
The Secret to Being Attractive

How many times have you wished you were smarter, younger, fitter, slimmer and better? And why?

I often observe intelligent people who do well in life and intelligent people who don't. I have met beautiful individuals who are well liked and successful, but I have also met countless of miserable beauties. I have seen slim people full of happiness, and I have also seen slim people drowning in depression.

So, do you have to look good to feel good? Do you have to look good to do well? Of course you don't! If you want people to be drawn to you, you need something else.

When it comes to being attractive, be it in your social, sexual or professional life, the first thing to look at is your personal confidence; second one is the degree to which you live out your passion.

Surely, there is nothing attractive about a slim beauty that is self-conscious, feels lost and doesn't have any interests or passion. People are drawn to interesting people full of life. Vitality is contagious and attractive. Emptiness and self-consciousness are boring and tiring. If you live life purposefully and passionately, you will be like a magnet to other people and you will certainly reap great success in your life.

Have you seen fashion shows? What's attractive about the models on the runway is the confidence they project. Even though sometimes they wear ridiculous clothes, funny hairdos and cold expressions on their faces, they still come off as extremely attractive simply because they carry themselves with confidence (which may or may not be authentic but that's a different story).

So the rule goes like that: the more confident and purposeful you are, the more attractive to other people you will look. Of course the personal confidence is bound to also get reflected in your physical appearance: the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress, and the way you take care of yourself overall. But confidence and passion come first. Without those, your looks are "empty". With no life in your body you are not a very interesting person, therefore people won't be interested in you, they won't be drawn to you.

Have you heard the old saying "Beauty comes from within"? Well, it does! So if you want to look attractive and be successful (sexually, socially and professionally), you need to be confident and purposeful in life.

How Alcohol Impacts Health

"That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen." รข€
Charles Bukowski

This is how Charles Bukowski, a renowned writer and poet, summed up the thoughts of a person addicted to alcohol. The quote aptly highlights the plight of the people suffering from alcoholism. For, Bukowski was one of those who himself knew how alcohol takes the prime slot in an alcoholism patient's life. For them, they have no reason to drink.

Besides driving a wedge between loved ones, persistent drinking leads to increased dependence on alcohol and eventually addiction. Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled drinking patterns and preoccupation with alcohol. In fact, people become so obsessed with alcohol that other priorities take a back seat. They witness the downfall in all aspects of life.

Apart from dependence and above consequences, unrestrained alcohol consumption leads to various health problems, such as:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: Though there are studies claiming the antioxidant resveratrol in red wine is associated with lower risks of heart aging, heavy drinking weakens the heart muscle. As a result, the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently cardiomyopathy. Besides causing cardiomyopathy, heavy drinking leads to premature death due to heart failure.
  • Cancer: Alcohol is also associated with the risk of developing cancer. With the identification of alcohol as a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it is clear that it increases the risk of cancer. Some of the commonest cancers associated with alcohol consumption are that of neck, esophagus, liver and breast.
  • Diabetes: Excessive drinking increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Moreover, in case a person is already diabetic and is on medications for controlling the level of blood sugar, the consumption of alcohol can have an adverse reaction, such as a massive decline in the sugar level due to hypoglycemia. Since people with diabetes are on a strict diet, every morsel and calorie intake matters. Therefore, any form of alcohol is dangerous.
  • Inflammation of pancreas: Alcohol is also detrimental for the functioning of pancreas. Prolonged and hazardous level of drinking can cause pancreatic inflammation or pancreatitis. Many a time, the damage is irreversible in nature.
  • Increased waistline: Though an evening cocktail may sound harmless, it is loaded with calories and responsible for causing the same weight gain as caused by a large burger with fries on the side. Studies have shown that binge drinking is associated with an increased waistline. When one starts drinking heavily, he or she is more likely to end up with a massive paunch and a surefire hangover the morning after. The same applies for beer. It is a gross misconception to consider beer as light, as a can of light beer has an excessive amount of calories.
  • Depression: One of the common misconceptions about alcohol is that it is great for beating the blues. Moreover, it is assumed that the problems get sorted automatically when one is high on alcohol. The seemingly tongue-tied person suddenly becomes talkative, which is seen as one of the wonders of alcohol. When one has alcohol in his or her system, the person feels invincible and on top of the world. Unfortunately, the crash follows soon after. One of the commonest symptoms that follows binge drinking is depression and guilt-trip. Being a depressant, one of the harshest side effects of chronic alcoholism or alcohol dependence is clinical depression.
Recovery from alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease that disengages the individual from life. Fortunately, with timely help one can easily overcome the condition. People suffering from alcoholism should not feel embarrassed to seek help or treatment and share their problems with loved ones. Rather than feeling low due to the stigma attached to alcoholism, individuals should accept the reality and take effective measures against the problem.

How Chronic Stress Impacts Productivity

Maintaining high levels of productivity is an integral part of life, especially today with the ever-growing list of responsibilities everyone faces, both at the office and at home. Unfortunately, chronic stress is also become more common as a result.

Whether it's at work or with your family, chronic stress can affect productivity in some seriously negative ways. Read on to learn about why persistent stress levels might be affecting your everyday life and keeping you from reaching your goals.

Hard to stay focused

One of the first mental abilities to suffer as a result from stress is your ability to concentrate on a specific topic or objective.

Stress triggers the release of many different hormones in your body, including cortisol, which weakens your immune system and affects your sleep cycle.

Stress also results in the production of adrenaline, which can make you feel more motivated at first, but lead to extreme levels of anxiety during periods of chronic stress.

As a result, it becomes more difficult to hold your attention because your body is functioning at an elevated state meant for quick action. You end up feeling more tired, which breaks your concentration, while your mind jumps to different topics as you attempt to escape the thoughts that are causing the stress and thus are unable to accomplish tasks.

Lack of motivation

Many people who suffer chronic stress also experience a major decrease in motivation, typically in regards to completing the tasks that are the source of the stress. For example, imagine that you need to clean out your garage to make room for a new car, but every time you set foot in the space, you become overwhelmed by all the boxes and other items inside.

The seemingly daunting task of sorting through it all causes you stress, which triggers a range of emotional and physical responses in your body that tell you to avoid it in order to escape the stress.

Over time, you feel less and less motivated to take on the project. This can occur with virtually any topic, because the thought of starting the task leads to more stress and thus makes you less inclined to do anything.

