
Holding on to Mediocrity Limits Success

There is a saying "the enemy to greatness is settling for the good." If you are truly interested in being great then you must not settle for something that is only good. This truth plays out in many different concepts.

Take for example a job. If your job pays you enough to barely get by that is good. But it would be great to have a job that not only pays the bills but gives you money left over to do other things. When you go to work and know you earn above and beyond what you need to just pay the bills it is a good feeling.

Another example is choosing a life partner. Granted you can end up with most anyone and have a partner. That could be good. But when you hold out for that person who is the right fit you can end up with a great partner. Why marry someone who hates cooking when you hate cooking? A good relationship involves 2 people; a great relationship involves people who are strong in areas you are weak in.

A good word to use in these scenarios is the word settle. When something good comes into your life and you refuse to look for better because you already have someone occupying the space it can cause you to miss out on something spectacular for setting for something just OK. The likelihood of something good becoming great is slim to none; the likelihood of something great taking you to new limits is a more realistic possibility.

Look at all the great inventions we all enjoy and take for granted. Someone in the past didn't think it foolish to imagine a man walking on the moon or a machine able to do complex calculations in seconds. A phone with a voice activated servant who can do certain jobs for you or a car that does not run on gasoline. All of these were ideas formed inside the imagination of someone who did not have others who believed as they believed. Instead they took a chance, created a working model of their idea and the rest is history.

Don't settle for anything less than the absolute best life has to offer to you. If you only want to go so far, then so far is how you will go. But if you want to see what life without limits feels like then you have to remove the boundaries and go beyond what you can imagine. You have to reach for the stars hoping your only limitation is your imagination.

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