
The Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Like a fake or a fraud, and that people are going to find out? Apparently common, even among those we know as geniuses.

I meet many entrepreneurs who have fears and insecurities as they build their empires, price their services, and get behind their marketing and strategy.

If you struggle with an inner view of yourself, despite how you present yourself to the world, you'll find some comfort and belonging knowing that you're amongst 70% of the population that feels an imposter syndrome at some time.

I interviewed Veronica Hislop to shed some light on this limiting belief that stunts our potential. She explains the Imposter Syndrome and provides great tips and strategies on how to overcome it.

Veronica describes the imposter syndrome as a core belief that oneself is inadequate, incompetent, and a failure, despite evidence that indicates they're skilled and successful.

What amazed me most is that even genius people like Albert Einstein and famous people like Maya Angelou admitted to thinking they were an imposter!

Albert Einstein said: "The exaggerated esteem in which my life work was held makes me very ill at ease, and I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler."

Take a look at my new Leadership Tip to learn more. Transcribed for reading or as an audio file for a quick listen. Your authentic self will thank you.

The first step toward better relationships is mastering the one we have with ourselves.

Here's to your future authenticity. No imposter syndrome required. Be fearless, be YOU and be rich!

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