
Anger Management Through a Spiritual Experience (By Norma Holt)

praying woman inside church

Anger is an emotional response to hormones that are raised by situations and frustrations. It is most prominent in people with incapacity to think outside of the square and who respond violently to almost anything they can't handle. The trigger is usually something small that is blown up in their minds to a major problem. Name calling, for instance, can lead to murder and ridicule and bullying to a mental health problem in the victims.

Anger is not, therefore, a condition of the brain but an emotional response linked to other emotions, such as crying, violence, and withdrawal of an individual from society. When it subsides there is often embarrassment and sometimes regret on the part of the perpetrator while victims are left traumatised and possibly also angry.

History shows that anger on the part of governments have led to wars and the death of millions. Religious leaders have expressed their anger in the torture and execution of those not of their 'faith', while many have suffered extreme violence at the hands of their bishops or others claiming to work for God.

Behind it all is ignorance and disconnect with the spiritual guide within. This is something we are born with but it is quickly severed by claims that it is 'original sin' and must be overcome by admission to a religion. Baptism serves that purpose. The tools of persuasion are heaven and hell.

My reincarnation proves that neither place exists and that we have all reincarnated as promised for the end of the day. That time is fast approaching and all who have lived before are back as noted in prophecies in the Old Testament (Isaiah 26:19) and in the massive spike in population. That means that all who dictators, murderers, and such are back and they are once more doing their worst.

My link to the Spirit of the Universe, the real God, led to a commission to tear down the wall of blindness and confusion and bring in the harvest. That includes all who are now pouring out of religions and finding like company in spiritual groups. They have no anger but love and gratitude while those not part of this outpouring grow ever angrier. They are committing acts of terror and violence against anyone and everyone they can target and are ready to kill off the world.

No one can stop what is happening because God is angry. The evil of this world springs from lies that built up the wall so a thick fog hangs over it like black goo that is impenetrable. Now comes the retribution as stated in prophecy:

"Everyone that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined with them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled and their wives ravished." Isaiah 13;15,16

People who find their link and turn with all their hearts to the Spirit are led away from the danger and the anger they felt subsides. They focus on the connection and they experience healing miracles and peace beyond understanding. This is the spiritual experience that provides a better way to manage anger.

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