
Get Your "80/20" in Gear and Have a Blast

There's a fascinating concept in economics called "Pareto's Law," or the "80/20 Rule." In a nutshell, a 19th century economist, Vilfredo Pareto, noticed that 20% of the people owned 80% of the land, and similarly that 20% of his peapods produced 80% of his peas. Much later, Joe Juran, looking to improve factory production during WWII, realized that 20% of the factories were responsible for 80% of all defective parts, and vice-versa: thus the beginning of the quality movement in US business.

What could the "80/20 Rule" possibly have to do with you? Simply put, most of us spend 80% of our time on things that really don't matter all that much to us, and only 20% of our time on the things that really matter. Huh...

Ask yourself, who do you spend the most time with? The people who uplift you, support you, cherish you? Or those who bore you, annoy you, cause you endless irritation or grief? What do you spend most of your time doing? Complaining, blaming, feeling sorry for yourself? Or praising, appreciating, finding value in what you do? How about activities? Do you spend most of your free time in activities that engage you, inspire you, thrill you? Or do you just go with whatever flow happens to, well, flow at the moment? Facebook, TV, surfing the web...

It finally dawned on me, some years ago, that I'd rather work a little longer/harder to earn some extra bucks (given that I really enjoy my work), so I could pay a house-cleaner to clean my home, an activity I truly do not enjoy, much as I appreciate a clean house. And when given the option to get my butt up off the couch to take a dance class, rather than spend another hour watching a TV program I would forget about in the next 10 minutes, dance class won out. Even though there are days I most definitely do not want to get up off that couch. Dance class clearly is in my list of "top things I love."

What's your percent? When you sit down and honestly assess with whom and where you spend your time-which is the same thing as saying "with whom and where do you spend your life?"-what's your 80/20? Deliberately cut out or reduce those things that do not give you joy, so that more and more of your time is spent in the 80% of stuff you really like to do. Take a look at your friends and social life, including your social media life. Deliberately cut out or reduce the time you spend with those who do not rank high in your "things I love" list.

It may sound odd to take such a calculated approach to your life, but time really is all we have. How and with whom we choose to spend it very much defines how happily we romp through this astonishing, challenging, absolutely wonderful journey called "life." Get your "80/20" in gear, and have a blast!

Happiness: It Is Not What You May Think About

Who does not want to be happy? Nobody; we are all desperately waiting for happiness. Another question: who knows what happiness is? Nobody, I guess. Then why do we want to be happy if we do not know what happiness is exactly?

A boy went to a market to buy apples; he was a schoolboy at the time. He would listen up his mother's advice and respect every word uttered through her mouth. When he went to a market, he came across a salesperson. The salesperson had a number of fruits. When the boy saw the fruits, he could not believe his eyes; he was somehow confused by the similarities of the fruits. He was particularly looking for apples, but the salesperson had a number of apples, which made it difficult for his choice. After wondering for a while, he bought two pounds of red apples because he thought that red apples are the ordinary ones that most people would prefer to buy. He went home, but his mother did not approve it. She stared at him puzzled for a couple of minutes.

"What is wrong mother?" the boy asked.

"Have you lost your mind?" she reacted.

"I am sane and applied my best knowledge when I bought it," he answered politely.

"These are not apples; they are Ping-Pong balls; I did not know that you started eating plastic balls," she shocked him.

This is the situation in the pursuit of happiness. We think we know what happiness is, but unfortunately we eat counterfeit happiness. A mistake or ignorance is always alright and natural too, but learning to negate it, is absolutely optional; nobody will force you to learn and become wise. Happiness is not an emotional wellness or contentment, but rather wisdom.

Age is compulsory, but wisdom is option.

-Carroll Bryant

A dog knows only one owner in life; it does not change an owner whatsoever. It does not matter for a dog whether its owner is kind or cruel; just ownership forever. If the owner is kind, both the dog ad owner enjoy a wonderful companion, whereas if the owner is cruel, the dog suffers too much and cannot go against; after all he is his owner.

Back to us: Who is our owner? Are we owned or owners? This is a million dollar question we should ask before setting off a pursuit of happiness. We are no more dogs; we are well equipped; we got everything: science, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy and people, among others. As a personal advice, I would promote folks to look within and find out where one is chained. That is the beginning of liberation; otherwise freedom. If one does not know, where he or she is imprisoned, it may take an eternity to be liberated. I am not talking about a particular geographical jail, but rather who raised you up; what fed you mentally or simply who introduced you to life at the very beginning of your curiosity or exploration? Questions are dry, but they are the ones that lead us to water or heaven, and thus ask question after question. If you are afraid of asking questions, I do not think there will be a messiah to liberate you. Even if there is a messiah, he needs your cooperation or willingness in this matter to liberate you.

What Is the Worth of Your Life in Your Own Eyes?

My meditation teacher posed this question for contemplation.

My first reaction was, "Not much."

I mentally walked away from the whole subject.

Later, I came back to it to the question, and thought, "Wait a minute. Which part of me gave that answer?"

You already know that we have many different aspects within us, so my followup question was a valid one.

By asking this second question, I realized it was my Ego aspect responding. The Ego is very judgmental and thinks in terms of limitation. It sees itself as very small, and while at times it might arrogantly believe it's the biggest and best and deserves everything, this comes from a greedy place of one-upmanship.

The Ego is filled with negativity, too.

I remember reading, many years ago, the novel called, The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. It takes place in China, in a culture where peasants were afraid of the gods. They were taught, and taught their children, to never give a compliment or saying anything positive about a child because it might offend the jealous gods. A jealous God had the power of life and death, and might cause the child to die.

This type of thinking comes from the Ego aspect.

So I asked myself again, "What is the worth of your life in your own eyes?"

This time, I heard my I Am Presence saying,

"You are of infinite worth because you are Infinite Consciousness. You are completely perfect and pure, and worthy of all things, all existence.

Your life is of great value to Infinite Consciousness and to others because you are an expression of the Divine Self, a part of that One Consciousness that contains all and expresses itself through All."

Can you feel the difference in the energy between this response and the first one?

This response feels expansive, and full of Light and Love. In my mind's eye, I can see it glowing. Can you?

The importance of this experience should not be minimized.

How we react to each event in our lives is our choice,

You can choose allow the Ego is run things.


You can choose to take charge of what you think.

We can remind ourselves that the Ego is an artificial construct. We can remind ourselves that the Ego provides a false view of who we are and of reality.

Infinite Consciousness is who we are, and that perspective expresses the Truth.

So when you ask yourself, "What is the worth of your life in your own eyes?" what answer do you get?

Do you think in terms of how much money you earn or how many things you own?

Do you think in terms of what you look like physically?

Do you think in terms of how many friends you have or whether you are married or have children?

All thoughts like these are about the mundane world.

Your "worth" goes far beyond that, for beyond this or any lifetime.

