
If There Is Not A Way, Make A Way

White and Gray Dolphin on Blue Water

Life is simple. But, what we want to do with it seems complicated. All we have to do is live now, not later, not yesterday, but now. The future is genuinely predicted by how well we do now really. But, who wants to admit that it is that simple? I do, because the past and the future is not where the cold, hard cash power is.

If I could fake it, I would not. I would and will be creative for real though. How many people would honestly say that though? Some would go for the slang "go for the best bootleg you can and do not look back", others would come close and say something like "I will fake it until I make it." But, the best way to be is to be for real and be with integrity. Because, even if the consequences are "bad", you can say, I did it honestly.

The NBC news anchor Brian Williams influenced this article and some of my past pain influenced it also. Spinning a web of lies is something you pay for even if you move the whole thing "two miles down the road", it catches up with you. But if you are for real all the way through, what can catch up with you? The glory of being real, honest and true. That is it, never a justification. Never a fear of being caught. Just reality being what it is in all its glory for good or bad, that is it. So, when I say in the beginning that life is simple and what we do with it seems to be complicated. All I mean is: It is simple, it is only complicated when we lie, embellish or fully fear the truth and honesty of the matter. Evasion is the ultimate weak point in everything. Facing it may not always be desirable, but at least it is honest and sometimes the most creatively courageous move we can make for ourselves in our existence.

So, when I say the words "make a way", you were expecting some "exciting", "thrilling" way to evade that honesty of now, today and reality, right? Sorry, not here, not now. Especially not in this article. Reality works with honesty, but it becomes "complicated" when you try to be genuinely dishonest. Note the first part of the sentence is simple, but the second part is extremely complicated. Especially when you try to practice it.,-Make-A-Way&id=8918216

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