
Message From the Universe: Avoiding Challenges

woman sitting on floor and leaning on couch using laptop

"I know this may come as somewhat of a shock but of your innumerable and extraordinary gifts, one day you'll consider your present day challenges as the greatest of them all.

Trust me.

Now, wasn't I good to you?
The Universe"

Every day present its own challenges. Every day is different in some shape and forms. Schedules are different, your responsibilities, your actions, your behavior towards different events happening during that day. We might feel we are doing the same things over and over again, but from an outside perspective, it is different. But different is good, changes are important to always keep things exciting about life. Today's challenges might be extremely tough for you but when tomorrow comes, you will realize yesterday's challenges weren't such a big deal after all. The reason is because you are learning to handle them the proper way and becoming more mature about it.

So by changing your inner world towards being more acceptance of these difficult challenges, you are actually building an immunity to how it affects you. You are changing the perception by making decisions based on facts and without any panic. You are changing your behavior so you can look at things optimistically. When crap has to hit the fan, it will hit it no matter what. The question is: Will you stay in the trajectory of the crap coming towards you and panic about it or will you "Matrix Move" it ( When Neo bends backwards to avoid gun bullets from Agent Mr. Smith). The choice is yours.

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