
Control the Mind

Woman Wearing Yellow Button-up Long-sleeved Dress Shirt

Your mind is not designed to get results. It is just neutral energy which works in the direction that you want it to.

For example, if you channelize positive energy your mind makes everything else work and when you lose control of your thoughts, it blocks your progress.

It is interesting to note that positive thinking needs efforts; however, negative thinking comes in uninvited and spoils the hygiene of your mind. Both positive and negative thoughts try to beat each other on a daily basis, and the winner determines your state-of-being in this world.

Thoughts determine actions and therefore it is vital to know what is controlling the mind. In most cases, it is negative thoughts.

A negative mind makes you feel like a victim of life. It fills you with fear, anger, and jealousy making you a bitter person.You will think life people as unfair and become rude or diffident. You make the subconscious mind work in the reverse order and fill your mind like 'I can't do it,' or 'I don't like my job,' or 'no one loves me,'and eventually, you make life look difficult and challenging.

On the other hand, the positive mind is always seeking success. It is ready for self-improvement. It believes in creating a world of possibilities for self and others.

It is filled with trust, happiness, and understanding. The mind is full of positive thoughts like, 'I choose to 'succeed,' / I trust people / they will support me,' or 'I will make my dreams come true.'

The right way of thinking invariably keeps you focused and fills your life with joy and results.

Take stock of your life right now! Be truthful to yourself and find out what controls your mind - the positive or the negative thinking?

If the answer is negative then it's time for action. Catch yourself being negative and enforce a corrective action for every thought and every word that you utter. It is as simple as that!

It is said that you become the average of the five people you hang around with, so avoid the company of winner and cynics and choose to be powerful, successful and happy people.

Your actions today will be determined what you will become tomorrow, so act positively. Stay focused on your goals work with passion and commitment to make them a reality. Expect challenge along the path and face them a with confidence. Do not get bogged down by temporary setbacks. Take responsibilities for what happens to you, no excuses, no blaming others for your failures. Keep fighting failure until you achieve success. Keep fighting negative thinking up till you convert it to positive! The game is on, are you ready?

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