
Who Is Your Master?

You're a slave and don't even know it.

According to Websters dictionary a slave has two prominent definitions. The first states the following: "A person held in servitude as the chattel of another. The second definitions goes even deeper. It states the following: " One that is completely subservient to a dominating influence."

Addiction does just that. It becomes your task master and you become its slave. Addiction requires that. Complete unadulterated devotion, worship, and servitude. It requires great sacrifice and even then it is not satisfied. It says that you must do everything and anything to feed its appetite. It's cravings are more fierce than the largest grizzly bear, or the mighty lion. Because of our servitude we abide by whatever addiction asks.

We never count the cost. We never think of what we are losing in order to feed this domineering force. I have seen mothers forsake their children and sacrifice that righteous bond for a needle in their arm. I have seen fathers sell everything they own including their very soul to keep the high for just a little longer. Addiction does not care. It says that there is nothing above it. It is no respecter of person. It wants to kill everyone the same. It holds you in its clutches until it takes your life. Even then it wants more. It will carry on to someone else seeking their souls as well.

Wow we are slaves and don't even know it! We don't see the condition that we are truly in. We have become N.U.M.B. This acronym stands for Not Understanding My Behavior. When we are locked into the grips of addiction we become desensitized by it. We don't understand what our behavior is doing to ourselves, or those around us. The drugs create a box that keeps just it and ourselves locked in and chained together. To begin the process of healing we need to come to terms with our condition. We need to own it. "Look at what my life has become, look at what I have done." When we recognize it, and own it, we can begin to change it.

Yet how do we get to that point of cognitively recognizing our condition? When do we become aware or awake. I have seen parents lose their children to the system. Even that would not trigger that light bulb of self-realization. That look at my world. Look at the reality I have created. I have made a mess of things. That didn't do it. I have seen several people overdose and thanks to the life saving Narcan administered by a police officer lived to see another day. Even then that would not do it. So what does? What brings a person to that point of self realization and the yearning to change? It takes brokenness.

Brokenness comes when you become sick and tired of being sick and tired. The unfortunate reality is that some never get that opportunity. My own uncle died from a drug overdose in 2015. He was only 39 at the time. According to toxicology he had tried Fentanyl for the first time that night he died. It was determined that he died from a toxic mixture of Morphin and Fentanyl. Since that time there has been thousands who have died nation wide from drug overdoses. Thousands who never found the victory that comes in brokenness. See when we are broken, it does not show that we are defeated. It shows that we are set for a comeback.

Everyone loves a good comeback story. A tale of someone beating the odds. Someone who has overcome adversity to find victory just on the other side. That can happen even when your locked in the bonds of slavery to addiction.

In 1831 there was the Nat Turner Rebellion. It was a slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia. During this revolt the slaves led by Nat Turner turned on their masters and eventually killed from 55 to 65 people. The slaves had become tired of their condition and treatment and rose up against their masters. We must come to that point as well. See there is a righteous anger to be found within the arena of brokenness. It is that anger that motivates us to make the necessary changes to begin recovery. We can't just recognize the problem and leave it to sit and become like cancer. Malignant and continuing to spread. We must become equally as aggressive to beat our master as we were to serve him. It is important for us to remember to use our anger in positive and creative ways to overcome the task master of addiction. It is not an easy path to take but it is one that leads to absolute victory.

When we realize that our life has become unmanageable we have taken the great first step to lasting recovery and complete healing. Now you have called out your enemy. You see him for the first time clearly. Now it is time to break free, and say I'm not going back. Addiction though does not let go quietly. It puts up a fight. It runs after you. It stalks you around every corner waiting for just one moment of weakness. It is important to find those you can lean on while on the path to recovery.

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