "working out" at the same time. Some of them are so busy looking at their phones that their speed is significantly reduced. Others may doddle or use some of their time visiting so they don't use their time wisely.

My client wants to ensure that his workouts are effective for him and has therefore developed a strategy for boosting his productivity. He deliberately wears a sweatshirt with a large hood that he can pull up around his face. Having only a small opening forces him to focus straight ahead in a manner that is similar to a horse that is wearing blinders. By doing this, he is not distracted by things around him so can invest all his attention and energy on his exercise program. By the time his workout is completed, the sweatshirt is dripping wet and he feels both physical and emotional satisfied.

When the client leaves the gym to drive home, he does the opposite. He doesn't wear a hood as he wants to ensure that there is nothing blocking his direct sight and peripheral vision. Safety is the goal.

I have been thinking about the wisdom of this man. He knows what he wants and then makes sure that he has set himself up for success.

So often in life, people state that they want to accomplish a goal but then keep moving the start date because of distractions. They think that procrastination will allow them a more suitable time for their project only to find that another life event interferes. Another delay. And another. Until time has passed and the dream dies.

There is no perfect time to begin. There will always be other things that fight for our time and attention. Time passes and we age. Whether we reach for our goals or put them off will determine whether we will feel regret or success.

Don't get lost in details or think that you need to proceed with break-neck speed. Small steps over time lead to big results. According to a Nerd Wallet Internet site, a 30 year old who invests just $21.00 per day at 6% will have a million dollars by retirement. If you reduced your calorie intake by 500 a week and burned another 500 a week with exercise you could lose two pounds a week or 52 pounds a year! Taking 30 university credits a year (which is usually just five full classes), you will have a degree in four years (with summers and holidays off).

What are the goals that you have been desiring but delaying? Do you want to clean and organize your closet? Would you like to fill the deep freeze with nutritious meals? Have you been thinking about re-connecting with old friends? Are you wanting to learn a skill or break a habit?

Today is the best time to begin. Write your goal down on paper and set a reasonable date for completion. Do some research and set out small, daily steps that will lead you in the right direction. Then make a strong commitment. Follow the example of my client. Grab an emotional sweatshirt with a hood that you can use to block out the distractions and focus on the task ahead.

Metaphors Gone Wild: Granite and Obstacles

"Looking back," talk show host Jack Paar once remarked, "my life so far seems like one long obstacle course, with me as its chief obstacle." The insight has value for those inclined to blame others or to blame life itself for their failure to achieve goals. If you are willing to acknowledge you might share Paar's comedic view of success and failure, you have taken the first step toward achieving your goals for your life.

It's been said that a problem well-defined is a problem half-solved. In the same way, a goal that has been examined from several perspectives is a goal more likely to be made a reality. Be sure your goal is a realistic one. Put time limits on it. And do periodic progress checks, noting what has been done to move you closer to your stated wish for your life.

President Kennedy would often invite people who had nothing to do with politics to sit in on Cabinet meetings. Why? Because they typically viewed the situation in ways that differed from the political view. Before you make a final decision on the goal you are pursuing, subject it to the scrutiny of those you respect. Include people who have some expertise in the area associated with your goal, as well as people who know you well and can help you avoid pitfalls.

Look at your intended goal from a negative perspective. Ask, "If I wanted this goal-journey to fail, what would I do?" In other words, consider all the things that could go wrong. Once you have your list, then determine what you can do to ensure the items on the list do not become your manifest destiny.

Optimism, self-confidence, self-reliance--these and other attitudinal elements will go a long way toward removing the obstacles you may have initially thought were holding you back from your dreams. When your spirits start to sag, when the process proves to be taking longer than you had anticipated, talk to an optimist. Or, read about the many trials a famous person had to undergo before he or she could claim success. See a movie in which hope reigns. Do whatever you can, including making notes on your progress so far, to regard obstacles as only temporary impediments.

Thomas Carlyle wisely observed that "the block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, became a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong." Your personal and professional success may indeed depend on which metaphor you are clinging to. If you regard obstacles as surmountable blocks, you are far more likely to realize the hopes you have established. You can use that metaphoric block of granite as an actual stepping-stone. But, if you succumb to negative views and give up, you will fail to do what you are capable of doing.

Why Mistakes Lead To Massive Inner Growth When You Live Purposefully

Make Decisions In Alignment With Your Highest Values

It's certain if you're reading this that you've made mistakes throughout your life, some of which you may regret.

