
Top 3 Tips to Help You Relax Better

Sometimes people just need to unwind and let go from all the pain and stress in their life. So as a result these are the top 3 tips on how to relax better and relieve stress in your life.

1. Listen to your favorite music

Sometimes the best method to relax and relieve yourself is to listen to some of your favorite music. Also don't be afraid to try new tunes and songs that you haven't heard before to help your mood feel better at any time.

2. Lay down and take a long rest

Never neglect sleep in your everyday life and don't be afraid to even take more time to sleep and rest your body some more during the day and evenings. If your at work and have trouble finding time to rest and relax your body then try to hold out until your able to leave or go on break and try to rest your body as much as you can then. Sometimes a little extra rest really helps with relaxing your muscles and nerves and can really help with really getting your mind off things in your daily life more often.

3. Always think positive

Having a nice fresh and positive mind can really help and make a huge difference in your life and change your state of being during the day. The better and more positive thoughts you have about life, today, and tomorrow, the better your overall body and experience will be internally and externally with yourself and state of health. Always stay healthy and keep your mind on the positives in your life and use them to move forward and progress as much as you can.

Never let anything bring you down in this hard life we all live. Simply embrace positive emotions in your life as much as possible and remember your family and friends are there for you thick and thin. Embracing as much positivity in your life as you can will really help your life of course and allowing your family and friends to help you through your life's journey will help your better yourself very much as well. So take in as much positivity in your life as you can and don't be afraid to reach out to your family and friends as well. Life can have many twists and turns but having a positive attitude will always help you relax and have better days in your overall life any day.

Darling You're Not Messed Up, You're Just Misinformed!

Photo Of A Woman With Green Hair

Often times I have clients come to me and ask me to fix them. They say that they are "messed up." I tell them that they're not mess up, they're just miss informed about themselves, the way they should be living, what they should be doing and most of all they are misinformed about what "normal" really is!

The definition of normal

According to the dictionary, the definition of normal is conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

The problem with the word "normal" is that there are so many mixed signals about what "normal" really is, based on our circle of influences, what our parents tell us, what schools tell us, what we see on TV, hear on the news and what we see on Social Media.

The cycle of madness

Most people are so caught up in wanting to be told what is normal, that they get caught up in this cycle of madness, trying to find it, have someone tell them what normal is and to just be able to fit in.

The Big Fear

The big fear for many people out there is the fear of rejection. They fear that if they are not what they perceive or are trying to perceive as normal, they won't fit in and they will be rejected, tossed aside and possibly die, so there is a lot of attachment to becoming normal. But again, what is normal really?

The social media crap trap

One of newest and now largest contributors to feeling messed up (next to our parents) is social media. Yes, those wonderful photos and posts that are posted everywhere for all the world to see of happy people, couples in love, success, money, travel, friendships, great food, PERFECTION, everything looks perfect and happy not a care in the world, no problems, these people aren't messed up, so why are you all messed up!

The Truth

They are just photos and posts, most of these people are just as messed up as you! (See you are normal after all! ) The real truth is, that "normal" has so many different perceptions, beliefs and opinions that you really can't judge your actions, character, your life and your happiness based on what someone else says.

So here are 3 ways to get better informed about yourself

  1. Catch yourself every time you find yourself getting envious of others on Facebook, Instagram or anything else and allow those emotions to pass. Remember that those people have their own problems that you don't know about as well.
  2. Learn more about who you are and what your biggest strengths are by diving into quizzes and studies about your brain type, organizational style, personality type and so on. You might find that the reason why you keep getting fired from office jobs is because you are a creative person and office jobs don't work for you, regardless of how hard you try.
  3. Get some support from a qualified person to help rebuild your self-esteem and find groups of like minded people to support you as well. You've gone a long time believing that you were messed up, so now its going to take some work to reverse that old believe and change your perception about yourself, but with a little work and the right support, you may just start believing that it's everyone else who is messed up and not you!,-Youre-Just-Misinformed!&id=9484367

Know Your Worth And Value

Self-respect may be the most valuable personal asset you have. Or should have.

For too many years I let my fear of punishment, or my concept of being a good sport or a professional, keep me from realizing my full potential. Too often I didn't follow the path I knew to be right because of some misunderstanding of my role in the situation.

My parents did the best they could in raising me and teaching me to be a wonderful human. I knew right from wrong. I knew how to be generous. I understood the importance of commitment and honor. I didn't know my self-worth.

When you know your self-worth you set boundaries with others, you do your best because you are deserving of quality, and you set boundaries for yourself so you live your fullest potential.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

Do you cancel your date when your boss asks you to stay late to work on a project that could probably be done tomorrow? Do you avoid applying for a new position because your present job department relies on you so much that you can't leave them in the lurch? Do you eat another helping of lasagna, or have another drink, when the hostess urges you to, even when you are too full to enjoy it, because you don't want to seem rude?

Those actions reflect your low level of self-esteem, your concept of self-worth.

You aren't a hero when you put others before yourself. You aren't doing anyone a favor when you put yourself last.

Years ago I had a neighbor who lived under the delusion she alone had to care for her ailing husband and Down Syndrome sister, regardless. One winter she caught a cold which wouldn't go away, but she didn't stop to tend to it. It turned to pneumonia, and she still pressed on - she had to, her family depended on her. A lot of good it did her husband and sister when she died out of a false sense of responsibility.

If that neighbor had truly known her self-worth she would have handled the situation differently so that she could heal and be around for her family for years to come. She could have gotten someone else to step in and help with her husband and sister. Her lack of knowing her self-worth contributed to her demise, and ultimately her husband's and sister's.

OK, maybe that's an extreme example. But, maybe it's not pointed enough. Are you killing yourself for others?

The more self-respect you have the more you can shine, the more you can do with your life, and the more you can give to the world. You give to the world one way or another, so take control and give it your best!

Knowing your worth impacts your confidence and energy, and that snowballs to impact your influence, productivity, and focus. With strong self-esteem you live a life of purpose and direction, you are a positive role model and make a positive contribution to the world, and you enjoy all that your life has to offer.

Possessing the valuable asset of self-respect, you make the world a better place, starting with yourself.

Just As We See Through Our Minds, We Also Listen Through Our Minds & Not Our Ears

Not too long ago, I was at a shareholders' meeting for a business I became part of about a year ago. There were many of us there, but I have not met most of them as the communication was mostly done via text and there was one key person I communicated most with.

