
Acting And Speaking In A Reasonable Way

A reasonable person is someone who is appropriately informed, capable, aware of the law, and fair-minded. Such type might do something extraordinary in certain circumstances without feeling haughty of his/her achievements. Whatever that person does or thinks is always fair. His/her mindset is not only focus to himself/herself but for the benefit of everybody.

And because no person is perfect, a reasonable person knows how to accept his/her limitations depending upon the degree or extent of a person's professionalism. However, some professions may maintain a practice long after a better method is available. The new practices, though less risky, may be entirely ignored. In such cases, the practitioner may very well have acted unreasonably despite following customary practices.

Walking in someone else's shoes helps us make better and fair decisions in life. By removing our own personal interests, we can offer a sound, wise, and well-reasoned advice to ourselves that we would normally give to others. One's ability to reason wisely about personal problems is not an inherent trait. It is the situation itself and the perspective we take that dramatically affects how we react about the problems in our lives.

So before we let our emotions run wild, consider putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and think about how we could advise someone else to handle the same situation. In one way or another, it can offer some perspective to help us have the same good advice we would give to someone else. And that's better for everyone like not jumping in with problem-solving too quickly, not demanding rationality all the time, validating and respecting feelings, exploring a range of feelings and giving time for your partner to express himself or herself.

Many women suffered the blame when something wrong happens in a relationship. But in reality, neither men nor women are to blame - but sometimes some men may have certain attitudes about communication and emotion that may get in the way. Without open communication, the problem becomes worse and eventually will lead to broken marriages or even in relationships which should not be.

Life is too beautiful to make it complicated. We do not have to cheat others to get to the top. We can be successful if we just know how to communicate and listen to others and be objective in everything we say or do.

Thus, to be reasonable, we need to be fair and sensible.

Thus, we need to be reasonable in every action we do and word we say.

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