Increase in forgetfulness

Stress hormones have also been found to severely impair both short-term and long-term memory.

According to WebMD, one study found that exposure to chronic stress impaired participants recall ability, which made it more difficult to complete activities that involved remembering specific information.

Forgetfulness can greatly hinder productivity in many different ways, not just because working harder to remember details can result in spending more time on projects. It may cause you to forget about deadlines, upcoming meetings, or specific instructions.

In turn, this can lead to wasting time focusing on the wrong subjects as well as spending more time trying to make up for any details or components forgotten as a result of the stress.

Increase feelings of futility

Excessive stress not only affects your physical ability to produce work or attain results on an activity, but can also affect the way you perceive your work overall.

When you experience stress on a consistent basis, you may feel that you are constantly rushing to comply with deadlines and the demands of others, stimulated by the stress hormones.

Feeling the pressure to complete a project, but being unable to do so because of the other ways stress impacts productivity, can cause you to feel like there's no point in trying harder to succeed. The constant presence of stress makes you feel as if you are never going to be able to do enough to get rid of it.

As such, you don't work as hard and your overall output decreases because you don't see the appropriate benefits of your efforts.

The Missing Ingredient to Success

There are many ingredients to success: talent, creativity and insight, hard work, patience and persistence, good luck and synchronicity, the right beliefs and attitude... Did I miss something? Oh yes - spiritual practice.

Of course you can lose weight, become a capable doctor or an excellent lawyer, and be a decent mother or a successful sports player simply by doing (studying, training, working, etc.). But are you going to have satisfaction around your success? How many people do you know that seem to have achieved it all and feel miserable at the same time: exhausted, underappreciated, over-worked, never good enough (despite surface appearances), never quite there, and sometimes even not sure if that's the right thing to do and the right place to be. And then there are also those who seem to be doing all the right things and don't even achieve apparent success, not even in the eyes of the others. Why?

The answer is because dissatisfaction runs together with an overemphasis on the doing. Remember the notorious phrase Be-Do-Have? If you skip the being and jump onto the doing, you never quite end up having (personal satisfaction, successful closure, peace and happiness). You keep doing and no matter what you achieve or produce, you feel you need to do more because... If you however go a step back and focus on the being, you will end up having all that you want and more.

The being step means that you have a spiritual practice around what you do and what you would like to have. That doesn't mean you become superstitious or a religious fanatic. It means you spend time in meditation, introspection, contemplation, appreciation, prayer and gratitude. This way you can activate the higher brain, you can operate from your higher self, and you can receive guidance (through insight and intuition) simply because you feel connected to the resources of the universe and you act out of something larger than you (not because your ego wants to compensate for inferiority complexes or fears lack and separation).

Thus, if you precede the doing with being (in meditation, contemplation, prayer and gratitude), and then take action, your endeavor will be highly successful in the following respects:

  1. You will know you are on the right path; you won't have second thoughts and doubts in the process or regrets later.
  2. The path will be easy and things will flow (since you will be energetically aligned with the cosmic tides of power); even difficulties will be met with grace.
  3. You will have a sense of fulfilment every step of the way; it won't feel like a rut race, constant stress and in the end - no feeling of satisfaction.

In a nutshell, surrounding your projects with some form of spiritual practice guarantees your success and happiness not only on paper but also in your heart.

The Art of the Average Life

Likely each day, in some form, you hear that nothing but the best will do. Often, you then hear a description of what is the best. This idea that there is better, better than you have, or better than you even imagined, often comes from a product marketer who seeks to sell you something. You may not buy the product, but did the marketer sell you doubt (about yourself)? Mostly, that depends on who you are and how you see yourself.

Statistical averages of measurement on most subjects, including people, tend to show a normal distribution of the subject as a single bell curve, where the median is a line drawn down from the highest point in the curve to the base. For a population of people, we would expect to find most people to be at this point and within the bell of the curve. The best people would be where the curve tapers to the right and the worst where it tapers to the left. From this place of discussion, we could go anywhere, but I want to point out to you that the average is a good place for people to be. That is where most people are, with their family, their friends, and their coworkers.

Happiness may not accrue to people who embark on being the best at anything. Often, the best equals life-altering dedication, a greater cost in time, money, and effort, to exclude many things that occupy one's perception of how to be happy. We admire those who become the best of something, but we also see quite frequently that those who achieve the best, become profoundly unhappy because they do not know where to channel the drive that got them to their personal pinnacle of achievement.

The art of the average life is how one lives it each day. It will be better if you have principles, an underlying morality upon which you anchor yourself and others who matter to you. Figure out who you are. Are you an average person who cannot find time to play with your family and friends because you have a second job, attend night school, commute two hours to work each day, or live vicariously through a video game? Maybe you should check your face to see if a smile is there. #Tag1writer

Why Most Problems Have A Way Of Resolving Themselves When We Get Out Of The Way

Trust That Life Knows What It's Doing

When problems occur, what is your first reaction? Do you worry about it and immediately try to fix it? Do you become anxious, frustrated or angry? It's natural we respond this way, but what if there's a better way? What if we don't have to get caught up in the mental muck? We often try to solve our problems with a limited mindset and don't have all the answers before us. Moreover, the situation may still be developing and requires more time to take shape. Therefore, our reaction is based on what is taking place at the time, instead of waiting for things to unfold. We become too invested in our problems and complicate matters further.

Sometimes, things are better left to resolve on their own, without trying to force it. Can you relate to this? Can you think of a specific example where you forced something to happen, and things got worse? It happens all the time; we make a mess of our problems when we try to manipulate them. It requires a certain mindset to trust that our problems will resolve themselves when we get out of the way. I'm not talking about apathy or resignation here, but an inherent trust that life knows what it's doing. Often, circumstances will fix themselves with little or no participation on our behalf. It's difficult sometimes to know whether we need to take action or leave things alone.

Regrettably, some people take too much action to resolve their problems. If they let things be, even though conditions are not favourable, the problem will fix itself in due course. Obviously, there are matters where immediate action is required such as our health, finances, career or relationships. But often, the more we worry and force a situation, the more out of control it becomes. I've noticed this particularly with relationships. If we're constantly trying to change other people so we will be happy, we are bound to experience misery and disappointment. But if we accept others as they are and change the way we look at things, our problems will settle in due course. I'm not suggesting we tolerate abuse in our relationships. I'm reminding you to accept people as they are, without controlling conditions.