We were trying to resolve issues that the company was facing, and the arguments got heated sometimes, and in general, everyone was there with the intention to make sure everything worked out well.

At one point, someone took charge of the situation and started "to chair" the meeting. I wanted to know who this person was, and so I raised my hand and politely asked him who he was. Now, this is where it got interesting for me.

He was very defensive at the beginning, and he said that he was a shareholder like everyone else and he felt he had to do something. Which I was not against. But in his mind, he thought that I was questioning him, and he went on to say: then why don't you take charge! Woah I thought.

Luckily someone said to him: she just wants to know who you are as she has never met you. So all was well again.

I cannot presume to know what was going on in his mind but I can say for sure that he did not listen through his ears to my words.

Have you personally ever had an experience of presuming that someone is saying this instead of that? I have. We all have done it. And this inevitably caused unnecessary communication issues.

Why is it so challenging for us to listen to others through our ears?

It is because, we filter everything through our minds, through our experiences, our present mindset (including moods, mental stability), our past, our future goals, our education, and so on. The filtering process is pretty complex, and this is why no two people can ever have identical thoughts about something. The filtering process is quite sophisticated that it makes us who we are, it moulds us to become what we hope to be if we take control over this filtering process.

This is why, it is often said that we can tell a lot about a person just at the things they laugh about, or not. In my training, we use this method to see:

  • if they have a sense of humour,
  • at what level of consciousness they are at (in other words how evolved they are on the intellectual level),
  • if they quick-witted,
  • are they blinded by cultural/racial/religious differences,
  • how clear are they psychologically,
  • and what are their blind spots?

It is a complex system, isn't it? It is almost like psycho-profiling someone just through what they laugh about. This, I have found to be of greatest value in how I can assist someone in the coaching process. Of course, we do not just use humour; we can also pick up a lot just through normal conversations.
So indeed the key to communication and listening to others, is to listen openly and not allow our filtering process to blindside us. By doing so, we can truly listen and make the communication count.,-We-Also-Listen-Through-Our-Minds-and-Not-Our-Ears&id=9940351

7 Easy Ways to Stimulate and Get That Creative Juice Flowing

Creativity - if only it were a pill we can take every time we are in dire need of it. But it isn't and it can be frustrating when our brains are as blank as the white sheet in front of us after an hour of waiting for an idea to pop up.

There are a number of things that stifle creative juices from flowing and doing things to stimulate creativity is just as important as avoiding things that stifle it. However, be assured of one thing, you can be creative if you will set your mind free to innovate, be it solutions, inventions, or artistic creations. The key is not to force your mind but to liberate it.

So here are 7 ways you can try to stimulate creativity by liberating yourself to think freely.

#1 Break the Routine

Routines are good because they help us do things faster in an organised fashion, but routines can stifle creativity. Like when you go to the same restaurant everyday, don't bother to look at the menu, and order the same thing. If you want to get your mental juices flowing, break out of your routine once in a while. There are a trillion ways to do this.

Go out of your office and bring your laptop to the park. Take a different route to work. Put on your clothes on with a different sequence. Wear a color you don't like. Eat something you've never tasted. Or go on vacation to a place you've never been.

Think of something out of the box or out of your comfort zone. The point is to allow yourself to see things in a different way, to realise possibilities, and to discover something refreshing.

What routines can you break this week? Have fun and creative in breaking them.

#2 Chill Out and Relax Your Brain

Do you keep a small notebook in your pocket? One comes handy when bright ideas pop up during the weirdest times of the day. Don't you just love how they come when you least expect them? When your mind is at ease and your subconscious is free to fly, you are most receptive to creative ideas. Doing things that relax our brain helps our imagination fly.

Feeling stuck up? Listen to good music. Music stimulates the part of our brain in charge of our emotions and creativity. Feeling choked inside your office, take a walk along a river or somewhere where there's water. The view and sound of water is known to having a soothing and relaxing effect.

#3 Exercise and Recreate

Feeling pressured? Play an enjoyable game or go on a 20-minute high intensity workout. Physical activity loosens up our body and our minds as well. There's actually a study that shows a positive correlation between regular exercise and creative performance.

Another great creativity booster is laughter. It is not only the best medicine for sickness, it is also a great prescription for creativity block because it helps get rid of stress, which in turn stifles creativity.

#4 Change Your Perspective

Much creativity and insights can be gained not only from others' creative ideas but also from simple people we meet every day. By looking through other people's eyes, we gain new perspective on things.

When was the last time you had a meaningful chat with a child or an elderly person? Was your attention called to something you would never have noticed in a thousand years? Getting to know people from different walks of life is a treasure chest for inspiration. Have a meaningful conversation with one person per day. Or simply listen to the people you meet along the way, and try to find something you can takeaway from your conversations.

Then there's also social media and the Internet where you can test an idea... get a conversation running... just by posting a mind-boggling question or even a survey as your status, tweet, or blog entry. Or go ask a select few through a closed Facebook group.

And as you go along, try to challenge old ways of thinking. Always keep yourself open to other people's perspective.

#5 Try a Fun Mental Exercise

Imagine you were tasked to lead a sales team to market air-cooling units in Alaska, how will you sell them? Think of something impossible to do and brainstorm how to make that thing possible. Think of as many uses as you can for human hair, or a pencil, a water tumbler, etc. Mental exercises like these train our brains to think out of the box. It is also a great team building activity.

#6 Surround Yourself with Inspiration

Some have a creativity room while others have an inspiration wall. The idea is to collect items and photos of things that inspire you and help stir up your imagination. If you are more auditory than visual, perhaps you can have a creativity playlist that gets your creative juices flowing.
Best of all, surround yourself with people who inspire you. There is something about hanging out with people who are on fire and driven with a passion for life. This is why choosing a mentor (or mentors) is important. Do you listen to tutorial CDs and read books by people who are successful in the field you have chosen? People with similar passions have the power to inspire and get your stirred up, and the wealth of experience this mentor or coach shares can trigger a wealth of ideas and strategies applicable to your journey.

Remember there are countless webinars available for free, and so are "mastery" groups you can join. Find one and get encouragement, inspiration, and lessons from determined people like you who are also serious about pursuing their dreams.

