
Stop Sapping Your Energy With Self-Criticism

Self-criticism is one of the biggest time-wasters going. Why do I say that?

Well, when you're sapping your energy with self-criticism you're working from a scarcity mentality. It's like you're trying to complete a manual task with one hand tied behind your back.

Actually, it's even worse than that, because you are probably simultaneously berating yourself for not working faster and more accurately.

Indeed, self-criticism is one of the biggest time and energy wasters there is.

Self-Criticism Narrows Your World

Time is neutral - it just is. There is no value or value judgment inherent in time. Values and value judgments surface around the choices you make about your time, but they have nothing to do with time itself.

And the choices you make about your time are very important. But approaching those choices with critical energy doesn't help you make better choices. In fact, all that energy does is constrict your field of vision and narrow your range of choices.

Can you see how unhelpful that is?

Values-Driven Time Management vs. critical energy...

When it comes to making time-choices, critical energy is as debilitating as fear of scarcity. You eliminate possibilities with harsh judgments rather than with facts based on observation.

So, what would it feel like to start looking at your time choices with curiosity and excitement rather than with fear, self-criticism, and judgment?

Here's something to try... Briefly document the choices that you make each day as you manage your time. Don't judge, just document.

What factors do you weigh as you make your time choices? What actual facts emerge about your choices? How do you feel about what you observe?

Remember, don't judge or criticize, just look and see. Removing self-criticism from the equation opens up so many possibilities.

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