Try Something Different

Is this something you're willing to try? Could you respond differently to experience a different outcome? If we respond the same way each time, we set ourselves up for disappointment. It requires a change in thinking, and this can be the troublesome part because we are taking a leap of faith. To take a comedic perspective, I'm reminded of an episode from the sitcom Seinfeld, in which the character George Costanza, played by Jason Alexander, tells Jerry that every decision he has ever made has been wrong, and that his life is the exact opposite of what it should be. Jerry persuades him that "if every instinct he's ever had is wrong, then the opposite has to be right." So, George experiments doing the opposite of what he would normally do and experiences a series of fortunate breakthroughs. His life improves when he acts on the opposite of his instincts.

Whilst a fictitious story, there's an element of truth to it. If we're not experiencing better outcomes, it makes sense we change how we respond to our problems. I'm encouraging you to trust that life knows what it's doing and problems we consider unpleasant, will resolve themselves without trying to fix them. Therefore, I encourage you to put this advice to practise in the following way. Over the coming days, simply try it out. If there's a problem you're dealing with that doesn't need your direct involvement, could you let go of worrying about it? Could you allow life to bring you the best outcome? Could you let go of anxiety and frustration?

If we respond the same way when problems emerge, we train our mind and body to react the same way. Even if the situation is favourable, we might sabotage it because our first reaction is one of anxiety and frustration, instead of patience and trust. I speak from experience and know if I get out of the way and keep my wits about me, a resolution will emerge better than I imagine. It requires practice, patience, and the willingness to try something different, instead of reacting the same way. Go ahead; try it. If you keep a journal, instead of worrying about the problem, journal your thoughts about it. Then you can look back and see how far you've come in your personal growth. After all, most problems have a way of resolving themselves because when we get out of the way, life will do its job and bring us exactly what we need.

The Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Like a fake or a fraud, and that people are going to find out? Apparently common, even among those we know as geniuses.

I meet many entrepreneurs who have fears and insecurities as they build their empires, price their services, and get behind their marketing and strategy.

If you struggle with an inner view of yourself, despite how you present yourself to the world, you'll find some comfort and belonging knowing that you're amongst 70% of the population that feels an imposter syndrome at some time.

I interviewed Veronica Hislop to shed some light on this limiting belief that stunts our potential. She explains the Imposter Syndrome and provides great tips and strategies on how to overcome it.

Veronica describes the imposter syndrome as a core belief that oneself is inadequate, incompetent, and a failure, despite evidence that indicates they're skilled and successful.

What amazed me most is that even genius people like Albert Einstein and famous people like Maya Angelou admitted to thinking they were an imposter!

Albert Einstein said: "The exaggerated esteem in which my life work was held makes me very ill at ease, and I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler."

Take a look at my new Leadership Tip to learn more. Transcribed for reading or as an audio file for a quick listen. Your authentic self will thank you.

The first step toward better relationships is mastering the one we have with ourselves.

Here's to your future authenticity. No imposter syndrome required. Be fearless, be YOU and be rich!

The Key to True Meaning of Success

In life many people believe that success is based on external things like cars, houses, money, and other things that are external but the truth is success is not about anything outside of ones self. Success should be based on ones contribution and impact in and on the Earth. Many of us have believed the hype for so long that we have to show people the things that we do and have in order to receive their approval or validation.

In reality, none of that is needed because who can judge, approve or validate what is within you? Who can tell you if you got it right or not? Who can jump inside of your true vision or dream and say "Yep that's it you did it the exact way it was shown in your vision or dream"? I often tell my clients the one thing no one can high jack is your dreams and visions.

Your dreams and visions are what give you the road map and path to what can be determined as success. Only you can see what is within your visions and dreams so in order to know if you are successful or not you have to ask yourself "Did I birth out what I saw in my dreams and visions?" Many of us have vivid dreams and visions but we are so afraid of trying to begin the journey of birthing because of what could go wrong.

I challenge you to begin the process now because either you are going to live with pain or regret of not doing it or the pain of doing it now. No matter what there will be pain but not all pain is bad. Do you remember the saying "No Pain No Gain?" This is indeed true when we experience pain there is a memory now that is there to remind you of what you made it through and it makes you stronger.

When you go to the gym and work out there is a level of discomfort/pain that is necessary in order for you to know that you worked the muscle group that you had in mind. Sometimes you are sore for a day or two afterwards but you continue to go back to the gym to eventually see the results you had envisioned. So if this is true for the gym and working your physical muscle wouldn't you think it applies to every area?

The answer is yes in order to reach the level of success that you were sent here to make you have to continue to go back to the mental and spiritual gym to see the vision board to determine if you are exercising the right muscle groups to see the results of the vision. It doesn't matter if other people can see the results if you can't because they have no idea what the vision board looks like.

I say this to my students all the time, It doesn't matter what other people say about you but what you say about yourself." Many people look at this saying and associate it with something negative but it applies to the positive words also because you have to learn to affirm yourself and ensure that you are saying the things that you need to hear to yourself.

I challenge you to stop thinking about what could go wrong and think about what could go right if you birth out that vision and dream. When you focus your attention and energy on the vision and dream a flow of frequency and intensity will be there to pull and push you through. I believe when the vision and mission is strong it will pull you and when the attention and passion is there it will push you towards to success.

When this is understood your true success will be awaiting and the level of happiness, joy and peace that we all envision will be there also. There is no need to live beneath your potential and there is no need to live a life where you never get an opportunity to experience the true meaning of success and happiness. This is your birth right so embrace it.

You lack nothing at all! You can to this world to do something great that only you can do. Success was and is built inside of you so dig deep within yourself and pull that greatness out because it is yours.

15 Minutes - Let It Be This Day

What sounds of anguish must pierce the air, filtered through the darkness of a starlit night or within the sunbeams in search of someone, anyone who cares? Profound they are, even the silent screams that signal the suffering of one who feels hopeless; those who no longer believe they can change a result. Cherished dreams that have disappeared through the passage of time, self-respect corroded through continued failures, abilities and talents corrupted, lost through misuse, inconceivable potential bartered for fool's gold or the final loss of someone precious are burrowed into the anguish that spills forth. We arrive at this lonely pain filled place when we accept that we must face the unacceptable and believe it to be an undeniable end. Let it be this day that you know your cries arrived and were carefully enfolded into the arms of a loving Creator. If 15 minutes could alter the course would you try?

