
A Kick From Inside And The Wake Up Call From Outside

Sometimes you get kicked from outside and awakened from inside. With that said, here this article comes at you. Think about life and existence when conditions become stagnant and even stalled for a moment. Our wake up call will happen in a way you do not expect from outside and in a way you have been subconsciously expecting from inside. For those of you who have been awakened from this sort of sleep you know what I mean, for those of you who have not, you will know what I mean when the stall in growth and change has been reached.

Sure, my first paragraph was somewhat cryptic and can easily be misunderstood, so let me make it plain in this next sentence: We all get irresponsible sometimes, and we need to awaken from that irresponsibility. Whether it is dealing with problems at home, problems in our mind, or wherever they may immediately be for us. We need (and ultimately want) to get moving on them, or they will become worse and worse, not better by themselves. You know, like an untamed forest needs to be manicured and pruned to be controlled, so our lives need the same thing to not be uncontrolled and untamed.

Responsibility at a basic level is the beginning of control, consistent action is what makes responsibility work though. Consistency and responsibility are the conscious core of our humanity. Without them, we would be nothing but automatic chaos without consciousness. What I mean is where there is weakness there is unconsciousness.

Look, life can be what we believe it is, but first we have to take responsibility, and create what we want through consistent action. These are both a kick from inside of us. Outer conditions are really controlled by this shake up and consistent action with this shake up that introduces us to reality once or again.

To end: This article is under the heading of "anger management" because this wake up call is not always desired, in fact it makes us angry and indignant if taken the wrong way either from inside of us or outside of us. "Waking up is the hardest thing to do in the morning" the old saying goes, but waking up is really hard when it comes to all growing pains of life and existence. This responsibility may be a hard pill to sometimes swallow, but we must take it if we want to grow better for and to ourselves.

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