
How Your Anger Problem Can Turn Deadly

Girl With Ice Cream

Can you remember the last time you were really angry? How did your body feel? How did your brain feel? Could you feel your blood pressure spike? Could you feel the surge of adrenaline? These aren't good for us.

Hormones: If there is anything good about anger the reduction of cortisol might be it. Cortisol is called the stress hormone and a good case of getting mad does reduce it.

Fight or Flight: Anger causes other hormones to be released into the blood stream. These hormones increase heart rate, change breathing patterns and reduces the ability to concentrate. The increase in the heart rate can lead to an increase of blood pressure. Those who already have a blood pressure problem could be at risk very quickly.

Harming Others: Let's say you're driving down the road and someone cuts you off. You've already had a bad day and now this. What are you going to do?

Anger hormones cause our brains to bypass rational reactions. If we allow them to take over the driver who cut us off may become a victim of road rage. I don't know about anyone else but I have had this occur and while it's a struggle not to react it is something that can be done.

Heart Disease: Even if you don't currently have heart disease being an angry person could change that. If you already have it angry outbursts are likely to cause a heart attack or a stroke.

What to do: While not all anger is stress related, stress is often at the back of an outburst. There are two ways to handle it. One is before you get angry and the other is when you feel it happening.

Before: Spend a little "you" time. Go for a walk at lunch. Don't eat at your desk while working through this time period, treat yourself to an actual meal. Use deep breathing and meditation to help when you feel stress building up.

During: You have to make a conscious decision to stop being angry. It's hard but that's the first step. Then begin to use your stress relieving strategy. Walk away from the problem. Do some deep breathing and meditate.

In case you are wondering, meditation is for all faiths and can be used by those with no faith. Choose what helps you to center yourself and feel calm.

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