We celebrate passion in people, yet passions can quickly become habits, the door that invites us into addiction. Addictions are often born when we embrace with abandon ideals, work, people, places, alcohol and drugs; even the pursuit to be healthy. Anything or anyone we believe we cannot live without can become an addiction. This happens when our emotions become so enmeshed we can no longer be objective or walk away. It is likely that we all have addictive personalities. Some are considered to be normal or 'good for us,' avoiding the stigma of addiction.

Human receptors that control the urges that propel you back to what you wish to could let go of lasts a mere 15 minutes. Every time you think you can't do it you are 15 minutes from success. Most people acknowledge they could do anything they have to do for that amount of time. Every habit, belief or person that grips or binds you to a something you hope to stop, change or leave behind may be altered or even broken if you are willing to pause for 15 minutes, change the frequency you are riveted to and refocus your attention. It is necessary to look away; anything you look at or focus on is growing in intensity. The same energy that can propel you to enormous success binds you to things that can no longer serve you. Take the time; let it be this day that freedom beckons. Accept the invitation to really live again.

If you are tempted to look in the rear view mirror and rationalize why you thought this was a good idea when it began stop wasting your precious time. If you need to make a change the intentions that led you to a painful path no longer matter. Alter your course and remember that your very existence is a miracle. For a human to change their mind requires a miracle. That is two miracles before you begin. Use wisely your power of choice as you embark on a new journey. Let it be this day.

Finding Flow

When we're in flow, we're in the zone, that beautiful place of creative expression. It's typically accompanied with ease, grace, and a lost sense of time. Flow is place where new ideas sprout and grow. It's where we feel energized and engaged in creative pursuit. In short, flow feels great.

Who doesn't want flow?

But where do we find flow? And how do we move into it when we're reeling from the world around us?

The past year has been triggering, disruptive, distracting, overwhelming, and for some of us, downright traumatizing. It has left so many of us feeling completely and utterly exhausted. It's been easy, even necessary, to revert to old coping habits that allow us to escape, tune out, and numb down our feelings.

And, it's exceedingly hard to flow when we're experiencing any of the above.

So, if this is where you find yourself, know that you have my compassion and deep understanding. And, along with my compassion, I bring you some tips to find your flow again. Tips I use all the time to get back into my own flow.

Stay with your feelings -- Feelings, when embraced, will begin to dissipate, and feel more manageable. This will allow you to stay in the moment, and it's in the moment where we find flow.

Get your energy moving -- Don't wait for motivation. Move your body on a daily basis. Yoga, walks, workouts, dance. Movement will break up stagnant energy, helping you move into flow.

Take one step -- Get started. Jumpstart momentum by doing one small thing at a time. We strangle our flow by focusing only on the massive work we have to get done. Focus instead on one thing at a time and you will get it done. This helps you stay present, in the moment, and will increase feelings of accomplishment, and flow.

Let go of stagnating habits -- Easier said than done, right? Yes, definitely, but here's a way to start.

First, get clear about the habits which keep you stagnated. Notice which feelings trigger the desire to indulge in a habit. Stay with these feelings. When you do indulge in your habit, notice what happens to your sense of flow. No judgement here -- just mindfulness. Remember -- limiting habits start as coping strategies. The key is to stay with the feelings that we're trying to avoid. Again, staying with your feelings will them process and become more manageable. This in itself will facilitate flow.

Use energy work -- The goal of energy work is to help stuck energy move into a healthy flow. Recurring habits, reactions, and emotions signal that energy flow has been disrupted. Practices such as EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, Acupuncture, along with other energy modalities, are effective for clearing disruptions to flow.

Wishing you abundant flow,

The Benefits of Being Self Motivated in All Undertakings

Taking responsibility for your own success is the best and only shortcut to success. Therefore, you should know that you are who you want to be and the limit is just within your definition. So what does this mean? It means that individuals need to be self-motivated when pursuing a destiny in their life. The inspiration to wake up every morning and do what you are supposed to be doing should come from yourself and not forced on you by someone else. It is intrinsic, not extrinsic. Everyone knows what, they want and therefore you only can drive yourself to success. Here are some of the advantages of having intrinsic motivation.

You Will Not Find Any Possible Barriers

When a person is self-motivated, there is nothing like impossible since the person will work on anything that looks like a barrier and eventually make it to the other side. On the contrary, when the force is coming from someone other external force not related to the individual, it is very easy to give up and therefore the goal is not achieved. The driving force first is usually from an external source, and therefore you just work under supervision. When this person or source of power is not present, you just give up when you are faced with a barrier. This is not the right way of going by the things you have to do so as to get to the destination. Therefore, individuals should learn to be self-motivated so as to hit the targets easily.

You Value the Goal and So You Are Going for It

People will have intrinsic driving force when they value the goal. When you know what exactly it is that you want, you will ultimately go for the goal, and this is because it impacts your life directly. In short, the motivation is based on the satisfaction offered by the goal that you have set. On the contrary, when the goal benefits the other parties, (because you see it that way) it then becomes very hard to keep going.

This is sometimes the case in a workplace where the staff might see there is no need of burning midnight oil, yet the job you are doing is benefitting someone else, and your salary is just fixed. This is also the reason why some companies pay sales staff based on commission so that they can stretch themselves to the limit.

You Will Leave No Stone Unturned

Think of the miners, they will literally dig down the furrow even after exhausting the precious stone that was on the site. When they leave that site, don't be surprised when others come to scope anything that might be left there. When a person`s inspiration is coming from the inside, this is usually the case. Therefore you will make sure that you have done all the tasks just to achieve the goal that is in front of you. On the contrary, you will just be waiting for the time to pass so as to leave the office no matter how much work is on the waiting tray.

Intrinsic driving force is the best form of motivation you should have to achieve life goals.

What's Stopping You From Dreaming Big (By Chris Atley)

This was taken right around the time that my big dream to move to California was born. This was on a family trip to Disneyland & Universal Studios in California when I was 8 years old. At the time I was reading the Sweet Valley High books - remember those?! - where Jessica and Elizabeth lived in Malibu and drove around in a red convertible Fiat!! "THAT sounds amazing", I thought!!!

