
Step Out, On,Toward

Life is filled with disappointments. It throws you curve balls and unexpected mayhem. But even in all those mishaps, life can be good. You hold the key to how good your life can be. I know you have heard this before but let me give you a new perspective. First "Step Out". Step out from what... the crowd.

The crowd is not always going where you want to go. It does take courage to step away from what you know you don't want in order to move into the unknown path that will take you to where your heart desires to go. Imagine your life in that new place. This will give you the courage to step away from the crowd. Remember, the crowd can not get you to your destiny, but you can get there once you are on the right path.

Next, "Step On". Step on to what... new territory. It can be fun and exciting to walk on to new territory. New adventures await. Life does not have to be dull and unadventuresome. You can use your voice to pray for guidance and direction and then move in that path. You will be amazed at the new discoveries that will propel you on to making a good day, an even better day.

Last, but certainly not the least, "Step Toward". Step toward what... a brighter future that contains your heart's desire. Your heart's desire was put there by our Creator. You can achieve it. It takes work and it takes believing in the dream and in yourself. Look around you. Who shares your passion. Who wants to move toward a brighter tomorrow. You don't have to go alone, once you step out, then on, and now toward the destination. You will meet others along the way that will make this journey a great one. But you must take the first step.

No one can take this step for you. So you must ask yourself, how important is it to me to obtain this awesome dream that lies in my heart? If you want it badly enough, you will make the decision to go after it. If you do not, you will remain stagnant. Let me suggest to you that remaining stagnant should never be an option, not when so much good is waiting for you. There is so much more to life than just a mundane existence.

You owe it to yourself. Make this a great day, step toward your awesome tomorrow! And for each day you live to see, keep on stepping. Enjoy the journey!,-On,Toward&id=10066676

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