
Possible Sources of Daily Inspiration (By Rosina S Khan)

After I quit my day job, it became even more of a daily challenge to keep me inspired while I worked online from the comfort of my home. Now won't you be interested in knowing the sources of my daily inspiration? Read on to find out.

Here are those criteria:

1. Go through Wisdom Quotes:

I got wisdom quotes from free self-help books and also online. I made a collection. I read through them whenever I had leisure.

2. Write Fictions

I wrote free fiction stories and submitted to a free eBooks' site. Looking at the number of downloads I see every day, I feel good feeling positive. I also feel happy that I must have made someone's day.

3. Write Self-help Books:

I wrote free self-help books and contributed to self-help giveaway events, collecting leads in the process that is, subscribers of other contributors noticed my book, downloaded it and became a member of my email list.

4. Send Newsletters

I send newsletters to my subscribers once every week, giving them access to free articles and free books and keeping them engrossed with my free stuff which they enjoy I believe.

5. Review Manuscripts as an External Reviewer

For a certain renowned journal's organization I review manuscripts based on my field of expertise in Computer Science and Engineering. When at the end of my work, I get a review certificate, it boosts my spirits.

6. Write Articles

I write articles for free on various platforms and have earned quite a reputation in this arena. My topics diverse from Technology, Self-Improvement, Women's Interests, Entertainment->Humor and other categories.

7. Maintain a website

Yes, I maintain a website of all the stuff I do for fun and that keep me motivated. I have integrated articles of a certain platform, short stories, self-help books, review certificates for my role as an external reviewer of manuscripts in a reputable journal, links to my blogs and the lot. I have also put in free educational movies to make the site more interesting.

8. Maintain Blogs

I also maintain blogs on various interesting topics. Whoever stumbles on them finds in them great reads. My subscribers and followers truly appreciate what I write and I feel energized full of vigor to do my daily tasks.

9. Maintain a Facebook Page

In my Facebook page, I have put in links to my fictions, self-help books and academic guides along with the big images of e-covers. I have also put in articles on another platform along with relevant images. Readers, followers and subscribers simply love all this content and I feel joyous for them. I have also put in videos summarizing separately my collections of fictions and self-help books that I authored. I have also inserted quotes by famous personalities. And there's still more I want to add to this page and make it evergreen and shimmering.

Summing up, as I use my laptop to carry out inspirational works, I not only help my community but beyond. This is, though, a transition period for me because I have other dreams to followup and I haven't lost sight of them. I am getting closer to them every day while I keep inspiring others and in the process, inspire myself wholly and fruitfully. You too can find similar sources of inspiration in order to motivate yourself and others daily. Gotcha?

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