And so the dream was formed!

Funny enough my Mom found some of my old journals recently, where I had written down what I wanted to do when I grew up. Helping poor people and owning the Humane Society were written down. I was watching a TON of those commercials where the German Sheppard was basically crying, and they went on to tell us how much he'd been abused:(

I remember thinking that I was going to own all of the dogs in the world and live on a huge fenced in lot by the beach in Malibu, where people would have to be interviewed by me to see if they were fit to own a dog!

Some things never change. You can count on me to always let you know what is fair and what is not. I'm working on that...

What is that dream deep inside of you that's pulling at your heart strings? Read today's article below to learn where I landed on my dreams, what tends to get in the way of people making their dreams come true, and that it's absolutely okay to course correct along the way!

What's Stopping you from Dreaming Big?

See if you can tune into what you were wanting to do when you were little. I had the memory of California and the humane society, but I didn't realize I had also said that I wanted to help poor people! I remember saying in grade 6 (so age 11ish), that I wanted to either be a lawyer or a model, but not that part.

Well I definitely believe I'm doing my part to help poor people - I'm going to reframe that into helping people live abundant lives! - but the latter - the dog part - came about in a really interesting way!

And no, I don't own the humane society or all of the dogs in the world!

BUT I did work with a client once who is a K9 trainer who helps medics around the world care for the dogs who are on the job. Think guys jumping out of helicopters and landing on jet skis - she helps those types of handlers! Her training has helped to save countless animals, and as we worked on growing her business she was able to help even more dogs and people. When I was working with her awhile back, the realization set in that I was actually helping to make a difference in dogs' lives. It was a cool realization.

Throughout my childhood, whenever I felt "sad" I would think of going "home", which to me was palm trees, sunshine and the ocean. I'm not sure where this came from, but it was there. Like a knowing.

And being able to manifest something like that - that was such a big dream for me - has truly become my purpose - showing others we absolutely can be, do and have anything in life! We truly are limitless!

So what gets in the way?

Well a couple of things.

I do remember dating someone once and I shared with his parents that I wanted to help animals. I was pretty much shamed because they said there were so many people to help and why would I help animals instead?


Insert doubt. I pretty much felt like a bad person for wanting to do that.

How often do we listen to other people and then talk ourselves right out of something as a result?

Don't get me wrong, feedback and validation are important, but not when it works against our dreams! Not when it talks us out of going after what lies in our hearts.

Our desires are given to us for a reason. It's how we know what our purpose is.

Most people spend tons of time and money trying to figure out their purpose, but we already have the answer inside of us if we would listen. It's our heart's desires, it's what makes us happy and what brings us joy. All we need to do is follow that and let it the rest unfold.

Which brings me to another reason people don't follow their dreams. They can't see "how" their dreams will happen and so they give up. This is one of the biggest areas to let go of in order to use the law of attraction to manifest our dreams and desires. It's not up to us! Look at the K9 medic story! I never could have dreamt that up in a million years!

Which leads me to it being okay to course correct. Our childhood and adulthood desires might look a little different, and that's okay.

I remember a friend saying to me once that I didn't actually make it to Malibu, but I was close! At least that's how I heard her say it anyway.

If we're being that knit picky we've lost sight of the whole thing. The dream was palm trees and the ocean in California, to which I achieved. I consciously chose which area I wanted to be in after living in California for 4 years. We visited San Diego a few times and absolutely loved it and the more laid-back lifestyle. It's what worked for us (insert also thinking about husbands and kids too - which I definitely didn't have at 8 years old;-)

It's absolutely okay to course correct and adapt your dreams as you go. I never would have thought I would be paid to be a speaker or start a second business in real estate investing when I first started my entrepreneurial efforts!

If we're shown the entire picture all at once it would be wayyy too overwhelming to bring to fruition anyway. But if we keep saying yes, one step at a time, to what brings us joy and what we're interested in, we will always be on track with creating a happy and purposeful life!

We just have to go for it!


P.S. I don't know about you, but I have been so tired these last few days. I think something to do with a full moon?? Anyway, as I was sitting down to write this article it felt like pulling teeth. I didn't know how I was going to do it. But as I got started, I was reenergized writing about this topic. I got so excited writing about manifesting our dreams that I got a total energy burst! Another sure sign that we're on track with doing what we love ?

Tips for Restoring and Replenishing During the Holidays


During this time of year, as nature slows down and takes a quiet breather to restore and replenish, it's a good time to revisit our daily practices and employ simple yet effective ways to follow mother nature's wisdom. As nature turns inward, I invite us to do the same.

Heading into the holiday season as well, this can also be a time of year that may heighten our nerves and trigger deep emotions. This too makes it an ideal time to implement consistent daily practices to ground ourselves, and help us "settle everything down".

Ultimately, this practice helps "ready and steady" you for success as you return to the world refreshed and more available to handle its opportunities, challenges and stresses.
In this article, we explore the ancient practice of savasana, and a technique called 4-7-8 breathing.


So often in our fast-paced world, we seemingly forget to relax! Even low-level activities which we may be thinking are ways to relax often serve more as a mental distraction, and aren't truly relaxing at all (watching television news, anyone?)

What if we were to allow ourselves to drop into a state of quiet neutrality, where all of our hurried, harried, frazzled parts can come back together and rest?

Savasana, or "final resting pose": This asana (posture) is typically reserved for the end of a yoga practice.

After a revving up of the body, nervous system, organs, muscles and blood flow during yoga exercises, savasana serves many blissful purposes, including: reintegration, restoration, and a letting go of any mental chatter, agitation, or "gripping." It's an easing into the floor or ground upon which your body is placed - on your back, with legs comfortably apart, arms opened, palms facing upward. Eyes are closed. Breathing is calm, slow, and deep. Savasana is typically done for 5-10 minutes, and may even be done for up to 30 minutes at a time.

By engaging in savasana, you more easily become aware of your breath and your mind state. Ultimately, this practice helps "ready and steady" you for success as you return to the world and all its many challenges, opportunities, and stresses.

Another way to "turn inward" and combat the day to day stresses we all face, is to combine savasana with a 4-7-8-count breathing technique made popular by Dr. Andrew Weil. As with other yogic breathing, it's best done with your tongue placed up and against the inside of your upper front teeth. 1. Take a slow deep breath in, for a count of four. 2. Hold the breath for a count of seven. 3. Release the breath out for a count of eight. In one session, repeat this 4-7-8 breath cycle four times, to complete "one round".

