
Message From the Universe: Take Risks When Investing

Man Raising Right Hand

"If I were a business professor and you were my student, today's lesson might sound like this:

In the "real" world, it's better to have loved and lost, tried and failed, dreamed and missed, than to sit out your turn in fear. Because the loss, the failure, and the miss, however painful, are merely temporary market adjustments, soon forgotten. Whereas the love, the adventure, and the dream are like investments that, for the rest of your life and beyond, never stop paying dividends.

Buy low, sell high -
The Universe"

As being myself a finance degree holder, I can relate to today's lesson. If you are not taking risk in the financial market, you will never experience the excitement of making money, or losing it. There are risks with everything you do in life but don't realize it. Leaving your house every morning to head out to work is a risk in itself, but for the common mind, the rebuttal would be: "things that are out of my control do not represent plausible risk for me as I have no choice if today is my last day on earth. If God wants it to be, then so be it". This logic makes sense, but risk are still there, whether you have a say in the matter or not. When it comes to investing, you do your research, choose the selected stock and wish for the best. In day trading, we buy and sell the same day in the hope of making a profit after all expenses paid. If we refer ourselves to relationships, day trading isn't the best way to go as the investment has to be for long term. Let's look at it as a mutual fund. The name is properly used not just in financial terms but also when you start a relationship with your significant other. You MUTUALLY are ready to invest time and effort to make the relationship work. You MUTUALLY put in the energy and support for each other and ready to do anything in your power to make it a success. You MUTUALLY respect each other to avoid any condescending remarks that might hurt the other person and leave scars between you too.

Let's say after all of that, you feel that the relationship isn't going anywhere. Even though you put the effort, the time, the energy, the focus and whatever else you feel you genuinely did to make this work didn't pan out the way you expected. Like any portfolio, you change your investments, switch things around, look for more conservative approach so you can see some positive changes for the years to come. Some people ignore these signs and keep their investment without making proper adjustments. In the long run, they see their investment dwindle just like their relationship. They hope that the market will change in their favor and keep their portfolio as is, just like their relationship. Eventually, patience runs out and leave you scared to invest more as you lost so much with the previous investment. This in return, creates fear in your approach of investing in the market OR relationship. Like any professional investors will tell you, you will win some and lose some but always get back on your feet and move forward, no matter what. If you keep this approach healthy, all your future investments will be done with proper research, careful analysis in past performances, studying financial reports and then jump into trading. Will this also work with your personal relationships? Definitely. Just make sure you take the time to know that person before you invest anything. Once all is clear, take that risk and see where it takes you.

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