
What Matters When Your Opinion Doesn't Matter

I had a clash with a guy. He took a property of mine and I calmly told him to return it. I was surprisingly calm. The guy flared up, and started saying all sorts of stuff. I was barely listening but I heard clearly, "Does this guy think I am a small boy?" I left him immediately and never talked about the stuff afterwards.

There was a day I was scrolling through my chat list on a social network and saw a message I hadn't replied in a long time. Out of surprise of having not replied in such a long period of time, I sent, "WTF?" because I was surprised I hadn't replied. The young lady replied immediately, "What? Is it because my hair looks untidy in my profile picture? Or what?" I just closed the chat without replying her message.

I decided not to respond to both parties because of a similar reason, a similar problem. Both individuals lack self-confidence.

Self-confidence is simply a trust in oneself. This is broken into different instances. There's the case of self-assertiveness, self-absorption, self-awareness, self-consciousness, self-containment, self-contentment, self-denial, and a whole nest of them. They all amount to one thing, PRIDE.

Over the years, I have done a lot of self-analysis. I know myself; my strength and weaknesses. Even when you have the zenith amount of self-control, slip-ups are meant to happen. When the slip-up happens, the response from the concerned personality would add to, or decrease from their confidence in self. The essence of self-confidence cannot be overemphasized. There's a wide margin between boldness and self-confidence. Self-confidence does not necessarily mean I can talk in the same gathering as five thousand other persons.

Lack of Self-confidence implies that a person does not have trust in self, which leads the individual to seek answers from those around. A lack of trust creates unanswered questions, it moulds fear in the person till the person is forced to go elsewhere to dig out answers and soothe the pain the fear creates. I left the two persons I talked about in my illustrations because I didn't want to add to their problems. They were speaking their fears through me and I was in no mood to fill the void created by the lack of confidence.

A friend 'told' me, "Who do you think you are? What have you achieved?" I just smiled and he probably felt stupid. I had a conversation with someone recently and she declined being associated with her mates, whom she felt inferior to. I sought for the reason and she said she would join the association once she got admission into a university. I told her that her current state meant nothing. I went on to tell her that if she lacked confidence then, getting admission wouldn't give her the confidence. Self-confidence isn't a belief in the Material, it is a resolution; a belief that stems from the belief in the immaterial grown in oneself.

Personally, my philosophy is simple. If my esteem is called into question, then there is no deal between us. A dent in one's self confidence can lead to a million falls. It's like a network with a million wings. It dampens morale, it discourages, it leads astray, it diminishes value, and it kills!

Roughly 25% of the people I have met have been prejudicial against me, but over time I have been able to win over about 20% of them. My actions have won them over, they respect me, and the other 5% have their personal issues, everything I say is wrong to them. The point is that even when people stereotype, when they get scared of your great knowledge and strong personality, and fight you, you have to keep strong, and discard all the negative energy.

You are a special package, no one equals your potential. You have billions of cells who have no other duty but to serve you. A whole you shouldn't be ridiculed and dismissed as worthless.

Someone once told me, "Your opinion doesn't matter to the world". I just smiled, and said to myself, "it matters to me." My opinion on the music, hairstyle, celebrities, philosophy of life and every other aspect of your life is what matters. You are the king of your world, and every time you feel intimidated, remember you are a king in your own right. The best anyone should be able to do is advise you, try to influence you.

If I get the privilege, I will write more on this later. I hope the little I have written for now would stop you from being harassed, insulted, and ordered around aimlessly, and kill any doubts that may be/have arising/arisen in you! You are better than you were yesterday!

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