Start out breathing at a counting pace that's comfortable for you, and over time you'll find yourself being able to slow down your breathing and elongating each count. The sequence, however, remains the same: 4-7-8. In total, a round of four breath cycles takes no more than two minutes, tops!

It will help you relax any time of day. And, it will help you fall asleep. Train yourself to do this to help you get centered, grounded and calm before you react to any stressful situation.

Although savasana is usually done at the end of a full yoga set, I'm inviting us all to try it on its own, as part of our daily practice, especially between now and the end of the year. Both savasana and the 4-7-8 technique have compounding positive effects when done consistently and over the course of several weeks and months.

Savasana and the 4-7-8 breathing technique -- each of these practices are whole and complete on their own, and need not be done together. You actually don't usually see them done in conjunction with one another. I'm suggesting, though, that they make for a powerful combo pack! I invite you to try them together, at least once a day. Do a ten-minute savasana, followed by a four-cycle round of the 4-7-8 breathing.


Both of these practices serve as forms of physical and energetic surrender, in all the best ways. It's a conscious and powerful choice to grant ourselves devoted time to recharge and receive the bliss that comes with sweet surrender. Look at the image of the child above, so pure, so relaxed... so open to all of life's joys, triumphs, and love!


In addition to doing one savasana daily*:

Several times throughout the day -- and especially right before going to sleep - do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Remember this practice takes only a minute or two to complete. You will serve you and your overall health and well-being tremendously by doing so!

Okay, your turn:

What daily practices, if any, have you been doing throughout the course of this year? Have you tried any new ones? Are you open to doing something a little differently throughout the holiday season?

Personal Development Success Is Within Your Grasp

Many people try personal development techniques, but often they find them hard to accomplish. Barriers, such as physical fitness, mental capacity or self control, can hinder those who wish to try personal development. The tips found in this article will help anyone attempting personal development to break down those barriers.

Part of any successful personal development program is finding your passion. Your goals in both the short- and long-term should be selected with this in mind. The personal satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from doing work you love should be a goal in and of itself. A goal that calls for work you hate, though, may be too hard to achieve.

For those of us who are gamers, organization is also important. You need to keep your entertainment area clear and organized. Cluttered entertainment areas can actually be hazards that can make you fall or cause electrical shocks. Keep your cords and systems organized, don't leave the cords out for people yo fall over. Likewise, with controllers. Keep your games in one area, preferably drawers or cabinets. Most importantly, make sure that you don't have overloaded outlets.

Stand up for your belief systems. Your convictions make your personal character, so be sure to defend what you think is right. There are times when we're tempted to step down and follow the herd. However, standing up and being counted can encourage bravery in others and stop injustice before it starts.

Break down large goals into manageable steps. Many times our goals are lofty, which is a good thing. However large goals can seem unattainable, causing you to become daunted and lose motivation. Before you start any large project or goal, break it down into smaller steps. Get as detailed as you can. Soon you will be well on your way to success.

Head off procrastination and sluggishness with a healthier diet. Stay away from foods high in saturated fat such as hamburgers and french fries. Fatty foods cause fatigue, sluggishness and fatigue, as well as slower thinking. This makes it tough to stay focused and get through all of the tasks on our to-do list.

Make sure that you are well-rested. Working when you're tired can really make your work sloppy and it can really stress you out. It's also not that great for your health. Sometimes, even taking a nap can clear your head and you can be more productive after you wake up.

When suffering from a lack of confidence, you should try to engage in physical exercise or a type of sport on a regular basis. Not only will this improve your body shape and therefore your confidence in your looks, exercise releases endorphins which stimulate the mind and body to a natural high.

As stated before, people often find personal development techniques hard to do. The reason for this is because of different barriers that prevent their development. If you remember the tips found in this article, in regards to personal development, then you can eliminate any barriers in your way and reach maximum development results.

5 Simple Holiday "No Stress" Survival Tips

The traditional intentions for the holidays are family, friends, food and socializing. Chanukah, Christmas, Advent, Kwanza, Yule... so many cultural events, this is the spirit of the season. Yet, it is well known that there is also a risk of stress and overwhelm.

Winter is a season of celebration, it is also the season of the element of water. Water can be turbulent and have us flailing and feeling like we are drowning. It can also be a season of rest, renewal, and going with the flow.

My intention is to share simple tips for helping you to choose rest and renewal. Guiding you to navigate the energies and emotions and arrive at the new year rested, renewed, and ready to create and prosper. My gift to you and your gift to yourself.

Following are a few simple tips to help you balance the fun doing and the restful yin energy of the winter water element and enjoy a holiday with less or no stress.

The ideas are simple and may be familiar. However you relate to them please receive them as reminder-invites to be in practice.

I invite you to:

  1. Join the fun - Remember it is your holiday too! This sounds simple but often we focus on giving, creating, and making it wonderful for everyone else and forgetting it is our holiday too. For years I was guilty of working to create the holiday then sitting back to observe while others enjoyed my creations. My energy and appreciation for the season changed when I put myself first and remembered to join in the fun and celebration.
  2. Be Sense-uous - At least once a day, stop the doing, breathe and take in the spirit of the holiday with all of your senses. By pausing, breathing and bringing your whole being to the experience it will feel like a mini-retreat. The other day, I stopped along Sixth Avenue to take in a deep breath and enjoy the fragrance of the pine trees for sale on the sidewalk.
  3. Boundaries - Allow yourself to set boundaries on your time and energy. Be intentional about your time, your eating, your drinking, your helping, and when you say "Yes" or say "No". Some days will be all about the party and others will be about your needs and desires. It is OK to say "No" when you are doing too much. The winter element calls us to simplify, let go, and conserve energy whenever possible.
  4. Big-Kid-friendly - Be sure to add some mindful and mindless fun to your holiday. Get in touch with your inner child, reveling in art, music, and play. Be intentional about activities that get you out of your head with all the thinking and planning and into a lighter body and mind. It can be as simple as joining your children, grandchildren or pet on the floor with their toys, building a snowman or flying a kite. As long as it includes some movement, laughter, or using your hands more than your head.
  5. Retreat & Renew - Plan time just for you. This may be a quick break during the busyness or more time after the holidays. Put it on the calendar NOW! It can be part of a day, a whole day or more. It may be a day you enjoy being home alone with a bath, book, and music, or going out to a spa. A day of art and creativity or a walk in the woods. A day when you enjoy your first nap in years, or maybe a simple day with nothing on the calendar. Even if you don't know what you will do, set the time aside and put the date on your calendar now.