Your worth is infinite, because you, the true you, is infinite.

Why Some People Are More Creative Than Others

Do you have creative instincts in you? How come some people are better at it? Are there any secrets to reveal? This article answers this question and shows how you can be like the ones better at it. Read on to find out.

Five Reasons why some people are more creative than others:

1. They find their joy that way

They immerse themselves in their creative works for hours together and gain great satisfaction.

2. Now they further know how to monetize their creativity

As a result, they are tapping on their creative juices even more and enjoying double benefits. They never have to work exhaustively another day. They love what they do and do them effortlessly.

3. They can relate to artistic beauty

Seeing a painting or a creative piece of writing, they can enjoy the beauty of it, which appeals to them.

4. They are passion-driven

They cannot live without their creativity which they are so much passionate about. They need to dedicate time and space for them.

5. They have a natural life calling

They understand they have a life calling for their creativity early in life. And they follow it because every fiber of their being guides them towards it and they know instinctively they are meant for that calling for their life on this fertile earth.
How can you become one of them?

Try this experiment on you consecutively for five days:

Day 1: Get a white sheet of paper and some water colors. Try to capture a natural scenery and paint it.

Day 2: Borrow a guitar from a friend, download guitar tabs from the web and play them on the guitar.

Day 3: Try to create a fiction plot - something you know based on life experiences because your life consists of many pieces of stories.

Day 4: Buy a camera and start taking beautiful, colorful photographs of your surroundings.

Day 5: Work for an hour or two in your garden by weeding out and loosening the soil. Plant some seeds of vegetables and also flower plants in an organized way. Water and add fertilizer in the right amount according to the instructions of an experienced gardener.

Among the five days of varying creative works, which one appealed to you the most? Which one would you care to do again and again? One of them must have made you feel different, bringing in ample joy and strength. This is it - this is your God-gifted talent and genius that has been lying dormant within you for years. Yes, hit on that creative activity, monetize it and let it passion-drive you. Your life will never be the same again and there can be no turning back. You have become one of those more creative people. Sounds good?

Getting Into "the Zone"

Being in "The Zone" implies increased focus and attention which allow for higher levels of performance. It often includes a feeling where you appear to be seeing things in slow motion. Others describe it as forgetting themselves and being completely immersed in what they are doing.

Most people have experienced being in "The Zone" at some point in their lives. It can happen in all areas of life, not just in athletics. Surgeons, actors, salespeople, janitors, gamers and many others have all experienced this feeling.

There are many books and articles that have been written on how to get into "The Zone," and although I find most of them interesting, I also find them to be counter-productive. You will also find many books and articles on how to "Fall in Love," but they share the same problem in my humble opinion. Being in "The Zone" and "Falling in Love" are feelings you experience when certain things are in alignment. They are not a skill or trade that can be taught.

So, you may be asking yourself: If it is something that can't be taught and all those books and articles are counter-productive, why am I still writing about getting into "The Zone?" This is a great question.

The answer is that, even though I cannot teach you how to get into "The Zone," I do have a few suggestions that will likely increase your odds of finding yourself in it more often. It's all about controlling the things that are within your control.

Firstly, do not think about or try to be in "The Zone." My problem with the books and articles that purport being able to help you find "The Zone" or "Love" is that looking for either almost guarantees you will not find them. All of my clients strive to perform in "The Zone" but I have NEVER seen or heard about anyone who stated that they wanted to be or were going to be in "The Zone," who experienced it on that day.

You don't find "The Zone" or "Love" they find you. The first rule about getting into "The Zone" is: We don't ever think about "The Zone!"

Secondly, work diligently on your craft, as the more prepared you are, the more likely "The Zone" will find you. I can guarantee that if you do not take the necessary steps and put in the work to develop your skills, "The Zone" will not find you.

Finally, you have to prepare so well that you have complete trust in yourself and your preparation.

That's it, forget "The Zone" exists, prepare like you care, and trust your preparation and yourself. These three steps will assure that it finds you on as many occasions as possible. Make all three your habits and you may be that rare person who "The Zone" finds on a regular basis.

Overcoming Adversity on the Path to Success

In the nursery rhyme Little Red Riding Hood we see her on the way to her grandmother's house. Along the way she runs into a big bad wolf who is bent on making sure Little Red Riding Hood never makes it there. This is a good illustration of the way adversity gets in the way of those striving to be successful.

It would be nice if all we had to do was walk on the path and eventually run into success. No obstacles or difficulties; just smooth sailing. Sadly, that is almost never the case. In order to prevail to reach our goal we must first overcome the many obstacles that stand in our way.

To think that adversities don't exist would be foolish. Every path that leads to success has some adversity on it. The question should be just what the adversity is. If it is something that is happening to you because you are trying to become great, then it should be expected. However, some adversity is not so much about you but about what you are attempting. This adversity must be considered differently.

Looking to lose weight? The adversity may be food, love of eating, working in a restaurant, etc. These factors you have some control over. Flying a spacecraft to Venus will require more than just overcoming personal adversity. You will need a lot of support in order to make that a reality.

These obstacles that stand in the way can come in a variety of disguises including:

• People - isn't it amazing that most people have no problem with helping you when you are struggling but stand in opposition when you on a clear path to becoming a winner. Most people are OK with you surviving but not thriving and certainly not passing them up on the road to success.

• Places - maybe you have a great idea but not the right place to make it happen. Location is key to finding success. You can have the right idea and all the ingredients you need but if you try to make it happen in a not so desirable place then failure is imminent.

• Materials - in the tv show MacGyver he has a knack for using nearby materials to help him out of a jam. In the same way you cannot be a success unless you have the materials you need to make things happen.

It is possible to overcome adversity to achieve success.

Nothing Can Stop Me From Succeeding

When you have spent your life striving to achieve a certain level of success you want to make sure that you don't give in to the temptations that will invariably come your way to deter you from your path. Many people who should have achieved lasting success find themselves dancing around a sea of failure because they did not do what is necessary to make success last.

What is necessary? To develop a determination inside that will not be stopped by any internal or external force which tell you that success is not only yours to attain but to keep. To have success that lasts we must overcome every obstacle that shouts to us "it is not so".

What are some of the things that can stop you from becoming a success;

• Negative Attitude- your mind is both your greatest ally and your greatest enemy. As a man thinks so shall he be being an age-old expression which sums up the power of the mind. If you think you can and if you think you can't, you are right. What do you believe about yourself and your situation? What do you see yourself being able to do? Are you a person who sees the cup as half full or half empty? So much of our life is dictated by the attitudes we adopt on a daily basis. A negative person reasons within their mind that failure is inevitable, and it would be unwise to think things will be better. A positive person looks at the possibilities of a situation and feels like they can conquer the world. What do these two-different people have in common? Whichever attitude you adopt will be the attitude that determines where you will focus your attention and resources. Choose a positive attitude.