#7 Let It Flow

After you're done preparing for your brainstorming session or whatever it is you need creativity for, the next step is to be candid with your ideas and list them all down. If you think creative geniuses always get it the first time, or the fifth time, you're badly mistaken. The most potent creative sparks come from a long list of ideas that are either too boring or too silly. If you are writing something, start writing freestyle. Don't think of grammar, syntax, artistry, or what have you. Just write anything that flows out of your hand. The secret to finding an explosive idea is a willingness to explore and keep exploring.

Can You Gage Your Level of Subconscious Stress?

Did you know that stress presents itself in different degrees? That it can start by something as simple as daily worries? That it accumulates in us? That it can be silently consuming our subconscious capacities? That it can still be properly handled and managed?

Although stress is quite a modern concept, Hippocrates already discussed anxiety back in the 4th century BC. It is a problem that humanity has had to deal with since the dawn of time. In spite of which, we still seems to know very little about how to handle it.

In my line of work, humanology, I come across a lot of people who suffer from all types of stress and have come to some conclusions that I'd like to share with you here today, together with a few tips and tricks in the hope that they can help you.

1. Worry, fear, anxiety and panic can be just different forms and degrees of stress: When any of those forms of fear is present in a person's life too often, chances are that they end up escalating into the next level in this progression.
2. Worry can also become a form of stress when the person can't control it. Those who can't stop worrying over things end up accumulating a lot of cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are slowly released by their system each time they plan to "fix" a problem by getting ready for it. They are regularly preparing their bodies for the "bad something" to come. There are certain trends at this level:
1. Overthinking is a form of constant worry.Those who can't stop thinking without control, whose thoughts govern them, tend to always think about problems and worries. They can't seem to be able to disconnect from their worries and are therefore constantly releasing stress-based chemicals. Daydreamers are one type of overthinkers. Most daydreamers spend their time also worrying, not enjoying fun or positive imaginations.
2. The excessive need to control everything is another form of worry.Those who need to have everything under their control, the so-called control freaks, are in a permanent state of worry over their losing such control.

When the worry turns into "what if... " questions, it becomes fear. Worrying over something can grow into fearing it very easily. All "what if... " questions indicate some kind of fear. "What if that doesn't work out the way I want it to? What if that other thing happens? What if that person fails... " all indicate a fear of something happening or not in the future. The worry becomes more focused and the feeling more acute. The person's body segregates bigger amounts of chemicals.

Constant worry and fear have a cumulative stressful effect in us. Being in a constant state of worry or fear leads to an excess of chemicals in our bodies. Those chemicals, if not properly managed and released, will accumulate in a person's body and could grow into silent anxiety.

Worry, fear and anxiety can occupy a huge part of our subconscious capacity. When a person is silently and subconsciously handling worry, fear and anxiety many hours a day, that person's brain is working overtime.
1. The person is not aware of it. The conscious part of that person's brain will deal with the conscious symptoms of worry, fear and anxiety, whenever aware of them, but the subconscious ones will still grow and multiply, making use of the person's subconscious mechanisms and capacity.
2. The mind is like an iceberg and our conscious mind is nothing but the very tiny tip. When a person suffers from chronic worry, fear or anxiety, visible, noticeable symptoms will be tackled. Unfortunately, that same person will also be subconsciously working on silent stress, trying to manage it, while it gradually accumulates inside due to a lack of adequate release mechanisms for the non-stop triggers. This reality is one of the main reasons why worry and fear can end up escalating into anxiety.

When the subconscious can't handle it, the conscious mind will release it. The subconscious tries to keep up with the stress, the worry, the fear, mostly by keeping it all bottled up inside, until its mere amount is so huge, that it overflows into the conscious mind in the form of anxiety or panic symptoms. Thus, all those never-released chemicals end up forcing the person to stop and do something. By then, handling them is obviously much harder. There might be years of accumulation and poor handling.

So, then, what can we do? There are some obvious answers to that question. But maybe not so many obvious tools. Let me offer you a couple of both.
  • Work with a humanologist. That is, of course, the most obvious solution J. Humanologists are experts in human beings and can expand on the understanding and tools beyond the scope of this article. Seek one out to help you recognize your level of stress, your triggers and the personal tools you need to change that trend in you. In the meantime, you can try the following tips as well:
  • Stop accumulating. Yes, even though that sounds obvious, how is it done? How can an overthinker stop thinking? How can a worrier stop worrying?
  • Mindfulness: Fear is ALWAYS in the future. What if... always refers to something that hasn't quite happened yet. Therefore, learning to be in the here and the now is key to those people. Learn to return from the future to the present. The more often you get back to the present, the less negative chemicals your system will be releasing. Learn and use mindfulness techniques to force yourself to be in the present as often as possible.
  • Connect with the world outside. Many people who suffer from worry, fear, anxiety and panic spend their hours inside themselves. They often spend many hours in their heads. And they sometimes forget to connect with the world outside, with their reality. The more time a person spends inside, without a clear connecting line with the world outside, the greater the chance to fall into this stress trap. KEEP IN CONTACT WITH THE OUTSIDE REALITY at all times. Yes, introspection is great... as long as you are not disconnected from reality. Yes, meditation is great... as long as you are not disconnected from reality. Yes, being inside one's personal sphere is great... as long as you're not disconnected from reality. Then, make the CONSCIOUS effort to remain connected to reality and the outside world, no matter what. Keep on coming out for air and a clear anchor on reality.
  • Time boxes. Design a certain fixed time to worry every day. Give yourself the chance to really worry for, let's say, an hour a day. AND THAT IS IT! Once the hour is over, any time your worry, fear or anxiety comes calling again, tell it to return tomorrow, for the next time box.

Fight negative with positive. Some other happier chemicals can help you reduce the levels of accumulated cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine in your body: oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and the like. Learn how to release them more often and in greater quantities for two reasons:
  • They fight the bad guys. Good chemicals will make you feel better and will help you relax almost immediately. Which means that the good ones will target some of the negative chemicals.
  • When your body is releasing these, it can't be releasing those. Thus, if your body is busy flushing your system with wonderful oxytocin, it can't be producing the nasty products at the same time.

The positive result is therefore double: there are less bad chemicals in you because the good ones are fighting them and you're producing less because you're busy doing something else.

Let them go! Nothing will work if you continue creating more and more of the nasty chemicals. Learn some tools to get rid of the stress you already have inside: exercise, practice laughing, apply the tools mentioned above to counteract and release the nasty bugs, and take control of your own being.