What's Stopping You From Writing?

Think about this, really, how important is writing? To figure this out, one need to only look around, anywhere, anytime. If you look, you will find it. Writing is everywhere! And when you don't see it in letters, you can see it in pictures. But the bottom line is that in almost every aspect of one's day, and in almost every aspect of one's life, it is right there. Everywhere you look, writing is there!

A baby is born! What's the first thing that the parents want to send out? Announcements are standard procedure. And even those who don't announce the birth of the baby in a card, a letter or a postcard, will announce it with a gift, a cigar, a pen, but wait for it. There is always writing on the gift. And the writing on the gift, the personalization, the details of the birthday, is what makes the gift a keepsake.

Writing is everywhere. And then after the baby is born, there are other times when the writing is just there, some necessities, the instructions to the new mother, instructions to take home, advice for the parents. Along with the instructions there might be sample packages of 'baby' products. And even before the baby is taken home, you might receive the offer of the 'first photograph' and the writing is on there also. Baby's name, birthday and sometimes how many pounds the baby weighs, just might be included with the new babe's first photographs.

There are the books, both before and after the birth, important books that contain important information on how to care for the baby, on how to dress the baby and how to make sure that the baby has the proper health by going to the doctors. All the information is in the writing, whether the writing be in long hand (cursive) or in print or even in writing on a DVD, it's all there. From the start, before the start, and after the birth of the baby, the writing is there.

You probably can't go anywhere without seeing writing. Go to school? Go to business? Go to the spa? Go to a community center? Go to the gas station? Go to a place of worship? Go on vacation? Yes, indeed. You can't go anywhere without seeing the writing. I put the challenge out to you while you read this. Have you seen a place where there is no writing?

From the before the moment of birth (the writing in the operating room) to all the in-between moments, to the moment of death and burial, there is at least one thing that is common to all of them and that's the letters, the writing. There are books, magazines, pamphlets, commercials, signs, textbooks, warranty booklets, comic books, kids' books, adult books, spiritual books, and many more; they are all out there. Our world is filled with writing.

And so, why shouldn't you be one of those who does the writing? Come on now, you are a great writer. You just need to begin.

No more delays! Sit down now and begin that writing that you promised yourself so many years ago. Pause from your busy schedule and write at least three pages of your book. Now you've got it. Now build on this. Write three pages every day and then figure out how many pages your book has at the end of this time period!

You can do it. You just have to begin writing.

Trampled By Holiday Anxiety? How to Psychologically Protect Yourself All-Year Long

The dust has finally settled.

And the holiday stampede is trailing off in the distance. It can bring love, joy, gratitude and deep connection with family... but also shock waves of stress and anxiety along with it.

Here are two common causes of anxiety and stress that run rampant for the Holidays.

(But if you read carefully, you'll notice these two ring true all-year long)

1) Overwhelmed with commitments

For many their schedule is bursting at the seams... spend titanic amounts of time with family... having to go visit this relative... go to this event... go to this party. It's easy to be pulled in all different directions. Sometimes we're not able to make everything happen. Sometimes we even disappoint certain family members in the process.

Plus, unlike other times of the year, it's harder to escape these commitments.

2) Driven to create the perfect holiday

There's staggering pressure for making it the best experience, purchasing the best gifts, preparing the best meals - all while holding it together for loved ones. And while this care for others is admirable it leaves a trail of exhaustion, overwhelm and stress in its wake.

So what's the holiday goer to do?

Just about everyone I've met who struggles with holiday anxiety gets caught up in a vicious cycle of taking care of everyone else... but themselves. And this happens year-round too, doesn't it?

If I can hand you one shiny gift this year it's this:

I challenge you to reignite your focus on taking care of yourself.

You deserve it.

You'll enjoy it.

You'll be more productive.

You'll be happier.

You'll be less stressed.

You'll be stronger.

You'll serve others better.

However, some people believe:

If they take care of themselves, it'll take away from others.

Quite the contrary...

The more you take care of yourself, the more you can take care of others.

In fact, researchers Van Yperen, Buunk, and Schaufeli, published a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology on this connection. They found that health care professionals that were more immune to burnout were those who helped others but also sought out help and support when they needed it.

It's like that safety lecture on a plane. In an emergency when those yellow rubber masks flop down from the ceiling, the instructions are: "Please secure your own mask before those around you"

Same thing here:

If you want to help others, we have to help ourselves.

If you want others to be at their best, we have at to be at our best.

And there are lots of ways to make that happen.

Here's a jump-start though:

What activities energize you?

What hobbies or activities allow you to be at your best?

What activities really make you happy?

What activities used to bring joy to your life?

And then get the ball rolling on those again.

Forces Of Nature, Forces From You (By Joshua Clayton)

In life, there are two types of forces: Forces of nature, and forces from you. The forces of nature are from existence, or God themselves. But the forces from you are controlled by us, not from us. We have books and books of observations of the forces from God or existence, so I will write about the forces you and I control. In reality nature and God create all existence, that is why this article is forces of nature and forces from you. Think about the facts and even Sir Francis Bacon said that "nature uncontrolled fails". The fact is that we must harness our lives to do what we need and want them to do, and we cannot depend on God to get us out of bed in the morning meaning God and existence create, but we must always work with it all or suffer the consequences.

So, think about this factor of reality: A force unused is like a prayer that is not prayed, it is just potential.

The fable of unused potential is a reality all throughout nature. Like the ocean without the plant to take out the salt and make useful drinking water to the river without a useful bridge to get to the other side of the river. Sure, I am all for conservation and reasonable use of resources. But, there is a point where people must develop themselves and "get out of bed in the morning themselves", that means, we must use the forces from us, or suffer the consequences of "letting it all go".

I remember my Dad said with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, lit, "you see this nail and you see this board, right? Without work and hammering, it goes nowhere except on the useless heap." He was right about that and it illustrates what I mean by that Francis Bacon quote about nature unaided failing. Work and value are created and produced, not given.

