
The Last Great Confidence Secret

Thank you for reading my article The Last Great Confidence Secret, and because you are reading this I know you are a fellow seeker of more confidence, and that excites me.

As you are a fellow seeker of more confidence, it's all right for me to reveal to you the Last Great Confidence Secret. This is a secret that never quite gets revealed by confidence "scholars". I've read hundreds of articles on confidence, read book after book, and tried to stay awake watching video after video on confidence (most online confidence videos really need to be better thought out) and they never reveal this secret.

I know that the Last Great Confidence Secret is both going to thrill you, but also disappoint you.

So what is the Last Great Confidence Secret?

Without further waffle I can reveal that the Last Great Confidence Secret is:-

There is no secret to being confident!

"What" you say! There must be some:

- Magic,

- Trick,

- Secret,

- Formula,

- System, or

- Key to being confident? There must be!

Sorry, there is not. If you ever want to be confident, you should stop looking for such things - right now.

The secret to confidence is that it's a skill just like any other. A skill that can be researched, studied, learnt, memorised and practiced.

I told you you'd be disappointed didn't I?

But here is the thrilling part.

But the fact that confidence is nothing special and is just a boring bog standard skill, is really good news for you, because you are an expert at gaining and becoming very good at boring bog standard skills. Just think about it. Everything you know now, and I mean everything, at one time or another you didn't know anything about these skills and had no experience in them. Now you are an expert in these things.

If you put your mind to it - very soon you will be an expert at confidence, and will as a result - be very confident.

And now to the practical part.

I hope by reading the above you've:

1 - Realised that confidence is no more than a skill like any other skill, so it can be learnt, studied, and practiced, and

2 - Decided that you want to and will practice this skill of confidence.

If you have come to the above realisation and decision, the next bit is for you.

What you need to do now is to ensure that you study confidence every day for the next year. You may think that doing this is hard, but it's not. As long as you set it up in the right way. And I am now going to show you how to set it up.

All you need is a bit of spare paper, and a pen (or an electronic equivalent).

What you need is a list of every day for the next year, including today. Either create or print off a readymade calendar. I usually use an A4 sheet of paper, which I print out columns as the months and horizontal rows as the days in each month.

Once you have this divide the year into quarters. I usually do this by getting four coloured pens and outline each quarter in a different colour.

Once you've done this, all you need to do is:

In the 1st Quarter - just spend a minimum of 5 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 2nd Quarter - just spend a minimum of 10 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 3rd Quarter - just spend a minimum of 15 minutes researching confidence each day.

In the 4th Quarter - just spend a minimum of 20 minutes researching confidence each day.

And each day once you've done it, just mark your sheet (I do this by filling in the day with green highlighter).

Doing this is really easy to start, as five minutes is roughly the time it will take you to websearch then read one webpage on confidence.

If you miss a day, don't stress about it, just carry on the next day. All I do is mark the day on my sheet with a red highlighter, and forget about it.

If you do this and use such as sheet, I guarantee that in one year's time you'll be:

(1) Much more confident than you are today,

(2) Be set up for a lifetime of increasing confidence.

So before you do anything else, and I mean, do it NOW,

(1) Decide that you'll do this,

(2) Produce your sheet, and

(3) Get your first five minutes done, and marked off.

If you do this you will have discovered the Last Great Confidence Secret.

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