All these tips will help you handle your stress a bit better. Don't let it grow in you until it becomes unmanageable. Seek help now instead of letting it overtake you and control your will. It can be done.
Enjoy life... ALL of it,

The Last Great Confidence Secret

Thank you for reading my article The Last Great Confidence Secret, and because you are reading this I know you are a fellow seeker of more confidence, and that excites me.

As you are a fellow seeker of more confidence, it's all right for me to reveal to you the Last Great Confidence Secret. This is a secret that never quite gets revealed by confidence "scholars". I've read hundreds of articles on confidence, read book after book, and tried to stay awake watching video after video on confidence (most online confidence videos really need to be better thought out) and they never reveal this secret.

I know that the Last Great Confidence Secret is both going to thrill you, but also disappoint you.

So what is the Last Great Confidence Secret?

Without further waffle I can reveal that the Last Great Confidence Secret is:-

There is no secret to being confident!

"What" you say! There must be some:

- Magic,

- Trick,

- Secret,

- Formula,

- System, or

- Key to being confident? There must be!

Sorry, there is not. If you ever want to be confident, you should stop looking for such things - right now.

The secret to confidence is that it's a skill just like any other. A skill that can be researched, studied, learnt, memorised and practiced.

I told you you'd be disappointed didn't I?

But here is the thrilling part.

But the fact that confidence is nothing special and is just a boring bog standard skill, is really good news for you, because you are an expert at gaining and becoming very good at boring bog standard skills. Just think about it. Everything you know now, and I mean everything, at one time or another you didn't know anything about these skills and had no experience in them. Now you are an expert in these things.

If you put your mind to it - very soon you will be an expert at confidence, and will as a result - be very confident.

And now to the practical part.

I hope by reading the above you've:

1 - Realised that confidence is no more than a skill like any other skill, so it can be learnt, studied, and practiced, and

2 - Decided that you want to and will practice this skill of confidence.

If you have come to the above realisation and decision, the next bit is for you.

What you need to do now is to ensure that you study confidence every day for the next year. You may think that doing this is hard, but it's not. As long as you set it up in the right way. And I am now going to show you how to set it up.

All you need is a bit of spare paper, and a pen (or an electronic equivalent).

What you need is a list of every day for the next year, including today. Either create or print off a readymade calendar. I usually use an A4 sheet of paper, which I print out columns as the months and horizontal rows as the days in each month.

Once you have this divide the year into quarters. I usually do this by getting four coloured pens and outline each quarter in a different colour.

Once you've done this, all you need to do is:

In the 1st Quarter - just spend a minimum of 5 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 2nd Quarter - just spend a minimum of 10 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 3rd Quarter - just spend a minimum of 15 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 4th Quarter - just spend a minimum of 20 minutes researching confidence each day.

And each day once you've done it, just mark your sheet (I do this by filling in the day with green highlighter).

Doing this is really easy to start, as five minutes is roughly the time it will take you to websearch then read one webpage on confidence.

If you miss a day, don't stress about it, just carry on the next day. All I do is mark the day on my sheet with a red highlighter, and forget about it.

If you do this and use such as sheet, I guarantee that in one year's time you'll be:

(1) Much more confident than you are today,

(2) Be set up for a lifetime of increasing confidence.

So before you do anything else, and I mean, do it NOW,

(1) Decide that you'll do this,

(2) Produce your sheet, and

(3) Get your first five minutes done, and marked off.

If you do this you will have discovered the Last Great Confidence Secret.

A Major Cause of Stress

Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes -

Discover that stress is NOT being caused primarily by people or situations, but by your own thoughts and actions.

We tend to think of stress as something that occurs because of outside events, such as having financial problems, relationship problems, health problems, or from having too much to do. Certainly events such as these are challenging, but they are not the actual cause of stressful feelings.

Stress Is An Important Message

Stress is your inner guidance's way of letting you know that you are thinking thoughts or taking actions that are out of alignment with what is in your highest good, or that you are trying to control something that you cannot control - such as how people feel about you or the outcome of things. Stress may also be letting you know that something in your body is out of whack - you are on medications or substances that are affecting your brain and causing the stress, or you have eaten foods such as sugar, processed, or pesticide-laden food that is causing brain toxicity, leading to feeling stressed.

When you are operating from your wounded self and trying to control something over which you have no control - such as others' feelings and the outcome of things - your stress is letting you know that you are hitting your head against a wall and not accepting reality. The opposite of stress - inner peace - is the result of accepting what is, learning to take loving care of ourselves in the face of what is, and practicing gratitude for the big and small blessings on this incredible journey of life - even in the face of all the challenges. And as many of us have experienced, gratitude offers us a stress-free way to manifest what we want, and works far better than trying to control others and outcomes,

Beyond Stress

Wallace Wattles, the author of the 110-year old book, "The Science of Getting Rich," states that "Man [and woman] may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance [this is what he calls God] by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him [and her]. Gratitude unifies the mind of man [and woman] with the intelligence of Substance, so that man's [and woman's] thoughts are received by the Formless Intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude." He states that when you frequently contemplate the mental image of what you want, "coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude," you set in motion the creative forces of manifestation.

Your stress is letting you know that you are doing the opposite of this - you are using your thoughts to create what you don't want and to try to control others and outcomes rather than to co-create with Spirit.

The major challenge here is about being in faith that all of this is true. You might know that this is true from the perspective of your loving adult, but your wounded self likely doesn't believe it. It is very easy for the wounded self to come in with thoughts of bad things happening, which moves you out of faith and gratitude and into stress. It is very easy for the wounded self to focus on how to try to have control over others and outcomes, which will always create stress. It is very easy for the wounded self to turn to junk food and other substances that bring the body out of balance and cause stress. It is even easy for the wounded self to try to use Inner Work and gratitude as a way of controlling God! It is so important, when opening to learning and moving into Gratitude, to make sure that your intent is to be loving to yourself and others, WITH NO OTHER AGENDA, rather than using Inner Work as just another way to attempt to control others and outcomes.

Stress Is Your Friend

Stress is your friend in that it is instantly letting you know that you are off track in your thinking and/or behavior. Instead of ignoring your stress or pacifying it with various addictions, which will ultimately cause more stress, why not do Inner Work and attend to it with a deep desire to learn about how you are off track?

When you really think about it, it is strange that our society tries so hard to get rid of stress with medications and addictions, instead of learning what it is trying to tell us. When you really get that stress is your guidance's way of telling you that you are "off the mark," (in the original Aramaic Bible, sin is translated as off the mark) in your thinking and/or behavior, you will attend to what you are doing to create it, rather than ignore it or try to get rid of it.

