
The Grasp

Grasp this: We all must grab opportunities when they come, or we all depend on luck, fortune, gambling and chance. I mean, genuine opportunity comes in work clothes that look like nothing to grasp, but the opportunity is there, nonetheless. All you have to do as the Aladdin legend goes is "polish the lamp well, at the very least, then out pops the Genie of opportunity." I can type it up for you, but I cannot apply the advice for you. "You must polish the lamp" and apply the advice for yourself.

We must think without prejudging and prejudice about opportunity. We must see the diamonds in the rough with patient uncovering instead of impatient and unrealistic thinking that the opportunities will present themselves complete already.

When I think of the meaning of the words opportunity and education, I think of the reality of life being lived actively and not given to us easily. Especially a fulfilling life.

Why did my Dad live a great life, although it was short? He was honest with himself, and very realistic. My Mother, who is still alive, ascribes it to his simple and honest philosophy of living and dying. I give him this, his honesty could be ascribed to productively used common sense in many ways, but, there was more involved, I understand. He had an element of objective understanding to him that was genuine and rightly used. That is sort of rare, he could look at both sides of realities unemotionally and objectively when he needed to. Seeing things realistically is the greatest gift of all at times, especially without emotional polarization of seeing just one side as "good" or "bad". After all, it could be considered the ability to see, then grasp the genuine reality of a situation without taking sides until one is sure what is going on and why it is going on. I have the same tendency, I admit it, and I encourage it within and without myself.

I interpret things equitably and always strive to be fair and honest, not "good" or "bad" in all of my dealings. I did not say that I was or am perfect, but I do strive to be fair and honest in my dealings with people and reality. Grasping what it means to be that genuinely and in action also could be the best way to be, and I am striving for it always. So, in reality, there is not any "good or bad", but there is the best we can do, for all of us. Grasp that. I leave this on a seeming tangent, so you can draw your own rational conclusions, premises and realities. Thank you for reading.

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