
How Do You Cope When You Find Others Sometimes Bothersome?

Photo of Women Talking While Sitting

Why would you find others sometimes bothersome? Simple, it is their problem. They cannot cooperate or relay something they want or expect from you directly. So they nag at you and that is when they begin to pester you and get on your nerves. How do you cope with it? Read on to find out.

Here are a few scenarios and tips:

1) Give them a tactful and diplomatic response without getting mad when they nag at you without giving you any clues. Ask them if you can be of some help to them or if something is bothering them.

You have tried to be open and given them the opportunity to cooperate. If they are unable to communicate, forget the whole stuff and go ahead and enjoy your day. They are the last people on this earth you allow to make you pissed off.

2) They are bothering you by stealing roses from your garden, which you have tended with effort, pouring all your heart into the task. So what do you do? Simply confront and rebuke them strictly but without showing off your temper. Then they will never ever dare to step into your garden again.

3) Your spouse is pestering you with the rate he is smoking cigarettes. It's bad for him, your child and finally you. Without showing your anger, deal with it coolly. First of all bring up the topic of the welfare of your baby child and gradually hit your point. Tell him cigarettes will cause serious harm to your growing baby child. It will seriously affect him as well as you. Can't he think of quitting it? He can get help from a physician. Would he do it? This will make your spouse to start thinking and gradually take proper action.

4) Your little children are bothering you while you are cooking. They constantly demand your attention. Train them to help each other, do something creative and keep themselves busy. You buy them coloring picture books and crayons and teach them in your free time how to color the pictures. While they start to keep themselves busy and you are done with your cooking, look at their work and praise their efforts. That way they will never ever make you pissed off while you are busy.

5) Friends bother you about joining them in workouts or swimming exercises. While these help to keep you healthy and in good shape, you feel other things are more important to carry on in your life. Don't hesitate to decline their offer in a polite way. Tell them: Not now but maybe later when I am more free.

Summing up, those are five subtle ways people can really get on your nerves. Teach yourself to handle those problems in a polite but stern way and then everything should work out perfectly and you can go in your own sweet ways.

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