Mistakes are unavoidable because they are sewn into the fabric of life and none are immune to them.

You might fear making mistakes because you believe they are damaging. Sometimes they are, for example taking a wrong dose of medication, cheating on your spouse or illegal activities.

But primarily we are talking about life's mistakes related to: career, finances, business, health, etc.

Mistakes are pivotal in your personal development and lead to massive personal growth.

Stephen R. Covey states in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: "It is not what others do or even our own mistakes that hurt us the most; it is our response to those things."

While mistakes are fundamental to your personal development, they can also erode your character and weaken your self-esteem. If you recollect back to your childhood, mistakes were associated with being reprimanded.

You may carry this burden throughout adulthood hoping to make amends, not realising you're trying to heal something that is not broken.

I use the term purposefully in the title to draw your attention to living consciously, in contrast to automatically. The former invites you to make decisions that are congruent with your highest values and true character.

The latter denotes someone unconscious to their beliefs and motives. They act with little conscious awareness until much later on. They are living their childhood wounds without making peace with them.

Purposeful living means living intentionally with values that reinforce character. Therefore, if you are not making mistakes regularly, you are not abiding by your core values.

"Purpose in life is concerned with what we most deeply value, and purposeful living is concerned with whether we're living for what matters most," explains Victor J. Strecher in Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes

Mistakes are a doorway for inner expansion. They are pivotal moments in your life's experience. The period that follows mistakes is characterised by a change in values and beliefs to coincide with a new level of awareness.

Mistakes Are Part Of Your Journey

I've had the good fortune of making countless mistakes throughout my life.

I turned my back on a career in the creative field because I was no longer passionate about it. This coincided with less than optimal health choices, including overconsumption of alcohol and junk foods, conducive to the creative profession I was in.

It took a health scare while abroad to evaluate what was important. When I look back on my mistakes, each one led to a shift in awareness and major breakthroughs.

You needn't experience an awakening to receive the benefits of personal growth, however every mistake is an opportunity to expand your mental landscape.

You cannot make mistakes in a purposeful universe because there are no exams in life. I have no evidence of what takes place in the afterlife, let alone if it exists. For now, focus on the life you have and live it intentionally knowing mistakes are part of the journey.

Stephen R. Covey says: "Do not fear mistakes-fear only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes."

I was drawn to a comment on TV recently regarding a documentary about women living in the Australian outback, known for its harsh conditions.

One woman interviewed said something that personifies the spirit of life. After losing her husband in a tragic motorcycle accident on their property she said: "Life is not fair, but it is still good."

In light of that, what if your mistakes were life leaving you clues to your success?

What if they were an opportunity to draw you closer to your goals?

Granted, they may be frustrating at the time and difficult to move past. The problem is not the mistakes themselves but your perception of them. It makes sense to consider problems as signposts leading to victory instead of obstacles slowing you down.

It was the late American businessman Thomas J. Watson Sr. who said: "Would you like me to give you the formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure... You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all... You can be discouraged by failure-or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember, that's where you'll find success. On the other side of failure."

Live A Purposeful Life

If you want to accomplish great things in life, strength of character is fundamental to achievement because it is developed in those tenuous moments.

To realise your goals, embrace mistakes and allow them to shape your character since you will appreciate them more when looking back on your life.

Mistakes are signs that lead to substantial inner growth.

They are crucial to nudging you closer to your goals and ambitions.

Mistakes are life's way of teaching you vital lessons to expand your mind to new horizons you otherwise would not have expected.

Gary Keller and Jay Papasan believe, "Extraordinary results aren't built solely on extraordinary results. They're built on failure too. In fact, it would be accurate to say that we fail our way to success."

"When we fail, we stop, ask what we need to do to succeed, learn from our mistakes, and grow. Don't be afraid to fail. See it as part of your learning process and keep striving for your true potential."

My past mistakes opened the doors to massive discoveries and a rise in motivation in the weeks and months that followed.

I liken it to once training with a boxing instructor years ago to improve my fitness. He would often strike me with a forceful blow to the head with focus pads when I dropped my guard. As much as I despised it, I become better at thinking on my feet and not reacting.

Therefore, my mistake of dropping my guard reminded me to protect my head at all times since I knew what would happen if I didn't.

If you're frustrated with your mistakes, I urge you to ask one simple question: "What could I possibly learn from this?"

That question alone will help you focus on solutions rather than being mired in your mistakes.