• Negative People - you are judged by the company you keep. If your closest circle of people is negative in their speech and behavior you are in for a rough ride. These people will exercise influence over your thoughts and help you form your opinions. Conversely if you are surrounded by positively thinking people then your thoughts and opinions will come from a positive viewpoint. No one has ever missed having an encouraging word while striving to be a success. Choose positive people.

• Erroneous Perspectives - there is a concept in logical thinking that "if you start off with wrong thinking it's hard to end up on a correct path." When we begin thinking we can never become successful or we don't deserve success then it hard to end up believing we should have success. Looking at life through correct lenses is key to seeing that success does not belong to a certain gender or race or educated person; anyone can succeed if they truly want to and learn to step into opportunities.

Basic Human Needs - What You Can Do to Make Sure People Around the World Get Theirs

Each of us wants to have an abundant life. Though we may have different needs depending on our circumstances, ambitions and life events. As a human being, we all have the same needs. If we know and understand each other's needs, it is really helpful to take charge of our emotions and live a remarkable life.

1. Assurance-Being There!

Every human being finds ways to be happy. Sometimes, it is based on how others treat him. That is why he keeps looking for ways where he can avoid pain. People, relations and social circles affect the need of 'certainty'. A person wants assurance from his loved ones in countless ways. The most important one is 'being there' for him. If it does not happen, pain becomes inevitable.

2. Change-New Stimuli!

The need for the unknown may be overlooked but it is there. You may have heard people saying that I am comfortable in this job, relationship or city etc. but at times, he also requires change. The change acts a new stimuli. It may be a positive one or a not so favorable one. Change is inevitable. Those who accept it, live life with more hope and positivity, those who don't rather limit their happiness.

3. Uniqueness-Accepting Differences!

It is the most basic human need after food, clothing and shelter. Acceptance is more of a soul's need rather than of a body. Your body does not want other than the basic ones to survive but your soul always does. Every individual is unique and he wants acceptance and admiration for the same. Feeling important is the most amazing gift anyone ever can get. Together, we can make a difference by appreciating each other's uniqueness.

4. Bonding-Developing Connection!

Human is a social animal and it is hard to stay alone for a longer period. He wants to develop a connection of love with other human being. Be it mother-child love, siblings' bonding or spouse connection, love is the ground everywhere. That is why, any relation can be stronger than others if love is there. At the end of the day, you want somebody who is yours and share a special bond with him like no other.

5. Growth-Expanding Horizon!

Believe it or not, growth is something everyone looks for. Every individual has a unique personality and caliber. While growing, he also wants expansion of his capabilities. Humans devote their entire life in growing financially, morally, socially and spiritually. Growth is the driving force behind any big success. It is the seed that motivates you to see the final plant blooming. That is why, people take big steps in pursuit of achieving growth.

6. Contribution-Holding Hands!

At the end of the day, what are we going to leave for this world! This important question strikes in every mind sooner or later. A sense of service lies within and we try to find ways to satiate that hunger. There is not a single strategy or process to do this. Focusing on helping other human beings is one surest way to fulfill this need. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you have, you can do something for others. Think about it!

Broken Hearts - What Are The Answers For Healing?

Throughout our lives, we all experience some type of trauma involving death, betrayal, failures, or discomfort. But for many of us the most traumatic experience that will change so many facets of our lives is a broken heart. A broken heart that will lead to permanent scars that will last for the rest of our lives.

For many people, broken hearts will leave them questioning their character, affecting their ability to trust, leave them in deep dark depression, isolating themselves from others, and building a wall so high around them that it's nearly impossible for anyone to get in. While all of these effects of a broken heart will be short term, many of these will do permanent damage to one's psych.

Many people argue that healing a broken heart is much like dealing with death and you go through the different stages of grief. While everyone will have unique experiences and will deal them differently, the lasting effects are nearly all the same. Two people that are very close to me have experienced broken hearts that have left them missing out on opportunities and have damaged them to the extent that relationships will most likely never exist again in their lives. For the sake of protecting the identities of these two individuals, this article will refer to them as Rachel and Chris.

Rachel, a female at the age of 26, experienced more than one broken heart. Her situation is very unique though. She was in relationships that were often physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually abusive. Rachel dated the masters of manipulation if you will. In each of her relationships she became very codependent and convinced that she needed the person that she was with and no one else could be better for her. These patterns became a constant in her relationships to the point where she almost became attracted to that type or lack of better words, dependent on these behaviors. Now this statement does mean that Rachel was looking for these behaviors in guys she dated, it's more gearing towards the idea that she started to adopt the idea that these behaviors were more of the norm for her and all relationships.

In her last relationship, one that would end up in engagement, she experienced major trauma. The physical and sexual assault was taken to a whole new level. This time it resulted in suicidal thoughts, deep depression, the thought that she couldn't escape it, and even hospitalization. She was literally imprisoned by her significant other to the point that she was accepting the idea that leaving the situation was not even possible whether she wanted to or not. This led to a series of events that forced her hand to leave the situation. One of Rachel's parents took a stand and forced her to be removed from the situation without her having a say. Her mother literally drove and picked her up and said "your coming with me'.

Of course Rachel experienced a broken heart following her forced removal of the situation she was in. She experienced all of the effects of a broken heart; questioning her character, affecting her ability to trust, it left her in deep dark depression, isolating herself from others, and building a wall so high around her that it's nearly impossible for anyone to break down to get in. According to Rachel, her way of "coping" are characteristics of her personality type, an INFJ. While this statement may be true, in my personal opinion, I believe that she is using her personality type to overshadow what is truly happening. She is living with the fear of being in a relationship again because she would rather turn away from relationships as opposed to seeing that her idea of "no one is good in the world" is actually wrong. As a result she moved miles away from her home and begin living a life of solidarity.

Much like Rachel, Chris also experienced major broken hearts that have had lasting impacts on his life. While they share similar circumstances and had similar effects, how Chris dealt with his broken hearts, is very different than Rachel's.

From the time Chris was a teen, he experienced heartaches associated with relationships that mostly involved betrayal. All of these relationships resulted in him questioning his character, affecting his ability to trust, left him in deep dark depression, isolating himself from others, and building a wall around him that even the best of destructors couldn't break down.

Chris' last two broken hearts came from a marriage that ended due to adultery and a relationship that was on the break of engagement but ended due to the girl moving away. Both had lasting impacts on Chris' ability to let people in his inner circle. He often pushed people out and began to isolate himself from situations that he could not control. Therefore, Chris became extremely lonely and deeply depressed. His life became unmanageable to the point that he almost committed suicide twice, one of which he was nearly successful. In addition to suicide, depression, and building a wall, Chris began to lose trust not only in his self but in others as well. He started to adopt the idea that all people were born to hurt others and that egocentrism was simply a part of life. As a result, Chris stopped dating, became very cold hearted, and became emotionless to avoid attachment and eventually let down again.

