
Never Let What You Can't Do Interfere With What You Can Do

Man Holding Microphone Stand

It's it difficult to keep our focus. I think it has something to do with things or events that we allow into our lives to distract us. Not all of these things are bad in nature, but they become a problem when we allow them to distract us from viewing at life.

There are various things that competes with our time. The moment we allow them to take too much; we lose our focus. We don't have to cut these distractions out entirely, we just need to keep them in check.

No one can serve two masters at the same because the tendency is either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. Do one thing at a time and try to manage your time efficiently.

We should not dwell on regrets. It's important to understand that it's normal to commit mistakes and failures. What's important is how we learn from them. Stop looking back, forgive and forget and then compile all those lessons you've learned to move on with life. Never let regrets or disappointments distract you from reaching your dreams and aspirations in life.

Becoming complacent is also important in doing what you want. It's one thing to experience happiness and be content with yourself but never let yourself get so comfortable that you're no longer hungry for change. You don't need to change anything especially in your personality. Do not do something just to please others. Make sure that it makes you feel good and secure. I am sure, you would already be wildly successful.

What you're doing today can always be improved on and enhanced if you allow yourself a room for improvement. But still do it for yourself not for others. Keep your drive strong. You can always afford to learn something new from your everyday experience and even from the people that surrounds you. They might criticize you but in the end, you alone, can decide for yourself. Don't allow their words to affect you. Never let anyone define who you are.

Though, I am willing to bet that there's at least one part of your life you'd like to change or improve, but you might not know how. Maybe you know what to do but don't have the energy or motivation to even start. Just be open for change.

Don't let what you can't do interfere what you can do. Those things are just one per cent of your total being. You can learn from those negative comments and do better as long as you are willing to give a try. In other words, we don't get a choice about living our lives if we allow our circumstance to affect us.

Bottom line is the fact that we need to know what matters most to each of us.

Most of us live in a life defined by other people who believe we need to know or who we need to be. But honestly, what we do is nobody's business. It is ours alone to make.

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