
Find Peace in Others' Happiness

We all feel we get peace as soon as we lose 10 pounds in body weight, as soon as we break a certain bad addiction, as soon as we shut our mouth in certain situations. These situations are good to go to find peace but only when you want that peace within you, it won't help others, it's only for your own cause but in reality, there is a percentage left behind which bothers you sometimes and you keep on looking for something else to complete that gap. Believe it or now it is around you, you just need to look for it and work on it.

Sometimes appreciating the small things, loving the little things makes so much meaning for others. Happiness lies in making happy others and a simple act of kindness to others make it happen. We have so many examples around us to be inspired from and apply those examples to do something good for others and make them happy. It is to understand what others think, feel and need. It is to say and do things that make them eager to be with us and to do these things, not for a fact but because it is natural for us to do them. It is to know the imperfection of others and yet see them perfectly. It is to grow into the heart of others to become the part of their life not bind their heart nor limit their lives in any way.

Making others happy can only be possible if you are happy and you can automatically get the ideas to make others happy, it all depends on the good moods, feeling good and always having positive vibes. Sometimes to be happy or making others happy is so simple that we miss it, actually miss the chance to take a pledge in doing something grateful to others but it is also a way of learning, don't regret on that instead take that opportunity and use it for the next level. There are numerous ways to help others, you all need is just a simple move and you will be on the right track.

Let's promise to ourselves today that we will never miss a single chance to make others happy whatsoever will be the way we will take that opportunity to put a smile on someone's face. This is the way you can be truly happy from inside despite looking for a reason to be happy and totally forget the "when I will be happy" attitude.

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