How To Teach Our Kids The Sense Of Responsibility

Children China Dance Chinese - Free photo on Pixabay

As parents, we want our kids to be responsible. We also want them to become dependable, honest, committed, accountable for their behaviors, accept credit when doing things right and acknowledge mistakes for them to be successful.

Sometimes, we, parents confuse obedience with responsibility. We would love our children to do what we ask, to follow directions and to not question our authority which is understandable when raising our children. However, this is not responsibility! These traits are in fact classified as obedience. Over time, we want children to accept ownership for a task or chore and our children do it because it needs to be done and accept that it is their obligation to do it. Over time, they may even initiate doing a task because it needs to be done not because they are being told to do so. This attitude is called responsibility not obedience.

We do not want our children to fail which can lead us to do too much for our children. When this happens, the children don't learn to take on the responsibility themselves. And I am no exception. I want them to achieve that I support them throughout even to the point of sacrificing my need just to sustain their needs in school.

It stressed me out when I need to give in to my kids' yearning because they do not want to be late in the submission of their projects. I want them to learn how to take charge when something when wrong or doesn't go according to plan. I do not want to take over their responsibilities but I also want them to learn in the process. Even if I feel like this but still worth it because each of them are really good in their craft despite their young age.

Right now, I am trying to set limits and boundaries, impose discipline, teach my children how they should behave, and give them guidance. By not meeting their needs immediately and not giving them everything they want, I provide them with an opportunity to tolerate some frustration, delay gratification, become less impulsive and less self-centered. By setting standards of behavior that I expect my children to meet, I establish consequences for breaking rules and I follow through on those consequences. I teach my children to be appreciative for what they have. It is through the executive role that I hold my children accountable for their behavior, and that in turn, fosters the development of a sense of responsibility.

But I am also a nurturing parent. I am kind and loving to my children. I listen to my children, support them, spend time with them, and are affectionate with them. I communicate my unconditional love - no matter what happens which allows my children to take risks, to make mistakes, knowing that they have my unconditional support and love.

REMEMBER: Children are more likely to accept the limits you set and are more likely to want to meet your expectations when you provide a warm, caring and supportive relationship that underlies the discipline you impose.

When our children feel capable, they are more likely to meet their obligations, volunteer for new tasks, try their hardest and feel good about what they do. These things will increase our child's sense of responsibility.

3 Tips to Deal With Stress

Stress Stress Stress... Personally, we hear this word 20 times a day, at least! We're all stressed, and we are constantly exposed to stressors: work, deadlines, rush, traffic jam.

The pupils dilate, and the heart beats fast to pump oxygen through the body so muscles respond instantly. The good news is that our body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Indeed, stress is the most common form of physiological reaction among humans and mammals worldwide, and in certain moments it helps us to survive! The bad news is: stress may be very dangerous!

Today, in our frantic and busy life, we all deal with stress and our bodies strive to adapt and keep balanced and healthy. It is important to know that a prolonged state of stress can have unpleasant consequences for our health, especially on the long run.

That's why it is important to understand how to face and how to react to the stressors of our everyday life.

Here is the top list of the best methods to fight stress. We tried several remedies and these are our favorites: the first two are anti stress objects, to use at work, at home or every time you're feeling stressed; the last two are natural remedies, extremely effective and self enhancing!


Stress balls are probably one of the most popular remedies known against stress. They are cheap, immediate, and it is kid of funny!

When we get stressed our brain has to channels: a sensory channel made of sight, sound, smell and feel, and an Intellectual channel which elaborates the information and our feelings in that moment.

When we start squeezing the stress ball, our sensory channel focuses on something different than the stressor, and the intellectual channel relaxes our body and our mind.

In this sense, any other object with this function is useful!

The important thing is to focus your mind on something different, for a while... These remedies don't guarantee a lasting remedy, unfortunately!

In this sense, the natural relievers could be of a little bit more of help.


Adaptogen Plants are a class of herbs, roots, berries with adaptogenic properties: when taken over a period of time help our body to perform better under stress.

Specifically adaptogens help our body to adapt, and so to restore quickly our internal balance normalizing the body release of stress hormones.

Some of the most effective adaptogens against stress are Seabuckthorn, Lycium (or Goji berries) and Reishi. Those herbs increase the body resistance to stress!

Stress is a condition of threatened homeostasis (a set of regulated internal conditions that allow us to maintain balance), adaptogens' active components make each cell of our body more intelligent dealing with stress and so to reduce the negative impact of all stressors on our physical and psychological well-being.

It gives us a permanent remedy against stress, helping us dealing everyday with the pressure, the anxiety and stress!


Take time to focus on yourself everyday! Yoga and meditation help us to control our thoughts, our anxiety. We'd only need 10-15 minutes once or twice a day in order to bring about more "mindfulness" and reduce stress or anxiety.

Yoga and meditation relax the body, relax the mind, giving us the opportunity to focus on our breath, and developing the connection between the mind and the body.

We tried them all and we can assure that they really work. Do you have any other suggestions? How do you deal with stress?

Forgiveness - What? How? And Most Of All - Why?

Forgiveness allows you to break free from bad baggage

Forgiveness - What? How? And Most Of All - Why?

Holidays are a tough time for many people because most of us have family issues. People are depressed either because they don't have a family, or they're depressed because they do and it's a mess. That makes the holidays an opportune time to talk about the subject of Forgiveness - what it is, how to go about doing it and most of all why.

What Is Forgiveness?

Hurt and anger are natural and normal responses when a wrong has been done to us. In fact, it is healthier to acknowledge that we were hurt than to pretend that everything is fine. It's not about whining, it's about honesty. Denial will turn into resentments that fester in dark places. We cannot heal until we are honest with ourselves.

But there is such a thing as 'too much honesty'; once we have felt our anger, perhaps stewed and grieved for a time we need to let it go or it will turn against us. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. We're the only ones getting hurt. It becomes a necessity to take our foot off the neck of the offender.

We cannot wait until the injury is healed. It is not like taking off a bandage after the wound has healed. In this case the wound cannot really heal unless the bandage comes off first. Forgiveness is not something we do for the offender; it is necessary to do it for ourselves in order to heal.

How To Forgive

So everyone tells us to do it but nobody tells us how. The reason there aren't any instructions for forgiveness is because it is not really a thing in itself.

