
Stop Ruining Your Life With Worry

Here are 13 Tips To Reduce Worry

1. Recognize that worrying doesn't change anything and is unhelpful.

2. Learn to identify the thoughts, feelings, sensations, visions that trigger your worry. It's easier to control what you recognize and acknowledge than the things you don't.

3. Review what you're worried about and ask yourself these questions? Is worrying about this helpful or harmful? Will this matter in a week from now? A month from now? A year from now? And so on. Is there any evidence to suggest that by worrying about this problem or situation that I may somehow control, contain, and/or change this situation or problem. Excessive worry is often called rumination when it becomes out of control. Much like how a cow chews its cud over and over it's called rumination. People will also do what's also called "rumination" where they spending time thinking about things longer or "ruminating" longer prior to making a decision.

4. Next ask yourself if this situation or problem is something that you can change or resolve then plan what to do next.

5. Humor can also reduce the stress of a situation, if you take the time to slow yourself down. Try to see the problem or situation from a different angle and learn to let go of what no longer serves you. If it no longer serves you there is no point holding onto it. Don't waste excess energy and time on thinking about something that you don't have control over. If you do have control over the situation or problem than take steps to make a plan to change.

6. Try to see things as a learning experience. When you may help you to look at things in a more objective way, with an eye towards moving forward in your life. Another way to deal with what your worried about may be to go as far as to move yourself from the situation. By creating some space with this you may have a more constructive view on it which will assist you in making a more informed decision about it.

7. What would you suggest a friend or family member do in this situation. In doing this you may be softer, kinder and more supportive of yourself. Don't judge yourself if you did something wrong. Just learn from it and now that you know, you will always know not to make the same decision. If it should happen again, know that you just have more to learn and that's okay.

8. Accepting your situation the way it is, can be one of the most difficult things to do. If your not able to do that figure out if there is anything you can do to change, negotiate or compromise in the situation and if not maybe removing yourself from it is the only option left.

9. Utilize meditation or yoga to break the vicious cycle of rumination by doing something physical. Doing one thing at a time in the moment and becoming grounded/centred within yourself is called, "Mindfulness" which is essential for breaking this habit. Also, by focusing your attention on meditation or your breathing you can be more in your body and less in your head.

10. Remember: You are not your thoughts! They are not who you are nor do they need to define you. Your thoughts are not always true! Your thoughts will come and go if you don't hold onto them so tightly and let them come and go. Your thoughts can't hurt you unless, you let them. If you allow them to control you, and take over your mind, they will.

11. Schedule a period of time every day to spend time worrying and after that time is done know that you will have to wait till the following day to worry about it or other things. This way you don't have to continue to think about that worry right in that moment when you have it already built into your schedule. Maybe set a timer for 15-20mins and at the end of your time, set those worries aside for that day. If you can't do anything about things in that minute, it's okay to let it go till you find a better time to figure it out.

12. Make a choice to let the situation be because holding onto whatever worry, discomfort, or distress you are going through only becomes worse the more you think about it. The more energy you put towards something the longer you will hold it in your thoughts which is not helpful.

13. Know that too much worry or anxiety will not cause you to go crazy or kill you. It can feel extremely distressing and uncomfortable causing many different symptoms to appear in your body but it won't kill you. Remember that it's not good for your health to hold on to things that you can't do anything about. That held worry which may get pushed down and not processed in a healthy way can manifest inside yourself as illness, disease, mental health issues or many other health problems. So ask yourself if worrying about it, is worth it because you may be sacrificing your health... if it's not.

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