
65 Plus: 7 Tips To Live A Joyful Life (By Hifzur Rehman)

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If you are 65 plus then you are entering a new phase of your life which can either be more enjoyable or more miserable. Most people after reaching at this age group feel themselves miserable and worthless. They start losing interest in life and thus become victim of their own negative thoughts. Life is a beautiful gift of God and must be enjoyed gratefully and gracefully.

I am 65+ and, therefore, can give you advice out of my own experience. I have no regrets and I personally feel good about my age, health, social and other activities. You too can enjoy life at this age if you follow the following tips:

1. Smile

Start your day with a big, big smile. An innocent lively smile, coming deep from your heart, not only makes you feel happy about yourself but also keeps your face wrinkle free. Smile in the beginning of the day, keeps your worries away. Smile is, in fact, the most powerful human emotion that also makes other people smile. Greet everyone with a lively smile and make them feel good about you.

2. Eat Less, Walk More

Walk as much as you can. Walking is an activity that you must include in your daily routine life. At this age, it is more important to keep yourself physically fit and in shape. Avoid junk or deep fried foods. Eat only healthy foods and don't go after taste. Eat a lot of fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables. Avoid red meat and alcoholic drinks. If you are a smoker, then quit smoking.

3. Keep on Working

If your health permits then keep on working. However, keeping your age in view, do some light work and for shorter hours. You can also volunteer yourself for religious, social or cultural activities. Any type of activity that gives you the message that you are not a useless person, is good for you.

4. Share the Knowledge

Share what you have with the people who don't have. Share the knowledge that you have gained throughout your life. Give lectures or volunteer yourself to teach kids and youngsters the moral and ethical values so that they become good citizens. Besides sharing the knowledge, keep on reading books and improving your knowledge.

5. Don't Talk Health Problems

Don't talk about your ailments with everyone as this is never helpful rather embarrassing for some people. If you have some health problem then talk to your doctor who is in the best position to give you good medical advice. In order to live a disease free life, get regular medical checkups. Apart from taking medicines take preventive measures also.

6. Share the Money

You cannot take your money to the grave so think of sharing it with others. If you have money then use it for feeding the hungry and helping the poor people or give some money to the organizations that you think are doing good humanitarian work.

7. Live for Some Noble Cause

It is my personal experience that those people who live for some noble cause, live a long, joyful and disease-free life because God loves them. These are the people who not only live longer but also live forever in the hearts and minds of other people. You too can become a hero of some people.

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