
Learning Wisdom From Our Weaknesses

The most important lessons in life that we need to learn are the results of our poor decisions. Although time and experience are the best teachers but we are also tormented by the experiences that we have in our lives such as our sacrifices, suffering, agony and the ordeals that we have been through.

To avoid repeating the mistakes we did, we need to learn from them and develop the sense to make good decisions and choices. Good judgment develops only when we truly learn from our mistakes. However, many people keep repeating the same mistakes before learning their lessons because as they say, they are just humans who are subject to commit mistakes.

Our weaknesses in life can be turned into our strengths if we immediately acknowledge and recognize the fact that we messed up and learn from them. Our good or bad experiences help us learn better judgments in life. Yet, too many people are in denial and place the blame on others without realizing that the minute they take responsibility of their action is when the learning process begins.

Aside from learning from our own experience, we can also learn valuable lessons from the experience of others. It allows us to observe behaviors from a different perspective. When we recognize our mistake and prevent it from happening again, we are therefore learning.

The lessons depend upon the way we interpret our errors. If we keep on repeating the same patterns, how can we ever expect our results to differ? It is better to face the mistake than to escape from it because it cannot be solved by itself. Accepting our mistakes and working toward understanding them promotes personal progress. It is normal to be ashamed of what we have done but we cannot hide it forever. The truth will set us free.

In quickly identifying our mistakes and altering behavior accordingly requires less time and energy than denying mistakes. However, acknowledgement of mistakes requires belief in the idea that perfection is not possible. Analyzing our mistakes rather than quantifying them prevents us from making excuses for our errors.

In order to build an opportunity for conceding our mistakes, we need to stay away from the mistake. It is easier to analyze our mistakes especially when we talk to others which can help people to sort out comments or criticisms after a mistake is made. Despite the human's propensity to avoid mistakes, timely acknowledgement is one of the best ways to prevent them from repeating.

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