
So Then Into the Portal

Entering higher dimensions, inner dimensions, appears enormous partly because the short distance from our eyes to our higher chakras becomes incredibly distorted to accommodate the infinite experience of space through time. All manner of preparation goes on before the portal is ready to open of its own accord in the manner fit and suitable for you. These experiences occur at the right timing and within the ability of the devoted. Often occurring by chance. Once the 'experience' is completed, it is then repeated when the devotee has added further to the preparation of the next 'experience'. So on it cycles; earthly, dimensional, and spiritual. Building and building with each new neuron.

Devotion is not the soul ingredient. It's not purely up to us, although the ego likes to think so. Participation requires cooperation in every way. I am not the first or the last, and the last will be first anyway! Chill! The language of these dimensions require enormous preparation with internal dialogue and language framework in order to 'view' and interpret with accuracy. This world is full of misinformation. Books full of rehashing others misunderstandings, even the oldest are deliberately deficient. Pages of misleading and irrelevant documentation from others experiences. The student eventually needs to become the only teacher; experienced, mentally armed and ready. Only one thing will keep the student returning to a point of real knowledge, truth.

From student to teacher.

The student needs to learn that with the truth comes precision. Words and symbols of words lose their power when not used precisely. Ask the Reiki people. Precision allows the detail to make sense and keep its power. No place of study will have all the keys. Where Buddhism leaves off The Christ takes over. Or vice versa. To debate the chicken or the egg is simply Theology 101. Feel free to spend a lifetime there! Many do, and that's OK too. God the Almighty, Lords above it all, unmoved and unwavering in the coming and going of the universes. How many are there this time? The answers are there when you get there! The stairway to the heavens, into the heavens, into the portal, only requires you to choose the correct path for you.

To think that all this growth and understanding can be achieved in one lifetime is simply incorrect. Being ready to challenge and change one's own preconceived ideas and notions takes lifetimes. Also, to acknowledge the 'Master Controller', 'God the Almighty' is included in Theology 101 course and it takes lifetimes to challenge the egos, the baby-parts, over and over. It takes; knowledge, experience and practice to challenge the egos that essentially preserve the 'youth' it in its early evolutions in all dimensions. Will Lucifer overcome 'his ego' to regain his position? Eventually, of course!

Change endless change.

Everything is evolving, 'as above, so below' refers to the evolution not only in the lower dimensions where we are, but for all that is existing; with, in, out of and through time. That just about covers everything? Thus, when ready, entering the portal of you is partly; known, partly new but especially and essentially designed for your next step. It happens when it happens. Returning time and time again, repeat after repeat until the experience is mastered, just like walking on earth. Repeat until; the experience is understood, the language articulated, the message on point.

When we include all the mistakes and detours, it add up to some real time. This has been going on for millennia. Through time, in time and with time we all arrive at our 'station', our 'destination', or place of 'next'. It's infinite. It's endless. Take a change of socks! So then, into the portal. The one that you have practiced over and over. Into and out of this ever familiar space. Mostly familiar with a little discomfort because of the uncertainty. Each step, consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously. Each 'return' to the place of 'me' is my 'divine endgame'. Until this 'endgame' becomes the groundwork for another 'beginning' to another 'endgame'. Game after game. Play after play. Journey after journey. Baby steps to walking. Walking to running. Running to flying. Flying to transcendence. Transcendence to true being. Take your time. Meet and greet your 'others'. Enjoy the path. We have all the time in this world and all the other 'worlds'.

So, somewhere you are; in there, on there and with it. Relax. It's the only game in town; your game, your play, your space, your way. No completion with anyone for anything but your own internal curiosity. At some point in this journey the awareness includes becoming conscious of the 'others' that journey; before you, with you, after you and for you. Ultimately all ending at the same point. Before the 'Master Controller', 'God the Almighty', via the 'others' who are 'in the know'.

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