
Message From the Universe: Time to Built That Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

"Of course, you chose your life. Your time and place of birth. Your parents. Your leanings and inclinations. Hair color. Height. Your savoir-faire (French for "Know-how"). So that now, on a stage of your own design, you'd have all you need to become all you want.

The Universe"

So if everything in your life is a choice, might as well choose happiness. If you create a path that is inclined to being successful, you then work your butt off to making this path a reality. Question is: "How much you want it?" How hard are you willing to work to make all this happen the way you imagined it? The concept of self-fulfilling prophecy is working in your benefit. Repeat the positive over and over again and thus shall you receive it. By exploring your inner self, you are opening doors to your subconscious that is able to control more than what you conscious mind can comprehend or fathom. There is NO limits to what your mind can do. You can become all you want at any time in your life as long as you are self-aware of who you are. When you look at a bridge that allows you to cross from one town to another, it can be difficult to imagine the logistic behind its construction. The amount of material, professional knowledge, hours of work, amount of people involved to make all this happen. Let's not forget the cost here as it being phenomenal. It all started with blue prints, requirements, the need of a bridge that can connect two sides of a river or bay that can allow citizen to cross and encourage economy on both sides. If the needs arise, people will built it. So, if that can happen, why can't you do the same for your own life?

Your brain has two hemisphere, the left and right brain. Most right handed human beings will use their left hemisphere to create communicative patterns that allows them to function in society. Right side hemisphere is mostly focused on geometrical forms with double or triple axes, which are more towards being mathematical geniuses. Let's move towards the metaphysical side of consciousness and subconsciousness. There is also a bridge that can be built between these two sides of your internal capacity of controlling not just what is around you, but controlling the outside world as well. If you are able to create a bridge between both consciousness and subconsciousness, you can resolve how the Universe works. Your brain capacity will be above and beyond what any human can imagine or even understand. There will be NO limits. Most humans can use at most 10% of their brain capacity, but by building that bridge within your own mind, you can use up to 40 or even 50%, depending on how much energy and time you put into it. Do not despair, there is no deadline here. It's a life long change that needs to start TODAY. So what are you waiting for? Oh yes, you might need some tools for that right? The best way to built that bridge is MEDITATION. There is no lumber or aluminum beams or studs needed to built that bridge. Good old meditation is a good start to creating that path in your mind so you can start living your life at your full potential.

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