
The Wrong Side Of The Right Plan

Woman in Gray Crew Neck Shirt Running on Brown Soil during Daytime

Nothing has to go to plan for us all to benefit from what happens. That is what I mean by the title: The wrong side of the right plan. We all seem to want absolute perfection, but with perfection comes boredom and never discovering anything new or exciting. The wrong side of the right plan is also quitting without looking at alternatives just because something does not go "perfectly" or in an expected way. Expand your horizons and realities to include wide arrays instead of the narrow and ideal plans working, and things will genuinely be better than if you took the "narrow view of things".

I admit, plans work to the extent that we work the plans. But to expect a perfect result every time is genuinely neurotic at the most and frustrating at the very least.

I used to wonder what would happen if we had perfect lives without problems from the start, sometimes I would even go into a reverie and wonder about that. Then, I saw movie stars, news reporters with high salaries and people with "perfect lives" by the "normal standard" faking it, and having breakdowns, divorces and unhappiness. I did not wonder why, I could only think to myself, if life is not interesting, we make it interesting by creating neurotic imperfections. So, I came to a creative conclusion, only earned perfection or a peaceful after strenuous work or horrible storms is valid to people, because it is earned and not given. Think about what I mean by "if life is not interesting, we make it interesting". Reality is a game of give and take right? Full of obstacles and rewards after the obstacles. If life was just smooth sailing, we would wonder what we are here for.

The real winner starts out behind in some ways or all ways. They end up ahead because they accept the mantle of earning their way, building their strength, and making it all really interesting. The real loser starts out ahead without a seeming problem, but they get lazy and sometimes pathetic, because they feel they have such an advantage or advantages. It is like the classic story of "The Tortoise and The Hare", and how it always ends with the tortoise winning what they earned, while that lazy and advantaged "with speed" tricky rabbit with all "the advantages" always loses due to overconfidence. Being a real winner is like being a strong blacksmith, at first the blacksmith cannot lift the hammer, but at the end he creates swords and shapes metal with that same hammer through natural resistance and natural strength created by their efforts. Three last words: Think about it.

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