
What Is My Life Purpose? What IsThe Meaning Of My Life?

Asking yourself: "What is my life purpose?" is one of the most important questions you will ever ask. It cuts straight to the heart of who you are and why you are here.

Life purpose coach Richard Leider has defined an equation for establishing your life purpose as:

Gifts + Passions + Values = Purpose

G + P + V = P

Your answers to that question will change and develop as you mature in age and experience, he suggests that there are 3 stages:

  1. Uncovering - your gifts and passions and values, figuring out how and where you fit with your offering to the world.
  2. Discovering - the world's not just about you and your success and your abilities, it's about us, your greatest fulfillment comes from "us" and connecting.
  3. Rediscovery - the greater whole, wisdom is seeing the bigger picture, realising that we are tribal creatures and we live in a world that is inter-connected.

# How I rediscovered my life purpose sitting in a bar in Singapore

I hadn't considered the 'why and am I here, what's it all about?' for sometime when I rediscovered it sitting in a bar in Singapore a while ago with a bunch of expat friends enjoying some beers and a chat. The conversation took an interesting turn when one of them suddenly asked the group:

"If you knew you were going to die tonight and you were given a few minutes to reflect before that happened, what would you say was the meaning of your life?"

On hearing that question I suddenly had a moment of clarity and I realised that for me the answer was (and remains):

"What difference will you make?

What impact will you leave in the lives of others?"

# A fast track to discovering your life purpose

  1. Accurately identify your Core Desires
  2. Unleash a powerful force that lies within you - the Conquering Force.
  3. Find a teacher, mentor or coach to help you realize your Core Desires and focus your Conquering Force.

# Jack Canfield - suggests the following 3 steps

  1. What are the 2 qualities you most enjoy expressing? [Understanding how stuff works & Mentoring others] How do you most enjoy expressing them?
  2. What would the world look like if it was operating perfectly according to you.
  3. Create a vision of what your life would like if you were fully living your purpose.

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