
Genuine Success Comes In Work Clothes (The Stepping Stone To Greatness)

woman wearing grey striped dress shirt sitting down near brown wooden table in front of white laptop computer
The rejection or the rejection letter seems like a horrible thing, does it not? Well, it is good if you can persist through that seemingly permanent defeat, and make it genuinely temporary. Some of the best realities in life come after the worst defeats we can suffer. I mean think about this particular scenario: H. Richard Hornberger or Richard Hooker as he is known had his novel about three Army Doctors rejected so many times that ultimately something good had to happen with it. What happened with it? It became a popular novel, motion picture, a television series and ultimately a cultural icon. (Yes, I am writing about MASH, or Mobile Army Surgical Hospital)

I would mention more temporary defeats and seeming setbacks and disasters, but I just mentioned that to "wet your whistle" on what I am writing about to make the point. The point is: Real winning comes looking like a training ground of disaster and hard work. Oh, it is easy to have the silver or gold spoon in your mouth and have lauding without earning it and before even doing anything, in fact before you fall flat on your face out of the gate of really trying to do something with that burden, it feels wonderful to get the prize (for a second) without earning it. Indeed, genuine success comes in work clothes, training, understanding and development. Not unproven lauding and unearned praise before even starting to do anything. Sure, some people succeed without knowing what they are doing from the start and get lucky, but ask them to repeat that sort of success, usually without amazing blessing, they cannot repeat it. I use the word "blessing" in this case instead of the word "luck", because if that sort of providence can be repeated without knowing what one it doing, that is more than just luck, that is a blessing. But if that blessing does not happen after the initial luck, it is a curse when you fall flat on your face without knowing what you are doing, really.

Any way it goes, the earned way is the best way to do it, because you do not depend on luck. Genuine understanding and repeatable knowledge of success is always a blessing. The best way to do things is when success comes in work clothes as a stable stepping stone to greatness. Luck without a foundation even with repeatable blessing and not any genuine knowledge anchoring it will always sink ultimately. But, greatness that is real with knowledge and genuine understanding at its base always beats the luck and blessing without that knowledge every time. In fact, I will say here that luck and blessing combined with earned understanding is the ultimate winner. That is reality. The fantasy is the easy way out that depends on luck purely. After all, "nothing is worse than a muddy tuxedo" to end with a little humor and a hint at what I really mean by the title of this piece.

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