
Your Inner Check Engine Light

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Something's wrong... how different life would be or how many might have been saved if only we had known that we came equipped with our very own 'check engine' warning indicator. When the check engine light in our car appears we react differently than when the coolant or oil light is on. Both can be serious, but the check engine light indicates a serious problem is looming now. It means we need to take action to find out what has triggered that warning and then act quickly to correct it. Failing to do so can be catastrophic; it is the same with humans. We need to learn to recognize the indications of this warning within to avoid disastrous or catastrophic results.

This process begins with reconnecting to our own inner guidance. The innate, or 'smart body' that surrounds each of us activates these signals. For a host of different reasons, we have learned to ignore its existence. The innate has many functions in our lives, some of which we are very aware of. It is that still small voice that says, 'Let's take a different route today,' or that sudden uncomfortable feeling you get when something dangerous is approaching you. It warns us intuitively to be aware of something or someone. It is that little voice that told you to do something differently that very likely altered the outcome of something important.

The innate is hyper aware of what is transpiring in our lives and in our bodies. When a potentially dangerous situation is developing in the physical body it begins the same process of attempting to alert us, pushing us to be aware and to act. You may suddenly become more aware of or interested in the effects of a disease like diabetes, lung, heart, brain or other issues. Articles about a specific medical problem may suddenly seem to crop up and catch your attention. Your attention may become focused on a particular body function, or your inability to do something that used to come easy. The changes may have been happening slowly but suddenly you are aware of them.

When serious illness that can become a threat to our life has begun to develop that can interfere with our ability to remain here on the journey, we begin to receive notice in several different ways. A sense of foreboding soon develops. It is a sense that we should teach someone how to do something we have been responsible for or even a loss of interest in things that were once important. Our thoughts may drift to who we should inform about where important things are kept or to getting rid of things in advance. There is an inner prompt to disconnect. This typically begins when we have ignored the warnings; we react like our car that begins to make loud unmistakable noises. It provides the opportunity to alter your course. This means you must act to avoid a serous collision with life, or take the exit ramp.

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