Now fast forward nearly a year later. Rachel decided to move to a place that she had never visited before to continue her education and to begin a new life for herself by escaping the situation she was in living in her old town. Chris made a few changes to his lifestyle as well. He revisited his building blocks in his life to get himself re-established personally and professionally.

Now living in the same city, Chris and Rachel began working at the same place of employment. Call it just a coincidence or call it fate, they met, began talking to each, and started dating. The natural chemistry and their history helped to develop a special bond between them that most people thought made them inseparable. But before things could get any better, they got worse. The effects of previous relationships began to develop that wall that Rachel had let down to let Chris into the picture. This wall was caused by outside factors mostly influenced by people who had only seen Rachel in abusive situations. The feeling of never being able to trust again began to invade Rachel. While experiencing all of these effects from her trauma from previous relationships, she let a good one slip away. One that would have been her fairy tail ending. Instead of living a happy life with Chris, Rachel cut her contact with him altogether leaving her self in pain, hurt, emptiness, confusion, and a lack of a better word, lonely, all of which she had experienced with her traumatic relationships except this time it was out of fear that she had found happiness but that it was too good to be true.

Chris also experienced the same effects. After the short stent that resulted in a crushing blow to him, he went back to the ways of being cold hearted, no longer trusting people, and feeling like he was betrayed. Although this was a different type of betrayal, he classified it as the same as before because he experienced the same emotions. While he had every right to be upset, Rachel did not deserve to have been treated that way. Like Chris, Rachel also had the right to feel the way she did. However, if Chris had accepted, acknowledged, and respected Rachel's thoughts, feelings, and emotions, Rachel may have came back to him. Instead Chris took his hurt out on Rachel and said some things that reminded Rachel of the abusive relationships of her past. Although Chris is not like the guys of Rachel's past, in her eyes she only saw him just another guy who hurt her and would hurt her further down the road causing life long damage just like the rest of them.

The story of Chris and Rachel's broken hearts continue to this day. They are both struggling with the loss of one another. Now Chris and Rachel are dealing with how heal a broken heart which has been a struggle for the both of them over the years resulting in vulnerability and not knowing how to deal with their emotions in a way more conducive for themselves.

In conclusion, is there really a right or wrong way to deal with a broken heart? No one can really answer that but the person who is dealing with it themselves. Our friends and family provide us with support and their opinions on how to deal broken heart, but all of them have a difference in an opinions leaving the broken hearted in a state of confusion and placing them into a deeper zone of depression. For Chris and Rachel their search for healing will continue until their answers are found.

How Should We Live: A New Approach

To answer the question "How should we live", we have first to answer another question: "What for do we live? Is there any purpose in our life?" That last question has obsessed the Man, as people who deal with such matters know, since he started to think. Even a kind of science has created for that purpose, Teleology, which started in ancient Greece around the era of Plato and Aristotle and reappeared in Europe in 18th century.

Despite the Man's efforts up to now, however, he has not succeeded to give any serious answer to the question whether there is any purpose in our life or not, and what for do we live. On the contrary, the conclusion that derives from what scientists and scholars say up to now is unfortunately one and disappointing: We do not know whether there is any purpose in our life. Maybe there is, maybe there is not.

We face after that a great question: How should we live since we do not know whether there is any purpose in our life? In this article we will see the most suitable answer according to my opinion. First, however, we have to take things from the beginning.

Is there any purpose in our life or not?

We start with teleology. (The word derives from Greek telos = end and logos = reason). According to the followers of teleology, to the question whether there is any purpose in our life, the answer is yes: The Man has some purpose in his life - he does not live aimlessly. That view supported not only by Aristotle (he is commonly considered the inventor of teleology, although the precise term originated in the eighteenth century), but also later by other philosophers, like Kant, Leibniz, Spinoza, and others. However, that view by the followers of teleology is not based on scientifically confirmed facts - it is simply a view. Maybe therefore, it is correct - maybe it is not.

The same view as the teleology is also supported by most religions of the world. They argue that God has given a certain purpose to Man - the Man does not live aimlessly here. But those religions base their position to the fact that there is God who has fixed everything and so also the Man's purpose. Is there God, however? Of course, we cannot give any scientifically confirmed answer to that question.

There is a strong view that supports that there is not God. Socrates was one of the most known atheists in ancient Greece, while even Aristotle can be considered as an atheist. The same era, the idea of atheism appeared also in the East with the arise of Buddism and Induism in India and China. Later, atheism appeared also in Europe, around the 19th century. Most known atheists in Europe that era were Karl Marx, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche. In the 20th century most known atheist was English philosopher Bertrand Russell.

The idea of atheism is also supported today by many educated scientists, like those who explore the Universe or send missiles to space. Those people say that all is random - there is not any Creator who has made things. The Universe, the stars, the Man, all have been made accidentally, they all are self-created. Most known is Stephen Hawking, one of the world's great theoretical physicists. He raised the prospect of a self-creating universe. Also, Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg, one of the great scientists of our time, says: "Science's greatest cultural achievement is to eradicate religion."

But also the view of atheism cannot be absolutely correct, of course. If there is God, maybe some day the Man - with the unbelievable evolution he shows - will be able to see him and he will be convinced. If there is not God, however, the Man - even he continues his unbelievable evolution - will never see of course, the God, because God will not exist. The Man will continue so wondering forever: is there God or not?

The conclusion is therefore, that the religions cannot convince that there is in any case some purpose in our life. Also however, atheism cannot convince that there is not some such purpose. The final conclusion is therefore, that we cannot reject entirely the possibility of the existence of some purpose. Maybe there is a purpose.

If there is any purpose we have to wonder: which that purpose can be?

Thousands of answers have been given up to now to that question. Others are from naïve to very simplistic and others are from serious to deeply thoughtful. All however, have the same disadvantage - the purpose they say our life has does not seem to be the final purpose, but seems to be a means to another end (which?).

For example, Aristotle says that the Man's purpose in life is eudaimonia. The word can be translated as "happiness" but it really means "a process of living virtuously." Of course, however, eudaimonia as a goal of life cannot be considered an end in itself but rather a means to another end - which? The same happens with all other answers given. Spinoza, for example, holds the view of teleology closest to that of Aristotle. Kant on the other hand, argues that reason demands that we be moral - it is our duty to act according to morality rather than our self-interested inclinations and passions.

Also however, what the religions say for our purpose in life is not the final purpose. For example, Christian religion says that the Man has as his purpose, among other things, the duty to multiply himself, to grow in number - but for which final purpose? Also, other religions transfer the Man's purpose somewhere after death. But is there life after death? Is there soul? Is there immortality of soul? We do not know anything.

What therefore, religions say about our purpose in life cannot be considered as certain. But as we have seen, also what the teleology's followers say cannot be considered as certain, too.

How should we live?

