
Your Presence Is an Everyday Projection of Who You Are

Man in Black Suit Jacket Wearing White Headphones

To live life fully ought to be mandatory. If it were, it would instantly be the cause of forming an action group to protest about the invasion of one's individual liberty and freedom of choice. It would, also, need to take into consideration the many examples of individuals who are constrained, through no personal fault, because of incapacity, physical or otherwise, from fully engaging and participating in life's opportunities and challenges.

Limited though one's opportunity may be, for whatever reasons, the morning brings an additional 24 hours that need to be met and confronted and if one has the physical and mental capacity to engage, it seems a terrible waste of the value of that time not to exploit it and maximize what ever opportunity it presents or allows us to create.

Only a limited number of Einsteins grace the Earth but each individual brings a unique package that composes their own persona and allows them create an insight, perspective and comprehension of what each day presents. It is in that space that the individual has the capacity to triumph; to see, appreciate and interpret those day-to-day situations and circumstances and stamp their meaning on them; it is within those internal contemplative configurations that, while perhaps only lasting seconds, the individual has ownership of how they perceive and how they will respond or react to the world around them.

All of the incidents and instances of life are made up of those milliseconds and either fade into oblivion or grow into something of benefit and value depending on how they are first conceived, perceived, interpreteded.and actioned.

In the day-to-day manifestations of those instances, we each have opportunity to assess how best we may respond with the gifts we have at our disposal to create something of use to others from what is presented. We ought not to wait for the, "Big Bang", type of occasion or opportunity. There are frequently chances to offer just a word of kindness,;offer a helping hand to someone struggling with a heavy load; offer a meal or drink to someone seeking help; offer to shake the hand of a stranger and welcome them into your community; offer a compliment to a stranger serving in a store or driving your bus; write a note of thanks or encouragement to someone in need.

There are many opportunities that we pass each day when a little effort and awareness on our part could just make that difference.

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