Forgiveness is not a process one can follow step by step; rather it is an awareness we gain. As long as we are caught up in tunnel vision all we can see is the injury and the wrong that has been done. In order for Forgiveness to occur we must step back and see the bigger picture. In order to see the big picture we must turn to Truth.

The Blame Game

It seems that almost everyone has taken a certain amount of damage from his or her childhood. It seems that way but that's not really true. Truth is that we did not enter this incarnation with a blank slate. We already had a certain energetic frequency level; the same level at which we left the last lifetime. We picked our parents accordingly, based on a frequency that matched our own; otherwise we could not have attracted them.

Our parents were people who consciously or unconsciously made themselves available to bring us into this physical world. They lent us their DNA out of which our bodies were formed. Without them we could not be here. Regardless of their level of parenting skills we owe them a karmic debt of gratitude for this.

The Iceberg Principles teach us that in this Universe our life experiences are reflections of our own beliefs and perceptions. Although our family's criticisms, lack of support, and abuse were real it could not have happened unless there was a match to our own beliefs and perceptions about what we deserved. The level of esteem at which we held ourselves became reflected in our parent's treatment of us. Since most of labored under the belief that we are much less than perfect, our childhood experiences reflected this.

What this means for us today is that we can stop playing the blame game. We can stop assigning culpability for our experiences to our parents. If they had given us anything different we would not have been able to perceive it. It would not have been a match to us. We can stop meting out punishment; our parent's behavior was simply a reflection of our highest level of awareness for us at the time. Their treatment of us was the best we could imagine for ourselves then.

Experiencing God's Forgiveness | Our Daily Bread Ministries

The Best We Can Do

We do not come from our parents; we come through them. We share their physical DNA and we share a similar energetic frequency. This is the reason we appear so similarities to them. Bear in mind that the thing you most hate about your parents must also be in you, otherwise you could not see it.

My point is that you parents are people just like you. Just like you they did not come with a manual on how to act. Just like you they made mistakes. Just like you they can only ever do the best they can.

In some instances it might have appeared as if they were being intentionally mean. This might be true, however their actions were nevertheless rooted in ignorance. Nobody can hurt anybody else without first and finally hurting himself or herself first. If they had knows what they were doing to themselves, on an energetic, karmic level, they would not have done so. As it stood they were operating at their highest level of awareness. They may have fallen far short of proper conduct but it is still they best of which they are capable. Nobody can know more than they know.

Breaking The Cycle

Nobody can jump over his or her own shadow. The only way to break the cycle of hurt is to give them a break. Sometimes the very thought of giving a break to someone who has hurt us deeply is offensive but it is the only way to stop the pain that we are feeling.

The key to finding forgiveness is the recognition that everyone is always operating at his or her highest level of awareness. The moment we give somebody else a break we give ourselves a break, too. The moment we let them off the hook we can feel something inside of us let go. Our feeling for the other person may be less than loving but if we continue to hold them in condemnation we are the ones who continue to get hurt. As long as we hold on to our 'righteous anger' it is ourselves we hold imprisoned.

The Huge Pay-Off

Our family members reflect all of us. They reflect our worst in us but they also reflect our very best. As long as we remain focused on the bad we never get to the good. What we focus on always looms largest. As long as we remain focused on our family's mistakes we miss the good parts in them, and therefore we miss the good parts in ourselves as well.

Nobody's childhood was all-bad. No matter how horrible things might have been, there were happy moments that should be treasured but these moments remain locked away from memory as long as we only focus on the bad stuff. Unless we choose to end the cycle we can never experience the good again. Now however it is no longer on the offender; now it is us who is keeping the offense alive. We become the guilty party.

When we forgive the beautiful moments come back to us. This focus in the good is ultimately this is the only way in which we can finally; permanently heal the wounds of our childhood.

The True Spirit Of The Holidays

As you stop the cycle of anger towards your family - whether alive or dead - you break your own karmic cycle of ignorance and clear away the karmic misconceptions, which created the circumstances of your birth. You clean the slate. Your energetic frequency increases and you become ever more aware of your true nature, which is love.

As you become more loving it not only reflects in your own experience but also in the world around you. When you give yourself permission to forgive you literally make the world a better place and isn't that after all what the holidays are really all about?

10 Ways to Boost Self Esteem

There are many ways to boost self esteem. Self esteem is the positive or negative attitude one feels about themselves. Portraying yourself to be a certain way in your mind will eventually lead to disappointment. Here are ten ways that helps to boost your self esteem.

1. Avoid Negative People

Don't let people's negative perception of you lead you to start believing those negative thoughts of yours. When it comes to self esteem, your opinion is the only one that matters. Avoid people that treat you badly for this will start to make you feel bad towards yourself. Surrounding yourself around negative people will only make you act negatively.

2. Stop Trying to Please Everyone

You can't please everyone so don't try. Trying to please everyone will have you feeling unappreciated if you don't get that same treatment in return. Even though you should treat others how you want to be treated, you won't always get that same treatment in return. Not getting the same treatment in return is not a reflection of you, but them. Everyone's intention won't be the same as yours. Pleasing everyone is stressful. Don't rely on others to determine your self worth because of rejection. Don't expect things to always come out the way you expect it to. Be the unique person that you are. You don't need to seek validation from anyone. Never let the thoughts and feelings of not being able to help others affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

3. Occupy Yourself

Don't spend time thinking about something that makes you sad or insecure. Do the things you love to do to occupy your mind. If you are busy doing things you love to do, you're not going to have the time to dwell on negativity.

4. Get Support

It's OK to get the support you need when struggling with low self esteem. You don't have to do it alone. Having a good support system makes believing in yourself a lot easier. Communicating how you really feel shows that you are in tune with negative thoughts and really want the help. Being more open allows you to express all your feelings that you have been holding inside.

5. Forgive

You have to be able to forgive. Holding onto feelings of resentment will keep you in a state of negativity. Once you forgive yourself, you will be able to start to forgive others. Sometimes you have to change your perspective to see other's point of view. The past is the past and you can't change it so don't live with regrets. Having that sense of forgiveness is a relief lifted off your shoulders.

6. Be Confident

Never feel like you are ever worthless. Have confidence on both the inside and out. Encourage yourself and treat yourself with kindness. The more you practice treating yourself genuinely, self confidence will rise. No one can see your insecurities and lack of confidence unless you show and tell them. Having strong self esteem results from day to day activities and how you control the bad thoughts. As you focus more on the present instead of what should have, could have and would have, confidence will come easily. Are these thoughts factual? Do you really believe the things you think about yourself? Would you say those things about yourself to someone else? If you wouldn't, then avoid saying them to yourself. Being hard on yourself while having low self esteem will lead to depression.