The conclusion that derives, therefore, is that we cannot know today whether there is any purpose in our life and which that purpose is. Maybe there is a purpose, maybe there is not. But then a question appears: how should we live since we do not know whether is there any purpose in our life?

If there is not any purpose because all is random and self-created as many believe today, those people would say that we have to live with cynicism and apathy, or even with malice and hate, as many do today. But it is not so. The Man is an unimaginably admirable and complicated entity. His whole organism, his mind, his heart, all his body organs are unimaginably complicated, and all cooperate with each other with incredible accuracy and harmony.

The same is true for all beings on earth, animate and inanimate: animals, trees, and plants. All are admirable creatures with complicated organisms, and all work with incredible accuracy and harmony. Also the same is true for the whole universe, the planets, the stars, and the galaxies. All these are terribly complicated structures, which cooperate with each other with ultimate accuracy.

How should we live, therefore, in view of that reality? The answer is simple: Has not any meaning whether the Man and all other beings and the universe are self-created and random, as many people believe today, or they created by a Supreme Being (God). That which has meaning is that all are incredibly admirable creatures.

The conclusion is, therefore, that we have to live with great respect and awe toward that admirable being the Man - as well as toward all other beings, our earth, and the whole universe. We have to take care of the Man's welfare and of his continuation on our earth, so that the valuable creature the Man will not is destroyed but he will continue being miraculous and evolve even more.

Maybe for example, the Man will evolve so much so that he will conquer some day the whole universe and will govern it. We have, therefore, to help the Man to evolve - not only on his technological progress but also on his intellectual evolution. Wars, of course, crimes, and hostilities it is obvious, do not pair with such a position.

Whether we believe, therefore, that there is God who has given a certain purpose in our life (as each one of us thinks this purpose is), or we believe that there is not God but all are random and so there is not any purpose in our life, the answer to the question "how should we live" is in any case the same - the above.

How To Feel Happy Always By Setting Some Simple Personal Development Goals And Objectives

Let's consider unleashing some ideas as self-improvement objectives and goals for a better life and all the success and happiness you deserve.

The act of how to be happy by simply choosing happiness and deciding to become a much better individual is a big step towards satisfying your life.

Everyone knows that there are ways to improve their lives through self-improvement goals, whether it is coping with stress and anxiety or trying to improve your communications with your family and people and friends you work with.

That you are internalizing your actions toward these self-improvement goals is enough to pat yourself on the back, since it shows that you have a great personal growth plan in mind.

As you absorb this article and all it offers you keep in mind that the Course in Miracles teaches, "Faith and belief are the means by which the goal of holiness (happiness) is reached."

Here are some ideas that might influence you to act upon your good objectives and goals for further personal development:

Stay away from foods high in saturated fat such as hamburgers and french fries.

Fatty foods cause tiredness, sluggishness, as well as slower thinking while clogging metabolism.

A terrific personal development tip that can assist you to turn your life around is to begin interacting with individuals that you trust and people who support you.

Having people around that can listen to you and be there for you can be a great tool in climbing up out of a depression and anxiety or perhaps low self-esteem.

A terrific self-help suggestion is to not stay indoors for too long.

When you keep yourself cooped up inside, you can end up being quickly isolated and very depressed.

It may be hard, but attempt making yourself go outdoors every day simply to get out of the house, at least for a little walk while observing nature.

A personal growth plan does not have to be hard work.

When you begin establishing your sense of self it means sharing your talents and skills with others.

Practice extension of self on your course to self-discovery.

Previously I discussed free e-books available for getting the life you want by using the power of manifestation to better your life.

One thing to also keep in mind is that by assisting others, you might discover brand-new things about yourself.

Assisting others is a terrific increase for your self-improvement goals and helps self-esteem.

This can motivate you to advance and do other things to better the world.

Relationships are essential in living a healthy life and they are the bonds that weave our emotions and satisfy our hearts.

Family, friends, business associates and all other relationships, and a loved one are all essential parts of an individual's over-all well- being.

Find out how to automatically take on individual and life issues as they come instead of procrastinate or overlook.

Overlooking issues does not make issues disappear, they will accumulate and stop your self-improvement goals.

Getting small problems taken care of routinely will assist you deal with bigger issues with more self-confidence.

When it concerns personal development, make sure that you have a sufficient understanding of your plans for life, so that you could quickly describe why you must act in a specific style or fashion, and the best ways to go about doing it.

This will strengthen your personal growth plan in your mind and permit you to share it with others.

Now is the time to act on your inner-thoughts of self-improvement goals.

You have actually decided that it is time to grow from within and the sooner you start the journey to becoming a much better version of yourself, the much better you will live and feel life to its maximum.

Open your eyes to a more brighter and recent future.

The act of perhaps writing smart goals in a journal or diary can be a great idea for how to feel happy about your direction.

When it comes to how to automatically deal with personal and life problems as they come rather than disregard or hesitate, be a happy learner.

Neglecting issues does not make problems go away, they will pile up and halt your individual development objectives and goals.

You have chosen that it is time to grow from within and the sooner you begin the journey to being the portrait of yourself you truly want, the much better you will live and feel life to its max.

(Please note, I like to add that I suggest seeking the net for further helpful content on topics such as, personal development tips for achieving your goals and getting the life you want.)

To a life of happiness and success!

Message From the Universe: The Supernatural in You

"Always remember, when it comes to climbing mountains, slaying dragons, or just plain getting what you want, you've got a built-in, double-secret advantage:

You're supernatural.

Shhhhhh... don't tell anyone,

The Universe"

Yes, you do have that supernatural powers that ONLY superheroes have. Either it be the Fantastic 4 or Superman, or Batman, you have that mental strength that many have that burning desire to obtain. You are willing to do whatever it takes to exercise that supernatural powers and it is up to use it in the positive way. With great powers comes great responsibilities. You are set to accomplish a lot of great things in your life so always keep focused to what you want to do and how you want to do it. This is your life so learn that you are the ONLY one that wants the best from yourself. You may also want to much out of you and expect only the best but learn that things will come your way in due time. If you rush things along, you may fall and hurt yourself. The question is: When that actually happens, are you willing to get right back up and keep moving forward or just give up? Important you make this clear for yourself.

Life is not easy, as you may already know. It will come and hit you in a very mean way but it is up to you to work on yourself and learn to never give up. You need to embrace the changes that will come your way and focus on how you better yourself throughout the many challenges that you will face. Nothing in life will be easy, even when you do reach your goals. You will always ask: What's next? You need to take a breather and learn that life is NOT just about the destination, but the journey you live every single day of your existence. You want to enjoy every moment you can. You have a supernatural power that everyone wish you have, and it is your unique perception about what life really means to you. Many have not yet discovered their true mission in this planet, but you are on your way. Never give up on your dreams, always keep moving forward and focus on what you really want.

