
Message From the Universe: Treasuring Your Life Today

"It's all so precious, and hopelessly romantic...

I mean, just look around you right now. In your office, your neighborhood, down the street. There are people, right? Friends or maybe complete strangers. 7 billion people in all.

And every single one of them have forks in the road of life, just up ahead, that even now swiftly approach. Adventures and choices that will take them, at least temporarily, out of sight, beyond reach, and eventually closer to "home." Yet until then, they're so incredibly near, you have so much in common, and there are still stories to tell.

Treasure every beautiful second.

Love, love - 
The Universe"

We have all experienced loss in our lives, such as a loss of a friend, or family member and even pets. The pain can be unbearable and sometimes last a while. They go live a better life where we are left behind mourning our loved ones. Prior to their moment of death, they are probably asking themselves a few questions, such as: "Did I fully live my life? Did I do everything I wanted to do? Did I spend enough time with my loved ones? Did I failed them? Should have I put more energy in spending time with them? How can I get back that lost time?". Their last moment on earth was about regrets not doing the things that were really important. Unfortunately, there is no turning back time as you can't really fix what was already done. If you feel something is odd with your life, it is OK to change the things you do not like. It is never too late.

Learn from the ones who feels regret for not living their live to the fullest. Everyone will tell you not to hold off to the things you want to do because you do not have enough of this or that or anything else. You want to take advantage of every single moment you have on earth so you do not feel any regret in the future. Avoid using the terms "would have or should have or whatever else" as they represent regrets. If you want to start your business, then go ahead. If you want to go back to school to enhance your education, go for it. If you want to get married tomorrow, well, make sure you know him or her very well first. Nevertheless, you need to just do what you feel will make you happy. Don't wait for that perfect moment, or the perfect timing or anything of that sort. These moments tend to never show up, so don't waste your life waiting on them. Life is too short for that.

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