
Why Happiness Comes From Being Your Higher Self

Have you ever worn different masks in front of different people to present a different version of yourself?

We all surely have if we were honest enough. And that's totally okay, sometimes situations require you to summon different kinds of personalities, energy or resourceful state in order to produce the best outcome.

However, if you let the standards of society, the status quo of culture and the "what's weird or not" kind of majority thinking to influence you to become who you are, then you're not living your own true life.

You are just surviving like a Star Wars clone, drone or a R2-D2 robot.

While we have to abide by the laws set out by our society, we don't have to listen to its guidelines all the time.

It will be way happier and free to define the lifestyle you want to have and the way you want live. No one ever stands out by being the same as everyone else and standing out as an individual will NOT get you killed.

When you make the decision to live life as you see fit, you will find that you'll become much more carefree.

Your parents wanted you to be a doctor and they sent you to medical school. But you have always wanted to do something else. What usually happens? You either stick with the 6-year degree and hate what you do OR you move on to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and start a business that's more fulfilling.

How can you find out what is going to make you happy? This is easy.

Next time you find yourself daydreaming, try to pay attention to what it is you were daydreaming about. If the same thing comes up frequently, this is a huge hint from the Universe as to how you want to live.

This doesn't just work for your career. It can be for any aspect of your life.

If you continually think about areas of your life that seem empty, ask yourself what it would take to fill that hollow feeling, inner hunger and emptiness. That is what you want to focus on.

As I have always emphasized, taking huge imperfect action is always the solution to leading a more rewarding, passionate, fulfilling life.

You will be happier as will the people in your life. When you vibe with such positive energy, people around you will notice and be influenced to do the same.

Be okay with the fact that some people close to you will try to give you unsolicited advice as to what is best for you.

Very often, they do it out of love and fear.

They love you so they want you do what seems to them the best for you so you don't get hurt. But they are also scared that if you don't listen to their "advice", you'll succeed and they will lose you.

Just remember that it's your life and you are the only one that can live it.

There will be also people who want you fail because if you are successful, you take away their excuses and make them look bad.

Just ignore these negativity voices. Focus on your own thing. Think about the long-term benefits you will get when you live life on your terms rather than theirs.

Nothing will change until you take massive imperfect action towards living your own life, one on your own terms, that's best for your highest self.

You will be stuck living on the expectations of others and you will look back on your life when you are older and wonder why you didn't do the things you always wanted to do.

The choice is now yours. How will you choose?

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