3 Keys To Overcoming Obstacles And Becoming More Successful

Did you know that you can reach your goals and become more successful in spite of the obstacles before you? Do you know you cannot succeed in any thing you set your mind to achieve without overcoming tests and set backs? As annoying as they are, obstacles and challenges are part of the universe's test of your spirit. When you rise up to meet these tests, and pass with flying colors, your perspective and level will change! you also develop the confidence that you can reach your goals anytime.

Do you know that you can reach your goals in spite of the obstacles before you? The first step in this process is recognizing the obstacles in your way. What if you wanted to quit your 9-5,job an online business writing and selling transformational books, how will you do it? To succeed you have to recognize your obstacles and develop the solutions that will help you overcome them. Do you have the have the knowledge, talent, and skills to eliminate these interferences? Do you also understand how to use your intuition and trust your gut to help you over these obstacles and thrive?

You have the power to conquer obstacles and make them a distant memory, if you see them as steps on your journey to consistently becoming a better version of yourself every day. How can you do this? Let's go back to the book example again. If you are trying to writing a transformational book and you are not sure of how to begin, you can start by writing the first page, then the first chapter. One obstacle might be time, the other might be putting your ideas in words that others can relate to.

This an example of breaking up challenges into smaller pieces, and tackling them one by one. If necessary you can reach out for help from your support network. Ask for help but also be prepared to recognize when others are simply not in tune with your dreams and you have to trust your gut and faith and proceed with limited support. How can you use your intuition to help guide you through a challenge?

What can you do stay positive in difficult times? Is your focus clear? How do you put aside distractions and negative thoughts that hurt your progress? One way is to avoid those who try to bring you down and discourage your fight to become more successful. You have to learn to stay positive amid their chatter and ideas and try only those new ideas that make sense to you. This is part of the process of self-mastery and relentless transformation.

The First Step, In My Journey of Childhood Recovery (By Cynthia Farsadi)

Tony A's 12 steps for Adult Children of Alcoholism, are a little different from the original 12 steps. I do no relate to steps 3-10 in the original 12 steps. I have not lied and cheated or stolen from others, I do not have children that I have harmed and hurt by being abandoning or neglectful or shaming. I Never felt comfortable and couldn't "relate" in a original 12 step group. I wasn't a narcissist who didn't care about anyone but myself. But I came from a family of severe dysfunction. I say severe because I think there are many levels of dysfunction, it's not just one kind. But yes, I know that dysfunction is prevalant in many families and across many cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities. So when I finally found ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics or other dysfunction) and started attending meetings all this stuff, my STUFF started coming up! I knew that this was the program for me. I could relate to everyone in the group, on some level they were speaking my truth, they could understand what it was like living with a Mom that was suicidal, or a father that raged and was absent a lot. And family members constantly crossing boundaries with each other.

Immediately I wanted to attend a meeting a day. But I realized you can't rush your process, in fact that's another trait of someone from an alcoholic or dysfunctional family, is to RUSH the process, and try to move through all the steps too quickly.

Step 1 in Tony's A's Original 12 steps starts out like this:

"We admitted we were powerless over the effects of living with alcoholism, (dysfunction), and that our lives had become unmanageable."

For the longest time I wanted to deny this process! I wanted to say to the world and to myself that there's nothing wrong with me, it was 'them' that were sick! I'm so glad I got those people out of my life, and now I know all I need to do is keep sick people (addicts, abusers, manipulators, liars, cheaters, sociopath's etc.) out of my life and I will be set! Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I ended up alienating myself even more and drowning in my work, another trait of an adult child. Now adult child doesn't mean we act like a kid as adults, it means when we were children we needed to be the "adults" because our immediate guardians or parents were too dysfunctional to take care of us. I know it's a sick cycle but this is how it goes.

Now what I am learning is that first step, to take the program one day at a time. To go to the meetings, to talk to people, to find a sponsor and to really begin a deeper level of healing. This is the first step in my own childhood emotional recovery.,-In-My-Journey-of-Childhood-Recovery&id=9846529

Medisuggestion - The Efficient Combination of Meditation and Autosuggestion

For those who know how to use them, meditation and autosuggestion are efficient tools for influencing the mind and body. Although they are different techniques that impact the subconscious, they are partially overlapping. This article shall analyze the option of combining the two methods in a manner that will enable harnessing the advantages of both methods. This option will be referred to below as medisuggestion.

Meditation vs. Autosuggestion

The main objective of meditation is soothing the soul. This objective is achieved through relaxation, closed eyes, regulated breathing, an attempt to detach oneself from external stimuli and influences, avoidance of disturbing thoughts and the desire to reach the "peaceful realm". Some meditation techniques include the repeated self affirmation of a mantra, usually a meaningless word that contains syllables with no negative connotations. Mediation has a suggestive impact on the body and mind seeing that the individual applying this technique wishes consciously to achieve peace and serenity while consciously and unconsciously detaching from mundane worries. The meditating individual creates, over time, a kind of conditioning aimed at reaching relaxation whenever beginning the meditation process.

While in meditation self suggestion is more of an indirect and side effect of the relaxation method, the self persuasion performed in the process of autosuggestion is direct and intended to generate a willful, directed and focused impact on the subconscious. Autosuggestion is a tool for achieving various objectives and not only tranquility and inner serenity. Similarly to meditation, autosuggestion is also comprised of the constant repetition of certain words. Meditation has the advantage of being a pleasant and calm method in which time is not pressing. Autosuggestion, on the other hand, conveys the message more rapidly and directly, but it lacks an organized method and supportive establishment. Both meditation and autosuggestion are techniques that are not practiced persistently, whether due to their monotonous nature, the fact that their results are not immediately apparent, the fact that daily pressures and troubles distract us from them and overtake our agenda, and whether due to the easier option of using chemical sedatives.

Medisuggestion - Combining the advantages of both methods

Medisuggestion combines autosuggestion and the method of meditation. The concept is very simple: instead of whispering a meaningless and empty mantra during meditation, repeatedly whisper words of suggestive content, such as: "I am peaceful and calm, I am peaceful and calm, I am always peaceful and calm". The message will slowly permeate into your subconscious and when you are more relaxed, so will be your body, including its autonomies.

Medisuggestion - How it works

When we are tense and upset by a significant issue that bothers us and interferes with our peace of mind, we may experience symptoms resembling a slight emotional trauma, such as sleeplessness and recurring thoughts of the same issue, overrunning the everyday routine and refusing to let up. The mind is overwhelmed by the issue in a manner that may even interfere with our ability to function. Indeed, one can take a sedative, but such an option bears with it side effects. It interferes with concentration, causes drowsiness and may impair proper thought processes, not to mention addiction and long term effects to the brain.

