
To Some, Half a Story Is Better Than the Whole Truth

If you are to realize true happiness, you must be wiling to accept the world in which you live and your role in the happenings of your life. Interestingly, people have an uncanny ability to rewrite history so it better fits their own personal reference frame. Some have the ability to rationalize the events in a particular event's sequence and reconstitute these happenings to the outcome that best fits their personal reference of what was perceived to happen or what (innately,) the individual wanted to happen.

This approach is in diametric opposition of Article I of the Constitution of Intention. The liar will often promote a false story of historical proportions in order to protect the idea, belief, or reputation that this individual has worked to manufacture for him or herself. In further violation of the article, to share only half of a story's facts fails to fulfill the personal aim of honorable existence and promotes a false assumption of character and conduct. To violate Article I is a direct violation of fostering public and personal trust. The liar goes around this article by simply leaving out portions of the narrative or history in order to shore up the lie. As a direct result of the liar's omission, the story now appears to have purpose and merit. Simple. Easy. Expertly crafted. Now, the story is no longer a lie; that is, in the point of the view of the liar.

Regardless of the omission of the facts, it is still a lie. A half story does not promote validity. It only works to shore up a lie by burying the true happenings of other details under a mountain of handpicked reasonable and believable facts. Never discount that the remaining facts may also be imperceptions of reality and therefore, deepens the severity of lie by warping facts that surround an event and repacking those "facts" as lie. Never underestimate the aims of a liar. Consider this perspective as an additional mind-scrambler: what if (subconsciously) the liar was working to promote or towards a self-defeating outcome? What if this person not only omitted the facts that support the counter arguments, but also reinvented the history of the remaining facts to undermine and destroy the intended outcome in is entirety? It sounds unbelievable, I know. Unfortunately, you will find that some individuals just like to, "watch the world burn." Deep within the sick psyche' of someone who wants to be at the epicenter of attention, the liar works to dismantle the world around him or her. This person's subconscious is deviant, working to disrupt or destroy good things so that others may not experience happiness; misery often enjoys company.

The liar never owns his or her own bad behaviors nor assumes personal responsibility. Therefore, it is in this character flaw that he or she must leave out certain parts of a story and backwardly re-engineer the circumstances in order to blame and /or place greater fault on another party or parties, thereby reconciling the liar's bad behavior or misconduct and giving that misconduct meaning, purpose and validity. Again, this is a direct violation of honorable conduct amongst people.

In these cases, he or she who is unwilling or incapable of accepting his or her own personal faults or role in an action, or would rather believe his or her own half of the story in order to reconcile this Cognitive Dissonance, is surely living in a false and conceived reality of imagination. This conduct also earns a charge for violating Article VIII - Humility rooted Existence. It is always honorable to own one's behaviors and stand to be corrected.

In order to greater understand the liar's lack of citing all sides of an argument, we must define and discuss dissonance for just a moment.

Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension that comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. These uncomfortable feelings come from having to deal with the happenings of reality and how it conflicts with our own personal perception of the events when such events contradict our beliefs, values, ethics, or own ability to recognize our own personal inequities.

Dissonance increases with:

• The importance of the subject to us

• How strongly the dissonant thoughts conflict with each other

• Our inability to rationalize and explain away the conflict

Dissonance is often strong when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. The discomfort often feels like a tension between the two opposing thoughts. To release the tension we can take one of three actions:

• Change our behavior

• Justify our behavior by changing the conflicting cognition

• Justify our behavior by adding new cognitions

Dissonance is most powerful when it is about our personal self-image, how we see ourselves in the world, and how others see us. Having worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years, I can palpate feelings of insecurity and poor self-perception in the statements, suggestive actions, and conduct of people. Often, I can identify these feelings in people through casual conversation. Such discussions outline changing habits and behaviors that promote feelings of good health and wellbeing. Simply negating one's belief systems regarding fitness, exercise and eating can be construed as a personal attack. In most cases of people with whom I meet and just below the surface in places that the person fears to go, one can identify those who are victims of their own dissonance. Typically, people who are easily shaken and are personally uncomfortable regarding their feelings and moral compass in decision-making often identify with this dissonance but do not discuss it or such conflict resolutions easily.

Dissonance increases with the importance and impact of the decision, along with the difficulty of reversing it. Discomfort about making the wrong choice of taking one's side in an argument is clearly bigger than choosing a pair of pants that day. Thus, when a decision gives way to a myriad of internalized personal conflicts, the likelihood of one's dissonance increases exponentially and directly disproportional to the person's rational mindedness, emotional stability, and ability to reason reality versus fantasy.

Some people see events NOT as they occurred but more as they believe they occurred. This belief is so tightly bound in the person's own personal perception and reinforced through one's own dissonance, that any fact or point of view that conflicts with this perspective is simply vanquished as mistruth, lies, exaggerations, or a manipulation of a circumstance's happenings. The person would rather believe his or her own story versus allowing another story to overwrite the former.

Therefore, to some, half of the story is better than the whole truth:

• A liar's inability to recognize his or her own personal faults makes this person feel better about his or her waged transgressions against others.

• The simple-minded accept a liar and the reputation the liar has worked to engineer. Believing stories that invalidate a liar's arguments exposes personal weaknesses in the follower and may give rise to a contentious challenge with the liar. Therefore, a follower who does not aim to argue for or support the truth must also live with his or her own character flaws for accepting disgraceful conduct.

• The listener / follower of the liar falsely believes that he or she is absolved of the sin for supporting the half-truths of a liar in the name of "loyalty."

If you want to be truly happy:

• You must be willing to listen to all of the facts that surround a series of events. You will need to find the strength within yourself to listen to those things that you would rather not hear or prefer not to believe about this person that you may call, "a friend," and accept the entire library of facts that surround an event or circumstance. The truth is liberating.

• Emotional feelings cloud our judgment and prevent us from allowing all details to be evaluated and weighed equally. Leave your emotions at the door so you can better evaluate every fact and conclude what is the case, not that which you would like it to be.

• If you seek to live in a world of that is truly untethered from the invalid, you must eradicate the negative, undermining people from your life who wield illogical, immoral, unethical or selfish tendencies. To be truly happy, you must allow the whole story to be told and not judge any of the accused until you have collected the entire library of facts.

• Accept all of the positives and all of the negatives of a story to be told. Your mind knows the difference even if you do not wish to accept it.

• Accept what is true and do not parse ideas within a story that will help you to sleep better at night. What is... is. The sooner you accept what is true, the sooner your brain will resign itself to dealing with accepting what sometimes cannot be believed.

People wield an uncanny ability to decide what they BELIEVE is true. All of the rest of the story has no meaning.,-Half-a-Story-Is-Better-Than-the-Whole-Truth&id=9973168

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