7. Don't Compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel as if you're not worth it. Just because you feel someone has more than you, or is doing better than you in any type of way brings you down. There is no such thing as a life that's better than yours. Your insecurities shouldn't be a reflection on any and everything that someone says. Don't be so hard on yourself if things don't go exactly as you want them to. Know your own personal value.

8. Surround yourself around positive

Surround yourself around people who loves, cares, and accepts you just for who you are. It helps when family and friends remind you of things that you do right. If you expect to be treated a certain way, surround yourself around those people. Treat those who treat you negatively how to treat you. People see you differently than you see yourself. Openly accept the sayings of the ones who treat you good. This helps you view yourself in a different way other than how you view yourself. Hearing what people like about you instead of what they don't like about you puts your mind at ease. Treat others with kindness and the kindness will be returned. Being appreciated makes you feel better about yourself.

9. Make a list

Make a list of things you feel proud of. Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how big or small, it's always a job well done. When you feel your self esteem is not high, look at the list to remind yourself of your success.

10. Turn negative thoughts to positivity

Negative talk can cause you to respond negatively. Emotions run high when there is negative talk around. Instead of feeling overwhelmed from negative thoughts, accept them. Don't allow negative thoughts to influence your behavior. When you feel bad, you will only remember bad times. As you continue to think about things that upset you, it will cause you to act in such a way that's not appropriate. The way you feel has a major impact on thoughts and behavior. Your self esteem will began to improve as you learn to control negative thoughts. If you can't control your thoughts, you will never be able to control your behavior. Learn from past failures and turn it into positives.

Being aware of your thoughts and feelings uncovers the real issue. Just because you see yourself to be a certain way. Thoughts are just thoughts; not necessarily to be factual. Thoughts are normal and may seem factual, but they are just perceptions of the way things should be.

Why Releasing Pain From Your Heart Gives You The Freedom To Be Yourself

Love Must Flow Through You

Emotional pain strikes at the core of our being and can leave us feeling vulnerable in the weakest places.

Whether it's pain accumulated from childhood or an intimate relationship dissolving, there's a tendency to shut down afterwards.

People refer to the deep hurt that consumes them in the wake of a stressful experience. When they're asked where it hurts, they point to their chest.

This is because the heart gives and receives love. So when you experience sadness or disappointment, it is natural to feel your heart is breaking.

The term heartbroken refers to the heart being pulled apart through grief or sadness. The good and bad news is that none of us are immune to it unless you've been living under a rock, which I trust is not the case.

Nevertheless, you cannot hold on to feelings of sadness and disappointment because doing so means to inhibit life flowing through you. It is akin to building a dam from piles of rocks in a flowing river. Eventually, the force of the water will erode the rocks or find its way through it.

Author Davidji writes in Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation: "What has happened in the past can't be changed. We can't unring the bell, but we can move forward... and how you choose to move forward from this moment, is the choice that will determine the fabric of your life."

Whilst pain can destroy your self-esteem, it will naturally recede and open your heart again. Love must flow through you because your core nature is vested in love.

Despite the hatred and evil in the world, love is the most powerful energy. Its healing ability shows that it is a powerful force in our lives.

No doubt if you're reading this, you have been hurt before. Perhaps you are still carrying the pain and refusing to let go because who would you be without the pain?

It is difficult to release pain following a traumatic experience. There's a sense of numbness, and emptiness in places you never knew existed. It's natural to protect yourself by vowing never to be hurt again.

But as you know, the wall you build to protect you is the same wall that prevents love finding its way into your life. Remember my earlier metaphor of the dam built of rocks. Ultimately the wall will must come down if you wish to find the freedom to be yourself again.

"Vulnerability is an essential part of being human, and vulnerabilities are the doorways back into peace, joy, and love," explains author Mary O'Malley in: What's in the Way Is the Way: A Practical Guide for Waking Up to Life.

Heal Your Wounds

I want you to know it is natural to protect yourself.

It is natural to experience hurt when the pain is too much to bear.

It is natural to cry yourself to sleep because nothing else makes sense, other than to identify with your emotional wounds.

I know what it's like because I have experienced deep emotional pain throughout my life. However I assure you, in the months and years that followed, it was the most pivotal point in my life.

I discovered the emotional pain settles and what is left is a most beautiful and expansive energy of love that has always been there.

"It is important to understand that you turn your pain into suffering when you resist it," says Mary O'Malley.

I liken it to moon gazing where the clouds sometimes obscure the moon. Yet, when the clouds pass, a full moon reveals itself hidden briefly beneath the cover of clouds.

The same is true of your pain. You can hold on to the pain or choose forgiveness and self-compassion, so love flows through you once more.

The pain associated with heartbreak is the heart's shell breaking open so love can flow freely.

Mary O'Malley says: "The more open your heart is, the more you have access to your natural state of peace, well-being, and ease, no matter what is happening."

You are the embodiment of love. Pain and disappointment are transitory states unless you attach yourself to them.

Renew The Love In Your Heart

How do you let go of the pain?

First, forgive yourself and others who contributed to your pain. If you need professional guidance, seek a trained counsellor or therapist who can direct your healing.

Forgiveness is the entry fee you pay for the freedom to be yourself once more. If the wall you constructed is your shield of protection, then forgiveness is the doorway through it. It shows you how to find inner peace, knowing you can withstand the torrents of life.

Forgiveness is the key to a better life and the freedom to experience the gentleness of love within your heart.

It is author Matt Kahn who states in Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution That Begins with You: "Through the welcoming of any feeling, cellular debris is released out of your energy field."

Second, lean in to your pain and experience it at your own pace. Naturally, what you stow away builds energy, so the emotional wounds will consume you. I've spent the past decade coaching clients who experienced physical symptoms as a result of deferring their emotional pain.

In collaboration with trained therapists, I helped the individual to heal their emotional and physical pain so they were able to discover freedom within themselves.

By drawing on mindfulness and self-compassion, your emotional wounds can be transformed.