When we are in a state of medisuggestion, constantly whispering words of self relaxation, we introduce a "new player" into our mind. This player, appearing as the suggestive chant, slowly pushes aside the annoying thoughts and takes over the mind in their stead, while conveying a message of peace and serenity to the body and soul. The efficient suggestive effect is achieved in two manners: A. The direct auto suggestive message; B. The indirect method of meditation, i.e. everything surrounding us - the atmosphere, the sense of serenity and the conditioning. The impact of this method increases with practice. The "new player" gains power and acquires strength. As time goes by, those temporary worries and tensions that bothered us and which medisuggestion helped us get rid of, fade away and disappear. When we once again enter a state of stress and tension and we repeat the routine and familiar words of relaxation we perceive the temporal problems from a different perspective. The annoying and bothersome problem seems to be temporary and fleeting as compared to that "player" in our mind, who has gained experience and proven itself.

Future Effects

Another advantage of this method over meditation is in its ability to prepare us for an expected difficult and nerve racking event, such as a charged encounter, stressful interview, difficult test, clarification discussion, trial, medical procedure and the likes. Using this method, we can convey a personal message for the future, such as: "Tomorrow, during the interview, I will be calm and serene" through repetition. This method also provides for other future suggestions, such as: "I will be in focus" or "I will be confident". This method increases the level of concentration when "taking the test", unlike a sedative which might even impair concentration levels.


After studying the method and growing accustomed to it, there is no need to implement it daily, but rather when it is truly necessary, and 10-20 minutes are enough for it to work. The method is especially effective when it is most needed, i.e. when waking up at night because of the annoying problem. It is at this stage, when we are neither asleep nor awake, that our subconscious is more exposed to suggestive influences, more open to receive them and more effectively influenced by them.

Values Based Success - Why Is That Important?

Values Based Success is about creating change in your life based on the Values that are important to you. Your Values are the foundation of the results that you get in life, so you need to choose Values that are truly important to you, not others. You need to craft a plan that supports those Values.

So why is that important?

If our Values are the foundation of our results it would seem that we always get what we Value in life. That's sort of true. We get results that spring from the things we Value right now. What I mean is that there's a hierarchy of Values that we all have. Some are more important than others. In an ideal world, we wouldn't violate higher Values for lower Values. Generally that's true. Sometimes, we're selfish and violate Values for selfish reasons or out of emotional outbursts. In that moment we Value our true Values less than being selfish or being emotional. We get results from those temporary changes in what's most important to us, even if we know it's not what we ultimately truly Value.

Values Based Success is about keeping us aware of our Values and living the life that results from those Values. We have to know what the Values are first though. We have to know what kind of life those Values lead to (Vision) and how we want to get there (Mission). From there we create the Roadmap that gets us to our Vision. That's our Goals and Action Plans.

All Success and all failure stems from how closely we align ourselves and our actions with our Values. Examine anyone who's succeeded or failed spectacularly. Successes are totally and radically aligned with their Values. They know them. Their Values drive them. They live them. Failures might know their Values but not likely. Or they let other people's Values be their foundation. Or they choose negative Values over positive Values. Failures don't align their lives and plans with positive Values that they own. Failures often wander without direction precisely because they don't know and understand their Values.

You might ask, what about people who seem to achieve Success, but are ruthless, negative, destructive people? Great question.

I submit that those types of people may have material or worldly gains, but not true Success. I believe true Success is unique to the individual and based on positive Values, not negative ones. Negative Values are often ones that have an implied phrase at the end, "at any cost." For example, wealth (at any cost) or attaining a certain standard of living (at any cost) or dominating a field or market (at any cost). These Values are perverted versions of positive Values.

Any Value that can be expressed in a selfish way or without regard to the harm done to others is a negative Value. We see these at work in all walks of life from personal relationships to professional to the political. We see it in the attitudes that show how some people believe they're inherently better than others. We see it in attitudes that show how some people take offense at anything no matter how small and are quick to anger and judgement.

Success based on positive Values by default will respect others, pursue results that don't violate your other Values or violate the rights and dignity of other people. It doesn't mean we can't desire to be rich or have a great lifestyle. The question is what do you have to do get there? How does that fit in with the things and ideals that are important to you? How do you serve your family, community, colleagues, customers or employees to get there?

That's what Values Based Success helps you find out. That's what it keeps you striving for, to be a positive influence in your own life, your family's, you community and in the lives of everyone you meet.

Changing The Direction Of Your Destiny

In our previous article; You Control Your Destiny, and the article before that; Seven Fences That Bind And Separate Us, we spoke about the limitations and negative qualities we need to overcome in order to simply be a better person, and have a better life.

This article will continue in that theme with the next step of the process; what to become after, and while in the process, of removing the negative qualities.

Destiny, as we discussed, is formed by the combination of the powers that control us, that make each of us who we are based on the combination of how much each of the powers controls us.

This means that Destiny is not an individual being of it's own personality and fixed as it is, but is a fluid and constantly changing being with a plan that changes from moment to moment.

Recycling glass is the easiest analogy. When a glass object is recycled, the first step is to break and destroy the item, then melt the glass and form it into a new item.

I will divert and refer to the Kaballah to relate my analogy to this ancient mystical teaching. In the Kaballah it says that God created the perfect vessels. That could be other gods or our soul or some spiritual being that we cannot, and at this point do not need to, comprehend.

But the problem was, being created perfect, they were not actually perfect because they did not use free will to choose what to become, there was no challenge. As Nietzsche said; "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." We all know this to be true.

And so, God broke the perfect vessels He created so that they could use free will to reassemble themselves, and thus having used free will in the challenge to overcome the difficulties, they would be truly perfect and worthy of being Gods.

The breaking is by putting the seven powers, which are the negative qualities we have to overcome, to create our destiny. As we overcome them, we are in the process of reassembling our self, the vessel, and gain greater control to change our destiny, but, it does not end there.

What's Next?

The next step is to build the positive qualities. They will create a new Destiny, a new being of it's own personality and character, who will bring a new set of life opportunities.

Yes it's true, you can imagine Destiny to be an angelic being watching over you, or you can simply use logic and see that if you are a good, reliable person, that you will get many more opportunities and have better friends than if you are a selfish, arrogant ass.

Every coin has two sides. We have explored the negative side and now let's explore the positive one.

These are the Seven Qualities, that we must cultivate to create a new Destiny that will guide our life.

  • Wisdom. To know what is right at each moment rather than your own opinion, and act for the best interests instead of your own.
  • Understanding. To be objective of the situation, instead of seeing what you want to see, which closes your mind to the facts.
  • Counsel. To advise, or just listen to their feelings, with compassion.
  • Knowledge. The more you know of more things, makes your mind creative by being able to draw from a great diversity of possibilities, making you able to solve all problems.
  • Fortitude. The strength to stand strong in the face of disaster. As Kipling said in his poem, 'If'. "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you... " Stand up when you are knocked down, as many times as that happens, and nothing can truly beat you down. This is how to develop detachment from possessions and events that control you, This is to have true power over your life.
  • Integrity. One of the most important qualities because we all need someone we can rely on. A person with Integrity is the one who inspires courage and is trusted when others fail.
  • Responsibility. The most important quality as everyone avoids accepting the truth about themselves because that means, you cannot rely on anyone, even yourself. Accepting responsibility for everything in your life, all your actions and decisions, the good and the bad, makes you the one everyone can trust and turn to. It's the spark that ignites the power for you to control your Destiny. This quality is the difference between strong and low self-esteem and self-confidence.

