
Quit Beating Yourself Up - How to See the Positive Side of Things

When things don't go your way, do you beat yourself up? If yes, stop doing it to yourself. Instead, see the positive side of your situation. How do you do that? Read on to find out.

Here are some scenarios:

  1. When an older relative passes away, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by the negative spiral of thoughts. It would be better to focus on your own budding family, share with them your thoughts and gradually fall back into the normal pace of life.
  2. When you cannot pass a job interview, don't let your self-esteem go down. Think of it as a learning experience and your personal growth as you take part in more job interviews in near future until you nail an ideal job for yourself.
  3. When your daughter falls sick, don't despair. Consult a doctor or take her to the hospital depending on her condition. Consult with doctors for updates. It may not be too severe and maybe you are being too worried for nothing. The big take away from this is that you get acquainted with some good doctors who ultimately help your daughter to recuperate completely.
  4. When your son fails an exam, it may hit your ego hard and you are ashamed to talk about it with your friends and colleagues. Know that it was partly your fault, not taking care properly of his school lessons. Apart from the teachers, you are also responsible for your son's performance at school. You must also guide him and prepare him well for his school exams. So once you understand that, you will never let it happen again to your son.
  5. One of your acquaintances has borrowed money from you and he is not paying you back. So what do you learn from this situation? Do not lend a big amount of money to others, however, sweetly they may talk. Give them a little whatever you can afford and don't expect them to return it back to you.
  6. You are building walls everywhere as you get along with life. The negative thoughts and self-talk are the sources of these walls. Try to think in positive terms and maintain a positive attitude. Treat everyone, including yourself, and your goals and aspirations with enough love to go around. Then you will find all the walls melting down and yourself opening up to fresh, new opportunities.
Summing up, those are some of the scenarios you may find yourself in everyday life. A positive outlook on life, on the overall, no matter how grave your situation is, always helps and goes a long way.

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