It was Jill Bolte Taylor, a respected neuroanatomist who suffered a stroke and wrote about it in My Stroke of Insight. She states: "It takes an emotion two-and-a-half minutes to move through your nervous system," even debilitating emotions such as anger, sadness or grief. Yet many people hold on to their emotions for decades, to protect themselves from being hurt again while creating physical illness in their body.

Psychotherapist Linda Graham MFT writes in Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being: "Processing an emotion entails perceiving it, acknowledging it, being with it, taking whatever information is useful from it, and then letting the wave move through the body (as it naturally will if we don't grip it or feed it)."

Finally, make peace with the part of you that feels anger, fear, sadness or grief. Accept these emotions instead of pushing them down. Let go of guilt since it keeps you trapped and does little to transform your pain.

I don't want to justify why bad things happen because I don't have the answers and if I did, I would caution you to run quickly.

However, what I can say is that I've experienced pain and suffering at the deepest level and know there's a reason why I attracted it. You may discover your reason or you may not.

Either way, I urge you not to focus on WHY an experience occurs, but how you can transform and heal the pain. Pay attention to HOW can you heal yourself and reclaim your freedom by renewing the love in your heart.

Only then will you have integrated the experience into the wholeness of your being and allowed the emotional intensity to dissipate through you.

After all, pain is not who you are, but something you experienced and you have the power to revoke anytime you choose.

Less Burnout, More Success: The Life-Changing Mindset Shift We All Need!

Woman Sitting on Yellow Flower Field

Many of us suffer with stress, anxiety, burnout, exhaustion and are desperate to escape from this pattern. At the same time, we feel driven to push ourselves in our careers and at home - rarely making time for ourselves or allowing ourselves the nurturing we need to actually thrive.

There's more to it though, often we push so hard that we end up making things harder for ourselves than necessary. Sometimes all our efforts to move forwards are actually counterproductive, and are in fact making things worse. It could be that you've effectively created a ball and chain attached to your ankle, rather than the amazing future you want.

In our western society, we are taught that action is the way to go - that if you want change, you need to set goals, make plans, and then take action.

All of this is, of course, absolutely true, and without goals, plans and actions nothing will happen. However, there's another side to the coin that we often forget...

There's a universal law that the more you push something the more resistance you get back - remember your school physics lessons?

You might already know that I started off my career as a conventional scientist, and I mean conventional... scanning electron microscopes, metallurgical grinding machines, mechanical testing machines, lecture theatres, research proposals, the works! Goodness that was a long time ago!

You'd have thought with such a background that I might have had some clue about this and could avoid this mistake. Alas, if I'm honest I was probably the worst example of this in the whole history of creation... or at least nearly the worst.

Here's the problem. Say we want a particular change in our lives - to get a new job, new relationship, lose the weight - we set our goal and start using all the techniques and actions we believe will get that result. Sounds perfect.

HOWEVER, here's the issue. If you don't see results immediately, you think you're not trying hard enough, so you redouble your efforts. You start pushing very hard in one direction and the resistance kicks in. Basically, when you push too much, you lock the whole thing up and nothing moves. You feel stuck and frustrated. So you push harder. And, you know what, when you push harder you make it even worse. What you create is a never-ending vicious cycle or self-sabotage. Result - only more frustration - stress - anxiety - exhaustion - burnout - despair.

If you want to truly create something, you need to give the universe room to move and do its magic. When we are busy pushing in one direction we are imposing our rigid specifications for the result, the timescale and the way it is going to come about. This is limited by our life experience, and what our brain can imagine. If we impose these things on the process, we may very well be shutting down the creation process altogether! Always remember that the universe has infinite parameters to work with, infinitely more than our little human brains. What if the universe had something 10 times better in store for us, but because if was coming to us via a different route we miss it or block it altogether? If we impose our plan and insist upon it, we can miss that opportunity and get nothing.

It took me a very long time to learn that lesson and I'll admit it's still a challenge to let go and allow things to flow, but I'm much better than I used to be.

So, here are my 4 essential steps to getting yourself out of that downwards spiral, and heading back towards flow, balance and of course results!

1) Shift Your Mindset

Creating the life we want is like growing a beautiful flower, not turning the handle on a sausage machine. Think of yourself as a devoted and expert gardener. When you plant the seeds, you don't bombard them with endless water fertilizer and keep digging them up to see if they are growing yet. You know this will kill the poor thing. When you push yourself mercilessly, this is what you are doing to yourself.

2) Assess Your 'Merciless Quotient'

Stop what you are doing. Sit down. Be honest with yourself. How are you treating yourself? Are you full of self-criticism, judgement, martyrdom, self-sacrifice, non-stop drive? If you are, then the truth is that you are actually crushing yourself. This is KEY.

3) The Law of Blossoming

This is what I call it! Remember those seeds you want to grow, whether in your career or your personal life? If you want them to grow, produce flowers and blossom, then you need to give them OPTIMUM CARE. Optimum care means NOT bombarding them and pushing them. Optimum care is an on-off approach. Give the what they need, then back off and allow creation to happen. Then provide what they need next, then back off again.

The same thing applies to your life. If you want results, set your goals, decide on your initial actions, take those actions, and then RELAX. Allow those actions to take effect. Allow the universe to respond to the messages you have put out. Give it some time.

When you get this, you not only magnify your results, but you also increase your wellbeing by releasing that pressure you've been imposing on yourself. It's a win-win situation.

4) Set yourself up to RECEIVE

Change your schedule to include time-out, rest and self-nurturing. When I say this, I mean time when you are not thinking about all the stuff you're trying to do and create! It is only when you get this let go that you allow the universe time and space to create what you want.

Remember, this will feel counterintuitive! But the truth is more effort does not give you better results. Pull back to receive more is the way it works.

Allow yourself to receive. This is probably one of the hardest things for most women to do. We are so used to giving, giving, giving, that we simply don't have a clue how to let go and allow something to come to us.

Remember, you can't make the bud open into a flower. If you try to pull the petals open you just destroy things. Instead, you just have to wait and let it happen without you.

The key to creating, getting the best results and maintaining your wellbeing is to stop pushing. Yes, set your goals, and take action, but at the same time think about easing off the pressure. Throw your desires and goals out into the universe, and then imagine everything you need flowing to you: the help, the resources, the inspiration, the opportunities the contacts or whatever else is required. Then be open to receive the results.

Shifting yourself into this mindset is both the best way to get lasting results, and also the best way to maintain your wellbeing, health and happiness.,-More-Success:-The-Life-Changing-Mindset-Shift-We-All-Need!&id=10245047