The start of this change from the negative powers to the positive qualities which control your mind, emotions and actions, is with taking responsibility that you, and only you, are and always have been the one making the final decisions.

Destiny can only bring you the events, the opportunities, but you are the one who chose what to do, or not do, in each situation, every moment of your life.

Take responsibility for the events of your life, for your Destiny. Weaken the Seven Powers that control you and strengthen these Seven Qualities.

This is how you will give birth to and create a new Destiny who you can command to bring you a new life

Ethicalism is simply a collection of ethics and practical exercises to help apply them in our life. In conducting ourselves such that we will live a satisfying and purposeful life, we strengthen our individuality and self-esteem, while opening up to deeper connections with ourself and others.

What Is Success to You

What is Success to You?

Success. A word familiar to us all but elusive at best. Not everyone has the same definition of success and not all of us are truly living the lives we desire or experiencing the success we want. When it comes to business and financial matters having a success attitude plays a big part. The only way to reach your dreams is to believe in your heart that those dreams are meant to come to pass.

I wish there was some boilerplate recipe for success that worked every time. Sadly there isn't. Now there are principles and guidelines we can follow to help us along our journey which you will see as we continue talking about this subject. But the real key to finding success is to understand that life is a journey and every incident you encounter is doing one of two things for you; either it is drawing you closer to your definition of success or pulling you away. You have to figure out which is which so you can make sound decisions.

Below are some characteristics of success which are helpful to remember on your journey;

See the goal clearly in front of you - the journey to success begins with a goal. Unless we have something we are working towards there is no motivation to make to make it so. Goals provide a benchmark which we can measure. Successful people are goal oriented and tasks focused. They discover what they want out of life and then perform tasks that will help them get there. You cannot be successful with no goal. These goals must be written and specific to your dreams for your life.

Understand the path to achieving your Goals is lined with difficulties- it would be nice if every day was filled with nothing but sunshine and roses. But life is not like that. Into every life a little rain must fall. This causes even the best of us to get discouraged by the challenges of our day. When you start on a journey to Success and hit obstacles you are prepared for them because you knew beforehand they were going to happen.

Create a picture of yourself that reflects your perception of yourself - do you see yourself in a positive or negative light? A positive perspective will make your future brighter.

Clear you mind of all unbelief - it is easy to believe you will fail. To be successful you must clear your mind of doubts and unbelief about your ability to be successful.

Embrace the obstacles you have come to understand exist- every journey to being successful will have some obstacles along the way. The focus must be on embracing the obstacles while plowing through them. Nothing and no one must prevent you from realizing your dreams.

Stay focused on the goals you set - the prize at the end of the race is the only reason to be in the race. Keep your eyes on why you are in the race in the first place.

Show everyone, including yourself, that you can do all things - being confident in your ability to succeed goes a long way in being successful.

Don't believe the lie that success only belongs to a select few. You have as much of a right to be a success as anyone else.

Turn Your Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping-Stones

How often have we enviously watched when someone, perhaps someone we know, achieved a goal that to us appeared impossible? We may speculate, how on earth did they manage it? Sure, adopting the right mindset is important. That, coupled with a little luck, hard work and refusing to treat setbacks and hurdles as impediments lets them focus on reaching where they're aiming for. They treat stumbling blocks as stepping-stones.

When we have a goal, whether it be academic, personal or business related, it helps clarify things when we break the different stages into bite-sized chunks. If we're aiming to run a marathon, earn a qualification, lose some weight, learn to drive, it's sensible to set out stepping-stones from where we are to where we want to go. When we're moving a sizeable distance or through rough, unchartered waters it's less daunting to provide a raised stone or two on which to step and safely cross.

- Support is often necessary. Would a coach, mentor or trainer be a valuable addition to your team? They've often been there, done it and are aware of what's required, or they understand the process sufficiently well to educate, motivate and inspire you to stay on target. It's good to have someone with whom we can discuss each stage, who holds us accountable for our actions and who continues to provide motivation and inspiration.

- Interim goals can be good as they're an acknowledgement that we're moving in the right direction. Recognising each stage of the journey can significantly impact on our motivation levels, especially or dark days when we've achieved very little or have perhaps slipped back. Some days we may feel that we've taken two steps forward and one step back, but movement of any kind means that we're not standing still.

- A big stumbling block can be when we're asked to do something slightly outside our immediate skill set. We may know most, but not all of what's being asked of us. Rather than decline the work or try to muddle through why not use it as an opportune stepping-stone to forming an alliance with someone who can bridge that gap, oftentimes bringing a win/win result where both parties add value to each other's businesses.

- A more positive approach to failure can allow us to treat stumbling blocks as stepping-stones. If success comes too easily it can prompt us to ask, 'are we making the best of ourselves, are we aiming for our highest goals?' When a high-jumper clears the bar they simply keep on raising it until they're not able to clear it any more. They continue to challenge themselves. Adopting a positive approach to setbacks and treating them as opportunities for growth allows you to move out of your comfort zone and be inspired to even greater heights.

- Find alternative routes that push you to improve and progress. Your stepping-stones may be about equipping yourself in advance with the knowledge and experience you need to power forward. You could perhaps start by volunteering at a charity, offering to work for free, starting an internship, shadowing someone who'll provide you with a chance to practise; explore whatever stumbling blocks there may be, make mistakes and acquire important skills relevant to your goal. And sometimes trying a completely different niche, outside of your comfort zone, may introduce you to people, skills and learning opportunities that are relevant and transferable.

- Your stepping-stones may require you to sit exams to provide evidence, both to yourself and to others, that you're serious, are on your way and are determined to succeed. This could be essential, especially if you're looking for a professional or qualification-demanding career or role.

- Goals may require a variety of skill sets along the way. Training to run a marathon may require you to lose weight, organise your time better in order to regularly train, let go of some of your responsibilities, delegate better or enlist help with family or work-related commitments. Whatever your goals, could it be worthwhile to outsource some of the routine distractions that eat up so much of your time and energy? What about hiring someone to help with the domestic chores like cleaning, ironing or gardening, or to take over your routine business support like admin, accounts or social media management? It would cost you financially, but it may be worth it.

Stumbling blocks can offer opportunities to learn important lessons and new skills along the way. And if we reach a certain stage and then have to pause a while, that's fine too. Acknowledge that stepping-stones sometimes move us a way along and then provide space for a break, a breather, time to focus on other things in our lives whilst enjoying a new, rather different outlook.