
The Game of LIFE: Winner's Cheat Sheet

With so much division and animosity going on worldwide, humans have lost their sense of reality. We have humans who choose to promote hate and violence against others who do not look, act, or believe in the same manner as which they do. We have humans suffering from starvation, diseases, and other preventable/curable situations. We have humans who have everything, but will not give a lending hand to the next human being. Why?

Have we forgotten that we are all human beings? Have we forgotten that we were all created the same way? Has society altered our views to a point where we are not concerned about the next person? Have we forgotten the true meaning to our existence on Earth?

Well, if you are reading this and have lost your touch with reality, please continue reading because I have found the hidden cheat sheet so we can all win at this game called LIFE.

According to Ashleigh Brilliant, "Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules." Unfortunately, there are many rules which may be applied to this game we all play; however, I have 4 rules that I feel will make your experience on Earth enjoyable and stress-free.

Rule #1: Love

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love is one of the most powerful forces in our universe because it can change the tide of any situation. On one hand, when humans are given love, they tend to live happier lives. On the other hand, when humans are not given love, they tend to live a life in which they do not want to remain, leading to violence in our society (such as suicides, mass shootings, etc.). If we gave love to everyone, most of our traumatizing situations would have not occurred. Also, it is not hard to love; however, a person cannot express love fully until that person learns to love themselves first. This is the first rule to become a winner of life.

Rule #2: Strengthen Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

"You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making." - Stephen Richards

Humans are objects of repeated motions. Good habits are much tougher to establish than bad habits. For example, a person can go to the gym for a month and lost 15 pounds. That same person can sit on the couch and do nothing and gain those same 15 pounds in a week. It is easy to go down the stairs, going up is the hard part. It is easy to sit back and let life pass you by. Making a real effort to make a difference in anything requires real energy. Keep your mind, body, and spirit strong to keep up with day-to-day task as you progress throughout this game.

Rule #3: Work Hard

"I think that my biggest attribute to any success that I have had is hard work. There really is no substitute for working hard." - Maria Bartiromo

We hear it all the time from those who are successful, but why are many humans still lazy? I believe it is because they do not want to win at this game called life. At the end of the day, hard work separates the haves from the have-nots. You cannot expect things to just be giving to you without no effort on your behalf. (Yes, it happens for some people because they are a product of someone else's hard work. However, we are all not fortunate, thus hard work is a must to win.)

Rule #4: Don't Lose Yourself

"When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the same. Walk in your truth." - Unknown

Humans have a hard time being themselves when they want to be included in a particular group or community. We play a character so people will "like" us. Sit back and think for a second. Why should you care who likes you or not? If a person does not accept you for who you are then they are not worthy of your presence. You are a gift to this Earth. Don't become something you are not to please others. In the end, you only have the ability to move your piece across the board.

With these rules in place, your chances of winning will increase by a tremendous amount. Don't sit back and let life pass you by. Do it right now. Start winning today!

I challenge everyone who is reading this to make the desire change you wish to see in the world, today!

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