
Message From the Universe: Controlling Your Thoughts = Controlling Your Future

Woman Holding Yellow Petaled Flowers

"Thinking is life's only variable.

Everything else was settled a long, long time ago.

Sittin' pretty,
The Universe"

Unlike a monthly mortgage which is a fixed cost, your thoughts will vary depending on your feelings or whatever else is happening in your life at that exact moment. If you are happy, your thoughts will be of positive nature, and the opposite is also true. Hence, the reason as to why your thoughts varies on a daily and even hourly basis. However, the thoughts that comes across your mind today are actions that will come to fruition in the near future, so the good or bad cycle continues to take effect. If your thoughts are good and exciting today, you will feel and experience things that are good and exciting in the near future, which is why it is preferable to always stay positive and happy. Easier said than done right? I agree, however, do you really have any choice? What are your options here? Continue allowing yourself to think negative and expect positive results? Seems to be to easy to be true but it is. Happiness is not complicated, as well as creating thoughts that originates from your own mind. I agree that you have NO control for others thinking, but we are talking about you now.

So what is will your next course of action? Negative or positive thoughts? Feeling depressed or happy? Life will throw you difficult challenges, that's a given, but how you react to these challenges is within your control. You can either respond to everything with emotions or just figure out the best probably solution that will allow you to brush off that challenge and move forward. Your mind can figure out all plausible solution, do not underestimate its capability. The key is to take a breather, understand the existing challenge, analyze all possible solution, choose the one that fits your needs and trust your instinct. Whatever you decided is what will work for you. Do not allow others to choose for you as you will have to deal with whatever consequences to whatever choices was given. Might as well be your own. If pointing finger to others is what you do best when things go wrong, then allow others make decisions for you and allow them to control your life. For all others, men up and live your own life. You only have ONE to live.

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