After all, when you are in a car, the rubber always needs to meet the road or the car goes nowhere. Thought needs to meet action always or it stays undeveloped, a dream or worse. Sure, we can start with a dream, but action and combination of ideas always makes things and situations a reality. Sure, Rene Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am.", but it should have been, "I think and act, therefore, I am", and in that particular order, "I think and act, therefore, I am". But every thought and idea has to start somewhere, and that somewhere is genuinely in the spirit, then it is in our heads and then it has to go from our heads to everywhere else in reality.,-Forces-From-You&id=9857692

Keep On Pushing: Achieving The Level Beyond Success

Success excites us!

It provides us with evidence that we are capable of achieving regardless of the obstacles we may have had to overcome. Additionally, our achievements serve as further proof that we are capable of even greater success in the future.

Needless to say, success means different things to different people.

Some think of success in terms of what they hope to get-achievement, wealth, fame, recognition, respect, feeling valued.

Others see success in terms of their ability to earn a certain income which would allow them to live in a particular neighborhood, own a particular model car and be able to take multiple vacations each year to exotic destinations.

Still for others, success represents power or status in the community.

What does success mean to you? However you may choose to define it, one thing is clear, we all clamor for it and to varying degrees, dedicate ourselves to its achievement.

Of course, that kind of success-accumulating wealth, collecting toys, enjoying prestige and status, collecting amazing experiences, etc, is incredibly rewarding but there is a different kind of success (or perhaps more accurately, a different level of success) that I would like to explore in this article. One called significance.

The great masters of the past- spiritual leaders, scientists, political leaders, titans of industry, management gurus-have all achieved significance and have spent an inordinate amount of time working to bring us to this level of success.

Significance is success which:

Takes us beyond our own imaginations of ourselves to discover our real potential.

Gives us a sense of fulfillment.

Leaves a legacy behind.

There is no doubt that in our society today, many of the people we declare to be successful have proven themselves be thoroughly horrible, repulsive individuals, who put very few things ahead of their egotistical, self-indulgent desires. Needless to say, we see them as immensely successful because they have in fact accrued tremendous wealth, built great structures or have attained other accomplishments that many of us would have loved to have under our own belts as well. Nonetheless, when you look at the rest of their lives, there is nothing about them that we would want to admire or emulate.

In essence, we have allowed success to become inextricably linked to material gain and outward appearance.

But what if we redefined success?

What if success was not just about how much you can grow your bank balances but it was also about personal growth?

What if it wasn't just about your accomplishments, status and power but also about contribution to the greater good?

What if it wasn't just about self-aggrandizement but also about warm relationships, and genuine happiness?

In other words, finding purpose in everything you do.

What I am saying is that we shouldn't just strive for success as we traditionally define it but we should also seek significance.

Success says, "I will get." Significance says, "I will give."

Our lives are meant to be given away -to significant causes, to loving families, friends in need, and to lasting relationships.

And so, your challenge is to find a way to serve others with your gifts- your time, your talent and your treasure.


Only a relatively short time ago reaching 50 years old meant that we had come near the end of our lives and putting our affairs in order and perhaps having a little fun before the clock ran out became our main focus. With the advances we've made in medical science in particular, hitting the 50 year old mark still leaves many of us with another three to four decades of life to enjoy.

Most people spent the first 50 years of their life pursuing success as we traditionally define it and then spend the last few decades working on things that can uplift others.

There are some whose careers or business did not quite turn out the way they expected and are now looking for ways to make an impact during the remaining time they have left.

While that is admirable, I don't believe you have to wait until you've lived half of your life to start making a difference. The time you spend bonding at a family gathering, visiting a bedridden friend, mentoring someone, or serving those in need in your community is priceless. It cannot be measured in dollars. You will nonetheless get a huge return on your investment because life always rewards those who give away their time.

You are rewarded first in terms of your own personal satisfaction -you will simply feel good about yourself and you will also enjoy the good opinion of others. There is also fate or karma. The time may come when you need a hand, and there will be many more hands offering help than you can count.


All the tools you need to reach your full potential and live your best life is available to you in the form of your talents-the gifts you were born with. I'm sure you've already developed some of them and probably have others to be discovered and developed.

However, don't make the mistake of thinking that your talents are simply for you to use to make a lot of money, retire, and eventually die. If that is what you think, you've completely missed the point of your life.

All the masters who have gone before us achieved significance because they used their talents to benefit others. Your talents are not just for your prosperity and edification. They are for the enrichment and betterment of others as well. And just like time, the more you use your talents to help others, you more satisfaction you find for yourself.

You may have seen some of those viral videos where after a tragedy, a stranger walks up to a piano in a public place and starts playing. The reaction they get from bystanders is tremendous. You yourself might have gotten quite emotional although you are so far removed from the event. That is an example of someone using their talent for the greater good. But when I speak of talent, I am not only thinking in terms of our ability to sing, or play an instrument or something like that. I am also speaking about the aptitudes and skills you have developed over the years in your careers and businesses. They can also be put to use to bring enormous value to someone's life.


Have you heard of the giving pledge?

It is a commitment by wealthy individuals and families to give away more than half of their wealth to causes including arts and culture, criminal justice reform, education, disaster relief, global health, women's and girls' empowerment poverty alleviation, refugee aid, medical research, and environmental sustainability.

All of the individuals who sign on to the pledge are billionaires who have chosen to make their pledge public as a way of encouraging other billionaires to consider philanthropy as well. The effort is spearheaded by Bill and Melinda Gates who are joined by Warren Buffet but there is a host of other billionaires who are pursuing their own philanthropic efforts.

These billionaires are using their treasure to achieve and live a life of significance. The great news is that you don't have to be wealthy to use your treasure to benefit others. In fact, what can be a modest, even a meagre sum for you can be a fortune for others.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die."

Success can be fantastic but I believe that a sense of purpose and significance lasts much longer. I encourage you to think carefully about what you are doing for the long term. Consider the impact you can make in someone else's life and know that it doesn't have to be a compromise. You don't have to go hungry or risk being a pauper to make a difference.

I personally derive a great sense of purpose from doing things that benefit other people, and hopefully in the process, I will leave a legacy that lasts way beyond me. Adding to the good of others, and experiencing the resulting satisfaction and elation that come from sharing your time, talent and treasure are simply the reason why you exist. The reason why we all exist.

Keep On Pushing!