
I Had A Dream - A Very Pleasant One

I had a dream. It made me visualize the beautiful aspects of life. A bright future with all the negative vibes wiped off. I was the only spectator watching the entire humanity turn into a whirlpool of emotions leading to goodwill, love, care, obedience, and respect. Chivalry was the leading reason and it made women the leading survivors on the planet. Their place was never as strong as it was now and they did not feel the slightest of resentment or cruelty as they did in the past. It was like the golden period of their life. Humans turned into hard workers with brains that lead them to merit their work with combined time for relaxation. They worked effortlessly with enough time to sleep, talk eat and spending time with their loved ones. The scientific inventions took no time to look back and innovation leaped on with a panther's easy grace. The spaceships rocket launchers the space stations telecommunications and satellites were on the go and left no stones unturned in developing the universe. The galaxies retained no big question marks on their existence and the mysterious creatures called aliens were no longer a threat. Instead, they did things that we thought was humanly impossible in seven births. It was the ability, nature and the fantastical elements of the universe that combined and made an amazing contribution in building a new-fangled world.

Children were the apple of their parent's eyes. No one dared to disregard his or her wishes keeping in mind the reason of protection. They were given the best of everything from birth until they reached their middle age. They had an unconditional love for their parents and family and were programmed to enter in the world that way. Bad words or spoiled language was like a dream and they did not even know what hatred meant. All they knew about was to work hard, respect their families have a good life ahead and worship the divine. It was the time where the element of negativity was miles away or was not born. It was an era of a beautiful and unique existence of life

Nature did not weep neither the animals' were afraid to enter our residence. They did not hunt irrationally or gave piercing angry cries that frightened the babies. They bowed their heads when people touched them and gave the necessary help when in trouble. No one was afraid of anyone. Sometimes the aliens from the neighbouring galaxies visited the homes and learnt the new humane ways that were free from malice and rage. Children were amused at their appearance and asked many good questions about their life-style. Some of the space shuttles took kids to the ride of the Milky Way and showed them their beloved star clusters and the exotic creatures floating around.

Abundant trees with an add-on of flora and fauna lead to the absence of disease. There was no sign of illness and the big I of illness was gone from their dictionaries. No mental pressures no hard deadlines or work commitments that before lead to suicidal tendencies. It was like a dread-free dreamland where only happiness persisted. People reached the age where they had to leave from their worldly desires but the griefing was forbidden. It was the beginning of a new birth that leading to a curiosity of its next beautiful formation. People died just to get a better birth

Flowers did not perish nor were they crushed. They willingly popped themselves out from their roots and sat on their favourite spots. They did not die but changed forms according to seasons. Money came with limitations. It only went and stayed in the house where the owner was in its need

As malice was absent nobody even thought about theft or keeping the things in excess than their needs. Speaking of food, it was delicious, healthy, and mouth-watering. Plants were showered with abundant rains so people relished the leafy green vegetables either boiled or had raw. It gave them a healthy glow and a refreshing spirit. These made an add-on in their positivity and work force. An in the pink skin was a regular show. It is a known fact that when your stomach remains clean you will have an awesome day and these people had no trouble in that.

It was a happy aura of sophistication respect and loyalty. Roots of love were giving fruits of faithfulness and integrity. What was not to love? It was going on and on and on.

My eyes flickered open! It was dawn and I woke with a jerk with my alarm ringing rigorously. I opened my eyes and found myself in my apartment in my room where the atmosphere was telling me to get up fast and run for the office. With morbid thoughts, I jumped up from my bed and ran to the reality that beckoned me to melt my very pleasant dream.

We always dream and wish for wonderful things to happen. We have to try for that to be real. Its all on us. We and only We are responsible for making a better future or making it worst for our kids to see. Let us hope for the best and nothing less.

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