
Symptoms Of Stress And How To Mitigate And Manage Stress Motivators


Stress manifests in individuals in different ways. Stress affects Physical and Mental Health and in extreme cases can lead to death. Stressful conditions cause the body response system to go into a response mode of high alert due to the secretion of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. When this situation manifests continually, it could lead to system damage in the body. This could predispose the body to disease or injury due to loss or lack of concentration.

Symptoms and Diseases Associated With Stress

Symptoms and Diseases associated with Stress can manifest in the following forms:

Insomnia: This is a form of sleep deprivation. The individual cannot sleep for long periods and in extreme cases, may not be able to sleep at all.

Headache: Intermittent headaches could be a sign of Stress.

Migraine: This is a sustained pain or discomfort in the head for extended periods of time. This could affect the forehead or one side of the head.

High Blood Pressure: This condition manifests when a person's blood pressure reading is above 135/85. It can lead to heart attack if not well treated.

Depression: This is a state of very low esteem and despair in an individual and has led to suicide in some cases.

Erectile Dysfunction: This is Impotence in a man and Stress is one of the known causal factors

Drug/Alcohol addiction: Some people use drugs and alcohol to alleviate their Stress. Sometimes this gets out of hand and may lead to drug or alcohol dependency.

Mental Burnout: An individual could become irritable and a nervous wreck due to Stress.

Procrastination/ Inability to Take Decisions: This is also a sign of Stress. An irritable, stressed out person cannot go through the mental process necessary for making good decisions.

How To Mitigate and Manage Stress Motivators By Home Based Entrepreneurs

Overwork is a major cause of Stress for Home Based Business Owners.

Working late and extra hard could be an acceptable price to pay for the initial development of the business. But prolonged Stress can have adverse effects on Physical and Mental Health. There are many inexpensive ways to mitigate and manage Stress inducing factors.

These include the following:

Don't be over ambitious. Start small and grow, gradually.
Network with fellow industry players or join forum where you can discuss your problems and get relief.
Ensure that you take more regular short breaks throughout the day
Engage in regular daily exercise
Learn relaxation techniques, practice Yoga.
Decide to start eating Healthy.
Acquire financial management skills to enable you overcome the new irregular Income Cycle.
Always plan the next day in advance.


With this, I've come to the end of our discussion on STRESS. I'm very sure that if you endeavor to imbibe some of the advice given above, you'll be able to overcome stressful situations or reduce their effect to the barest minimum.

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