
Message From the Universe: Looking at Life With a Different Lens


"I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows. But, perhaps most of all, I wish for you the glorious breadth of experiences you are now poised to receive, so that these tidbits are mere icing on the cake of a life that's rich in adventure.

Huge hug,
The Universe"

Stop focusing the on bad things that happens to you and look at the big picture. To make an omelet, you will need to break some eggs. You can't really expect to be successful in life if you do not take any risks. When venturing into something new, we fear that the business wouldn't succeed, or wouldn't make enough money, or whatever other negative thoughts our mind can create. Why not do the opposite? It's not that hard at all. Just a little bit of effort and focus, the rest will come easily. Do not worry about the amount of hours you need to put into work to make it successful as all ventures requires different level of investment on your side. Quality is crucial, even though we focus too much on the quantity of hours we invest and forget what's really important. Work smart, not hard. Be open minded when it comes to different opportunities and see how you can make things better by changing things around. Sometimes all you need is a small tiny change that can make a huge difference in your business. Invest the time to know what that might be and the rest will come easy. Do not despair, the solution to all your problems is right around the corner.

After the rain and storm comes the sunshine and rainbows. We need to live through some storms to enjoy the good times coming into our lives. This is how the concept of appreciation is purposely integrated in our mind. IF all was great all the time, how can you appreciate anything? Same goes for entitlement and how people can feel like they are owed everything because of who they are. Sorry to disappoint you but life doesn't owe anyone anything. By eliminating this concept from your mind, you can start by looking at things differently, with a more positive outlook and be more appreciative to the good things that happens randomly in your life. Remember that everything that happens TODAY is based on thoughts that you had created 6 months ago. Unless you write down every thoughts you have on a daily basis, it can be hard to remember your thoughts from the past. So just make it a habit to eliminate the bad and allow the good thoughts to fill your subconscious mind and eradicate fear at all costs. You want to focus on what you can do today to guarantee your immediate future, either it be for your financial security, or adopting a new exercise regimen to get healthier so you can live a longer and happier life

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