Consult those you respect whether they have made similar mistakes in the past. It might be the mistakes you're making are ones most people make.

Ultimately, mistakes are crucial to learning and gaining knowledge and insights.

Learn to embrace them and rise above your fears to live a purposeful life that you have always sought to live.

Successful People Tap Into Mental Muscles - Six Intellectual Faculties To Achieve Any Goal Desired

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "A Strong Body Makes A Strong Mind".

But does it really? We know how to exercise our physical muscles to keep them strong. But how do we exercise our mind to keep it strong? I am going to introduce you to your six intellectual faculties which are your mental muscles. Successful people and those that live above the ordinary tap into them all the time. Why do you think 5% of the population own 95% of the wealth? The more you exercise these six intellectual faculties the more freedom and power you will have to achieve any goal you desire.

Most of us live through our five sensory faculties: see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. Why? Because we have been conditioned to do so. We have been programmed to allow outside influences to dictate how we think, behave, feel, and the results that we experience in our lives.

Here's an example: Marcie has a dream. She wants to quit her job and start her own business. She has been thinking about this goal for a very long time. Finally, she shares her goal with family and friends. What does she hear? Nothing but disparaging, discouraging, disheartening comments surround her.

Here are some examples: "Are you serious? You have an amazing job with great benefits. Have you thought about what that would do to your family? Don't you listen to the news and read the paper? Haven't you read about the success rate and statistics regarding anyone starting a new business in this economy? They are pretty low don't you know."

And on and on it goes. Sound familiar? If Marcie listens to those comments and allows outside influences to dictate whether or not she goes for her goal, she may very well put her dream out along with the trash. BUT if she taps into her six intellectual faculties, her mental muscles, no outside influences, obstacles, or objections can stand in her way.

The six intellectual faculties lay beyond the physical senses. They are in the conscious mind which is the thinking mind. These mental muscles when exercised will help us to achieve any goal we desire. Let's zero in on them. They are Imagination, Will, Reason, Perception, Memory, and Intuition.

Use your Imagination. It is the image maker. It is the beginning of all creation. It is the workshop of the mind. When was the last time you sat down, closed your eyes, and used your Imagination to take you on a trip? Close your eyes right now and imagine you have achieved your greatest goal. Imagine what it looks like. Feel in possession of it for a few moments...

Exercising our Imagination allows us to see our goal on the screen of our mind with clarity and in vivid detail. When we picture our goal in our imagination the next mental muscle helps to hold it there.

Use your Will. Exercising the Will means having the power to push out all distractions and outside influences. It gives you the ability to focus, concentrate, and hone in on one goal or objective. Exercising the Will keeps your mental eye on the prize.

Use your Reason. Exercising the Reason allows us to take harmonious thoughts and weave them into wondrous ideas. Our reasoning is our thinking. We have the freedom to think whatever we want to think. No one can tell us what to think. Unfortunately, most people don't think. They think they are thinking when the voice in the head is talking all day long. That is mental chatter and not thinking. Henry Ford said, "Thinking is hard work and probably why so few people engage in it".

Exercising Reason will point us to the right action steps to achieve our goal.

Use your Perception. This is our point of view. Expanding our Perception allows us to look from others' points of view and opens our visual prism to see with an open mind. Exercising our Perception helps us access more insight and awareness to see opportunities for achieving a goal that we might otherwise miss.

Use your Memory. We have a great Memory. It is just that we don't exercise it very much and it's weak from lack of use. There is a great book written by Harry Laraine and Jerry Lucas called The Memory Book. There is a chapter on remembering names. Completing the exercises on recalling names will blow your mind on just how perfect your Memory is. You may never forget another name again. Exercising the Memory means pushing aside the negative associations that the Memory reminds us from the past, and helps us forge forward toward our objective. As a result, we will create new, positive memories as we move onward to achieve our goal.

Use your Intuition. Most people don't listen to their inner voice--that knowing that comes from within. Exercising the Intuition means tapping into and trusting the inner wisdom that points it finger to the right course of action. Be Still and Listen. It is the hunches, flashes and inspiration that don't come in from the senses. Learning to trust and exercise our Intuition will help us to make right decisions with confidence in helping to achieve our goal.

If we exercise our mental muscles, our six intellectual faculties, the Imagination, Will, Reason, Perception, Memory, and Intuition, we can achieve any goal that we desire. Successful people and people who live above the ordinary tap into these gifts every time they want to achieve a life changing goal.

It is where our power and freedom live.