
Poverty And Poor Mentality

Man Eating

Although the subject expands into sizable length of pages, however, I am exploring the core concept of the theme. It is defined that poverty is multifaceted covering social, economic and political concepts. The body's most basic need is the food. Subsequently, it follows the dwelling, and later it needs to be governed to meet both the ends. Since, our existence from time immemorial until the present era, people are divided into two distinct categories viz; the rich and the poor. However, the not so poor are labeled as middle class.

Poverty which signifies, and associates with poor people have it own checks and balances. The majority of people suffer from economic hardship and drift aimlessly into wilderness of ignorance and become arrogant. This particular aspects boost their unacceptable behavior, which affects the rest of people in the dwellings. Of-course it is not a thumb rule, but it signifies reality of life. It is also a fact that the society in distinctive dwellings faces expectations and experience volatility of human mindset. Here, it is important to evaluate and understand the behavioral pattern under different circumstances.

The affluent class of people influence the law makers to modify rules and regulations, which govern their interests best. Accordingly, the government agencies alter the laws and by-laws at the cost of poor and middle class. It means that these people have to bear the burden of the wealthy people. This starts the resentment and stimulates arrogance among the poor.

The poor and middle-class people prioritize their needs in a myopic way. The reason is very obvious because of their immediate requirements and commitments. Their desire to follow the rich people's lifestyle makes them a victim of materialistic attachments. This rigmarole makes most of them vulnerable and frustration creeps in their mind. Consequently, their mindset adopts a typical mentality which is governed by jealousy. Gradually, this mindset develops a poor mentality which makes deep inroads in their lives' cycle. This damages their thinking to such an extent that even they become rich their thinking remained unaltered.

The part and parcel of stagnant intelligence are the manifestation of their lives' style. It also shapes their personality according to their mindset, which distinctively reflects myopic behavior in their married lives too. This is the crucial point on a crossroad of their scared relationship on marriage journey. The repercussions would be disastrous if measures are not taken in time and appropriately.

It is, therefore, necessary and desirable to ascertain their attitude and views on life prior to tying nuptial knot or establishing friendship. Psychologists and other doctrine of varying faith have expressed unequivocally and clearly to avoid these alliances. They emphasized that being poor is not a crime but having poor and ghetto mentality is cancerous. The lives of people from elite background, financially sound dwellings have suffered the greatest. They consider divorce will not only affect their own lives but also tarnish the children in a profound way. This reason alone is enough to make the poor mentality people to take upper hand.

The alternate is to analyze and carry out daily routine in a more practical aspect rather than follow ritual rites. It is a proven fact that these mentalities have its own views about lives' checks and balances. These people never budge an inch, and they become more adamant and develop a heavy negative mind. They also develop friendship with like-minded people and tried to Influence others to tag along with them.

Poor mentality is the attitude of a particular mindset which thrives on being ungrateful and unthankful. It is the manifestation of ignorance, which fails to see many opportunities in and around. Thus negativity creeps and absolved like wrap and weft of a fabric. A famous saying holds good," One rotten fish makes the pond's water dirty."

It is advised that such people should be treated with caution and mold them gradually to be more broad-minded and better human beings. They should be asked to join groups who are sensible and matured and encourage them to look beyond their narrow mind horizon. They should be reminded that opportunities do not knock the door repeatedly. They must swim with the rising tide failing which they will remain in shallow water.

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